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Top Cities for Homebuyers

Want to find out the top cities for homebuyers to move to and where they are moving from? Hint: affordability and a quieter way of life are motivating factors. Find out if your city is in the mix.

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Photo: Michael Saunders & Company, a member of Luxury Portfolio International. From: Leading Real Estate Companies of the World®.

The Best Options for Homebuyers

There has been a mass exodus of homebuyers from coastal cities with high taxes and expensive homes to so-called "second cities." According to the real estate analytics site CoreLogic, what were those homebuyers looking for? For one, homes with more indoor and outdoor space, more affordable homes and homes in locations in states like Texas, Florida, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee, many with year-round warm weather and plenty of outdoor amenities. With no state income tax, Florida was especially appealing in this time of geographic transition among homebuyers. Find out the top 15 cities that buyers flocked to, and the 15 cities that saw the biggest migration out.

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Photo: Shutterstock/Matt Gush

1. Riverside, California

According to CoreLogic, realtors in 2020 said that more than half of home sales were the result of virtual tours, with the homebuyer never even physically visiting the property.

The average home cost in Riverside is $436,288 compared to an average cost of $989,157 in Los Angeles, which may explain why Riverside was such an attractive option to homebuyers who wanted to stay in California.

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Photo: Ricymar Photography, flickr

2. Lakeland, Florida Metro Area

Secondary cities like Lakeland and Winter Haven, Florida near larger ones like Tampa are big on homebuyers' lists. They offer all of the benefits of a slower pace and wide open spaces with quick access to big city amenities like concerts, great restaurants and cultural offerings.

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3. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Metro Area

Towns that might have once been seen as strictly vacation destinations are becoming more appealing for homebuyers seeking out great weather and ready access to natural resources.

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