All Episodes

July 24, 2023 61 mins

Raven & Miranda sit down with one of Hollywood's hottest names: actress, singer and TV host, Keke Palmer, to let the wheel dictate another engaging hour-long conversation!How did Keke come to grips with her own sexuality? Does Keke believe in ghosts? What does Raven own from the personal belongings of Miss Cleo? And will Keke win a ceramic, mouse-shaped succulent pot for her garden? We have the answers to these questions, and so much more, on the new episode of The Best Podcast Ever!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
Oh yeah, it really is my favorite song.

Speaker 2 (00:19):
It really is. I can see that, like this theme
song is an actual bop. It's true you love it.
I'm glad you love it so much. When we had
to choose our theme song, you were.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Like, that's the one.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
Oh remember.

Speaker 1 (00:31):
It was such a journey. We had like eighteen tracks.
I felt like I was trying to do my seventh
album over here. Hey, what's up, everybody? Welcome to the
best podcast ever with a raven A Mowanda Hella babes.
What's up?

Speaker 3 (00:47):
You know?

Speaker 2 (00:47):
I'm just here.

Speaker 1 (00:49):
She is just here. My wife is a little sick.
She's a little under the weather. But I told her
the other day and maybe you guys can tell me
if I'm being an asshole or not. But I was like, BIPs,
I really like it when you're sick. You're so sweet
and kind and cuddly and lovable.

Speaker 2 (01:08):
And she was like, what, because this is also the
first time in the entirety of our relationship that you've
ever seen me sick.

Speaker 1 (01:16):
What does it feel like to have not been sick
for the last five years of your life?

Speaker 2 (01:21):
Well, I have been sick over the last five years,
but you and I were broken up when I was sick.
So when we were dating in twenty sixteen, fifteen seventeen,
not sick three years whatever, twenty sick fifteen. You know,
the years change in the middle of it. You know.

Speaker 1 (01:41):
I heard it happens when they say happy New Year.
That's when the year changes.

Speaker 2 (01:45):
I started dating in August twenty fifteen, and then January happens.
You're not actually with that.

Speaker 1 (01:51):
Person, It's a hyphenated year that you were together. AnyWho.
So you were sick without me. This is your first
time being sick.

Speaker 3 (01:58):
With me for real.

Speaker 2 (02:01):
It feels like being fucking sick.

Speaker 1 (02:03):
But have I been a good nurse to you? The pause,
the pause.

Speaker 2 (02:09):
Of it all. You've been sweet, you've been fine, You've
been how you normally are.

Speaker 1 (02:13):
So I'm not nurse ratchet. Everything's cool.

Speaker 2 (02:15):
Yeah, you're not, Mommy dearest, You're not nurse ratchet.

Speaker 1 (02:18):
What would you have liked me to have done for
you while you were sick?

Speaker 2 (02:20):

Speaker 1 (02:20):
What can I improve?

Speaker 2 (02:21):
On the pause again, there's no nothing. I like to
be left alone when I'm sick. I have moments of
I do I am such an independent, sick human I
want to I still do all my stuff unless I'm
really sick. When I was sick in twenty twenty, I

was sick February twenty twenty. You guys figure it out.
I calculate that I had gone to New York end
of January. First week back in LA I got really,
really sick. That was the first time I was totally
by myself where I was like, Okay, I can't I
can't like go to them for anything, like you know.
I just was so debilitated, and I had to call

upon a friend.

Speaker 1 (03:07):
Wow, you used a lifeline.

Speaker 2 (03:09):
I had to use a lifeline and say, Hi, can
you please? And it was funny because we didn't really
understand what COVID was at the time, but she still
was like, I'm going to do a contact less drop off.
She left me like groceries outside my door, and that
was hell crazy.

Speaker 1 (03:24):
I find that being sick really does prove what kind
of human you are, if you can push through challenging moments,
or if you have to, you know, just break down
and just everything goes to shit, you know what I mean.
I find that when I'm sick, it depends on my
sickness how how I do, Like a cold I can handle,

I'm like this sucks. But if I'm like sick, or
if it's after surgery, I agree that I'm like, can
you do this?

Speaker 4 (03:54):
Can you do that?

Speaker 1 (03:55):
Can you do like I suck up the help.

Speaker 2 (03:59):
I haven't had soies to have an after effect from so.
I mean I had my wisdom teeth, I had my
wisdom teeth removed, but I was fine. I didn't. I mean,
I got really bad infection.

Speaker 1 (04:12):
And why what happened?

Speaker 2 (04:15):
Because I told the doctor that I was very sensitive
and as a result, he prescribed me a lower dose
antibiotic and.

