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Business Partners & Authorized Training Centers

Business Partners

A business partner with the ICCP may jointly offer certification programs and request ICCP's assistance to create new credentials for their own needs and the industry as a whole.

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    Organizations and individuals may apply to become an ICCP Business Partner with the objective to collaborate on joint projects such as conferences, workshops, a joint certification program, testing partnership, testing. If requesting a joint certification program, there is a requirement for the partner organization to assess the market demand and provide ICCP with an initial job skills profile. Business Partners may over time be invited to join the ICCP Board of Directors as a constituent society. Constituent societies manage the ICCP and fund their representation on the Board by providing two board members and actively promoting (marketing and selling) and hosting ICCP examination workshops and testing plus providing volunteer names for examinations development. 

    Please note that there is a $350 application fee. Please fill out the following form. Once you submit the application, you will be directed to the payment page. 

Transforming Data With Intelligence (TDWI) is an ICCP Business Partner. TDWI offers the Certified Business Intelligence Intelligence Professional (CBIP) credential through a business partnership with the ICCP.  While ICCP develops the assessment standards and examinations TDWI delivers world class educational programs and conferences.
The CBIP program is the most popular internationally recognized program in the data industry about 5 times better recognized than any other. CBIP holders earn over 20% more income than non-holders.

The Associate BDMP was created in partnership with Genpact Industries (NYSE:G) ​for individuals coming from the business side of the organization and working extensively with data analytics and business intelligence to address the shortage of data scientists and to assure employers they were getting quality applicants - with internationally and externally validated skills.

Coming Soon.

Authorized Training Center

Authorized training centers (ATCs) enjoy access to ICCP's endorsement, promotion and invitation to teach customized courses on-site at customer locations. ATC's may also be invited to run training workshops at ICCP Partner Conferences. ATC's also access ICCP's examinations and training materials at low cost. They may pass on those savings to their clients.  Below are some of our ATCs.

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    Organizations and individuals may apply to become an ICCP authorized training partner and two routes:

    1. Authorized Training Center:

      • Have one or more trainers qualified at the Mastery or Principal level of ICCP Credentials or are prepared to develop your leading trainers to that level of preparation.

      • You have a sound professional development program and experience in educating professionals in industry

      • You have been in business for a number of years with a sound reputation gained through successful programs for business & industry

    2. Authorized for Professional Development Credits

      • Conferences or training workshops may be annually pre-approved for Professional Development Credits for ICCP Members

      • Must offer discounts to ICCP members to attend your conferences.

    Please note that there is a $1,500 application fee. After admittance evaluation you will be awarded a certificate of approval. If you do not qualify, ICCP will reimburse you your fees (less $250 administration and evaluation costs). Please fill out the following form. Once you submit the application, you will be directed to the payment page. 

The DMC-Canada and DMC-USA programs provides a 2 day conference  and 1/2 day workshops. Bootcamps at these conferences prepare individuals for the ICCP credentials such as Certified Data Scientist, Certified Business Intelligence Professional, Certified Blockchain Professional, Certified Data Professional - these are available to registered attendees on a "pay-if-you-pass' basis.

NAIT Polytechnic - computer training center - located in Edmonton Alberta Canada hosts the Data Management Conference - Canada in the fall and offers many courses on preparing for ICCP Examinations.  

IBM has been a long term ICCP Busines Partner in Certification, Credentialing and employee skills assessment.

ICCP Examinations may earn you degrees based on getting academic credits for examinations passed and credentials earned. This is especially useful for military personnel and those individuals who started late in life due to personal situations and may not have been able to complete an academic programs or are just short of a few credits. Excelsior University collects and assesses your credits - no matter where to you got them and then gives you an assessment, assigns, mentors and helps you achieve your goals.

ICCP Examinations may earn you degrees based on getting academic credits for examinations passed and credentials earned. This is especially useful for military personnel and those individuals who started late in life due to personal situations and may not have been able to complete an academic programs or are just short of a few credits. Western Governors University collects and assesses your credits - no matter where to you got them and then gives you an assessment, assigns, mentors and helps you achieve your goals.

BPM Institute/SOA Institute runs educational programs that satisfy the educational needs for ICCP certified professionals in the Business Process Management and Service Oriented Architecture arenas.

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