The IFPA Women’s North American Championship Series is an annual pinball competition with players qualifying throughout the entire calendar year. Included in the WNACS are the IFPA Women’s State Championship Series in the United States and the IFPA Women’s Provincial Championship Series in Canada; anyone with interest in running the IFPA Women’s District Championship Series in Washington, D.C., should reach out to the IFPA directly.

At the end of each calendar year, the top 8 ranked players with the most WPPR points based on open events and the top 8 ranked players with the most WWPPR points based on women’s-only events will qualify for the playoffs, where they will compete for the title of IFPA State/Province/District Champion within that area.

From there, these champions will be invited to play for the IFPA Women’s North American Pinball Championship, details of which can be found in the Official Rules.

All 2024-25 IFPA State/Provincial/District Championships will be held on Sunday, January 19, 2025. With all of the Championships being held on the same day, no player will be eligible to compete for multiple titles; however, it is possible for someone to qualify for a Championship in a State/Province/District in which they do not live.