Speaker 1 (04:27):
They just weren't wild.

Speaker 2 (04:29):
But you know what I was thinking about, because I
have been sick and I was gonna ask you this.
When it comes to physical sensations in the body, I
think that my two favorite sensations might.

Speaker 1 (04:44):
Just be that flickity flick I'm just playing.

Speaker 2 (04:47):
What no, And I'm not talking about like an orgasm. Okay,
like I'm taking those off the line, but I'm saying
other things. But I think two of my favorite sensations
are when your ears pop when they've been a super plug,
and when you get the congestion out. It's that nose
blowing moment where you're.

Speaker 1 (05:08):
Just like hallelujah. I say, I piggyback on the congestion out.
But I like it when it's the loogie, like when
it's like from the throat. Oh my god, I just
feel it and it's like, yes, I did it, and
it's like a masterpiece.

Speaker 2 (05:25):
What are other physical sensations that are.

Speaker 1 (05:28):
Just like yes, I like it. When somebody sucks on
the inside of my arm, I'm speechless. Okay, sucks on
the Who who does that to you?

Speaker 2 (05:44):
Is that something that Cassie does in your dream? I
don't know? Wow, who's doing that?

Speaker 1 (05:50):
Yeah, Cassie does it in my dream?

Speaker 5 (05:52):
You know what?

Speaker 2 (05:52):
You also love? What when I pull everyone listened clearly,
when I pull on her ween, she loses her ship?
And what is that?

Speaker 1 (06:04):
You might be a honey, google it. Let him think
about it. Okay, go Google.

Speaker 2 (06:09):
I want to tell my funny Weenis story.

Speaker 1 (06:11):
Wait, but hold on, I'm not finished with me.

Speaker 2 (06:13):
Because you know what, you and Tony Shaloup have that
in common. I guess it doesn't both like wenesses.

Speaker 1 (06:19):
So when you binge your arm, that little crease that's
facing you the elbow, well, the inside of the elbow.
If you latch onto.

Speaker 2 (06:29):
That with a mouth or hand of mouth.

Speaker 1 (06:33):
And then you know, proceed to suck on it. It's
almost as good as the weakness. Hmm. I'll do it
to you later.

Speaker 2 (06:43):
You'll like that I can't. I mean sure, I'm down
to try anything, babes. That's not something that I was like.

Speaker 1 (06:48):
I like you, when you're sick, You're down to try anything.

Speaker 2 (06:53):
She's always down inside of my elbow. I mean, okay,
so you love that you love an inside arm.

Speaker 1 (06:58):
Suck it was very drampire suck.

Speaker 3 (07:04):
It is mine?

Speaker 1 (07:06):
Oh so good, suck it is mine?

Speaker 2 (07:08):
What else?

Speaker 1 (07:10):
Well, everything's sucking for me. I like to move my
tongue like I like to make shapes with my tongue,
and then I like suck on my tongue, which is
really weird.

Speaker 3 (07:18):
You guys.

Speaker 2 (07:18):
I know, I definitely thought you were going to say
that feeling when you like really have to go to
the bathroom when you finally go there, because.

Speaker 1 (07:26):
That's a whole nother lime.

Speaker 2 (07:27):
I'm talking about ears, popping your nose, releasing I just
physical things like I was thinking about them because I've
been so congested. I'm like, what else does this body
of mind do?

Speaker 1 (07:37):
I mean, of course, after you have a massive meal
and you sit on the couch and you're massaging Zibelle
and then you feel that gas bubble and you're like, ohh,
and then I disappear for an hour and a half.
It's probably one of the best feelings.

Speaker 2 (07:51):
You know what I wonder? I wonder if the things
that people like have anything to do with their astrological signs.
Like I'm a Leo and I love it when my
ears pop. You're a Sagittarius and you love the inside
of your arm to be sucked. I wonder if other
sages and other leos would be inclined to like these things.
And why do I wonder that, Well, it has a

little something to do with our guest who's coming on today.

Speaker 1 (08:17):
Wow, what a transition. I was fucking sugned.

Speaker 5 (08:23):
The But you know what, you know who might know
the answer you is literally our guest because she is.
It's so hilarious to me in regards to how much
she knows about signs.

Speaker 1 (08:34):
I would have never guessed that our guest today knew
as much about signs as she did. Like, I don't
dabble that much. I dabble in numerology, but she knows.
She's like, oh, you're a leo and a sage that
means this, this, this, and bam.

