Social Media

Fentanyl overdoses have become a leading cause of death for minors in the last 5 years or so — and social media, where tainted, fake prescription drugs can be obtained with just a few clicks, is part of the problem.
Here's how to tell if this innocent online behavior is actually doing more harm than good.
"Star Wars" actor Mark Hamill honored the man who provided Darth Vader's voice with just two words: "#RIP dad"
The "Big Little Lies" actor drew backlash from fans when she reposted the former first lady's letter regarding the July 13 campaign rally shooting.
The supposed TikTok hack for withdrawing large sums of money is an all-too-common scam.
"It is difficult to hear some parents say that their children know better. My child was smart. But he was also a boy with a 15-year-old brain."
"I once boasted that I could reach 1 million people in one minute. Then — poof. It was all gone."
A campaign spokesperson has been trying to redirect focus away from Trump's alarming reposting binge.
“I try not to be judgmental on people, but when I see a well-tended gutter, it says a lot about somebody,” the vice presidential candidate said.