Jason Priestley Sounds Off On Broken Friendship With Brad Pitt

Jason Priestley Says Fame Broke Up Friendship With Brad Pitt

Before "90210" and "Thelma & Louise," Jason Priestley and Brad Pitt were just two unknowns waiting for their big break. Better yet, the two soon-to-be teenage heartthrobs were actually friends.

But once fame came a-knocking for Priestley and Pitt, their friendship faced a challenge.

"Our careers went in such different directions that we sort of lost touch with each other," Priestley told HuffPost Live's Caitlyn Becker in an interview on Thursday, May 8. "Brad went off and was making movies all over the world, and I was sort of stuck in one place making a TV show, and it was back in the days before computers."

"It kind of tore apart our whole group of friends that we had," he continued. "The fact that the two of us went off and got strangely famous -- we had a pretty good group of friends and all of a sudden we all sort of dissipated, and it was sad."

"We were all struggling and all sort of messing around in Hollywood," Priestley said. "Those were really fun days, and I think, ya know, those friendships that we all formed and those times that we all had are times that I look back on fondly."

Watch Jason Priestley's full interview with HuffPost Live:


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