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Welcome to iDiaspora

Migrants and diaspora communities are recognized for their invaluable role in society due to their rich cultural contributions, diverse voices, and their economic contributions to the countries they live in and come from, including philanthropy, entrepreneurship, and innovations. iDiaspora provides a platform to share your voice, to gain knowledge, and to engage with the global community committed to the importance of diaspora.


Becoming a member of iDiaspora will bring you closer with diaspora and expatriate communities globally for sharing your work with others, but also finding inspiration and new opportunities. You will have access to regularly updated news, relevant resources, learning and funding opportunities.
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From research to training materials, groups around the world are creating resources for transnational communities. iDiaspora aims to bring together resources from variety of partners in one place in order to help individuals and organisations in diaspora get the information they need to effectively engage as developmental actors.
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There are many ways to give back but its not always easy to find an outlet for our efforts. iDiaspora aims to link those that want to make a difference with concrete opportunities to forge a better future.
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Join the Diaspora Organizations Training Survey (DOTS) with Cécile Riallant

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Remittance as a source of lifeline

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Road Map for Engaging Diaspora in Development

We need your help!

iDiaspora is a developing platform and we need your help to continue to grow. We are looking for ideas, thoughts, and opinions to help us innovate iDiaspora.

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Diaspora engagement

Diaspora engagement has to potential to become a practice of choice for the public and private sector. We need to narrow the gaps in connectivity, knowledge and opportunity between these sectors to realize this potential. I sense iDiaspora is an important step-change in this journey and is a platform I look forward to seeing flourish.

~ Martin Russell, co-founder of the forthcoming DiasporaLab

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What's New

IOM Rwanda
Event Calendar

Engaging Diaspora Talent to Tap into Opportunities in Rwanda's Finance Sector

The Government of Rwanda The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – Rwanda Community Abroad (MINAFFET – RCA) in partnership with The Ministry of Public Service and Labor – Chief Skill

iDiaspora Newsletter - Issue 6 - April 2024

In this sixth edition of the newsletter, you will discover that iDiaspora, representing IOM, has been selected to participate in the inaugural UN Pulse Accelerator cohort. This distinctive program aims to scale innovative solutions from pilot stages to broader implementation, driving transformative change across the UN System.
Event Calendar

Save the Date: Global Diaspora Virtual Exchange on Powerful Transnational Partnerships

IOM Diaspora 4 Climate Action
Martina Castiglioni

Diaspora Climate Champions

Are you part of the Bangladeshi, Ghanaian, Jamaican, or Moldovan diaspora in the UK? Are you passionate about climate action?  We are looking for up to 20 people to become Diaspora Climate Champions and inspire change within their communities.
Daphne Henning
Event Calendar

Strengthening mapping capacities and coordination of humanitarian assistance with diaspora organizations

The impact of diaspora contributions goes far beyond remittances because they give affected communities a lifeline before, during, and after disasters by sending medical missions, sharing skills, strengthening infrastructure, providing medicine for sick family members, and coming up with creative solutions to close gaps in the responses of traditional humanitarian actors.
Daphne Henning
Event Calendar

Crisis Response Simulation

While diaspora actors have long contributed in various forms to humanitarian response efforts in their respective Countries of Origin (CoOs), most of this involvement has historically been ad hoc. These contributions include contextual knowledge, local connections, quick mobilization, financial support, and volunteers.
Blog Entry

Unlocking Transnational Potential

Author: Larisa Lara
Event Calendar

Diaspora Economic Potential for Sustainable Development: Proven Strategies, Best Practices and Results

The Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) Summit, through its Roundtable 3 “Diasporas: actors of economic, social and cultural development of regions”, recognizes the contributions of diasporas to the sustainable development of their countries of destination and origin.

Explore iDiaspora by Region