Speaker 2 (08:46):
Literally the first time that I met her in person, Yeah,
that's right, it was hilarious to me. First of all,
for everyone listening. We ended up photo bombing this person
she was getting out of us. She gets of her
black car, there's paparazzi, she's like doing her moment and okay,
she's doing her moment and we walk up behind her

and just photo bomb her. So great and then she's like, hi, y'all,
she's so happy to see us, so sweet. You end
up walking in the back way with her, like it
was fantastic for us. Timing was ideal. But literally, she
gives Raven a big hug, Hi, Raven, how you've been,
looks at me, Oh my god, I feel like I
know you because I've seen you on TikTok and whatever.
And then she goes, wait, what's your sign? Literally the
second thing she said to me, And I was like,

I love you.

Speaker 1 (09:31):
Yeah, she's amazing, but I love her for other reasons.
I think she is one of the most talented young
women in our industry to date. I feel like she
is a quadruple thriplet threat, meaning she writes, directs, acts, sings, produces,
she's a mama, she's a daughter, she's everything.

Speaker 2 (09:51):
And most recently we saw her in Nope not.

Speaker 1 (09:57):
It's not another photo edit.

Speaker 2 (10:00):
No, it's NOPE stands for something not of planet Earth.

Speaker 1 (10:06):
That's what it's stan.

Speaker 2 (10:07):
And I learned that.

Speaker 1 (10:08):
I was like, that's sick, y'all. Do you guys know
who we're talking about, because we're talking about Kiky Palmer.

Speaker 2 (10:17):
Oh my gosh, it's the Queen her Kiky.

Speaker 1 (10:23):
Welcome to the best podcast ever.

Speaker 4 (10:25):
Oh my gosh, thank you for having me you guys.
I'm so excited for the lives you guys. This name
makes you have to live up to a lot. I mean,
the best podcast ever.

Speaker 2 (10:33):
What it's us? We have guests like you.

Speaker 1 (10:36):
It's like, go walk amazing. But we do have the
best actress ever on our podcast right now. It's like,
how many films has ys?

Speaker 2 (10:45):
And also, Kiki, I just want to say, you look gorgeous. God,
those who can't see you right now listening, you look stunny.

Speaker 4 (10:54):
Like I and obviously you guys always look amazing.

Speaker 3 (10:57):
I love you guys.

Speaker 4 (10:58):
How many movies haven't been in I don't know at
this point at the I mean, I don't know, it's
over fifty. I don't know.

Speaker 3 (11:05):
I've been in a lot of being movies, TV shows.

Speaker 4 (11:09):
It all blurs together after a while. I'm sure you
know it's like shit, I just been doing something.

Speaker 1 (11:13):
What I love, you just been working. What I love
is when we went to go see your film that
she wrote, direct, lit, edited all the things, she did,
costume design, did the makeup for, and acted all the roles.

Speaker 2 (11:26):
And don't forget she was the grip.

Speaker 1 (11:27):
She was also a grip.

Speaker 3 (11:28):
I hate y'all.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
So man, she was background was the background. It was fantastic.

Speaker 2 (11:35):
She was transpo.

Speaker 1 (11:36):
What I loved was that you showed the younger you
in home movies saying how much you wanted to act
and do this. And my question, my first question off
the bat, is when you were younger, you knew that
you're about to do fifty plus movies or were you like,
I mean, it would be nice, but did you know
or were you just hopeful?

Speaker 4 (11:57):
I mean, I think I felt like I wanted to
be successful and I didn't know what that looked like.
I don't think I knew or conceptualized like doing a
bunch of.

Speaker 3 (12:05):
Movies or even fame.

Speaker 4 (12:06):
Really, I just knew that I wanted to do this,
you know, I mean, be successful, do it and be
able to do it for a long time. Like I
knew early that I loved it and I enjoyed it,
and I just wanted to do it.

Speaker 1 (12:18):
Who in your family kind of.

Speaker 3 (12:22):
Is it?

Speaker 1 (12:23):
Does it run in your family? Is there anybody else
in your family that has that bug?

Speaker 3 (12:26):
Yeah? It does.

Speaker 4 (12:27):
My parents, My parents were My parents were a bit
of the kind of people that were like dreams deferred,
and so.

Speaker 3 (12:33):
They talked a lot, a lot a lot about like.

Speaker 4 (12:36):
They romanticized acting, you know, performing and all that kind
of stuff. They met in theater together. My mom did speech,
my dad did speech. They met doing speech. Then they
went to college, and then after college they ended up
doing like theaters at the Black Ensemble Theater in Chicago,
and so they both were performers and they would talk

about it and that was like a part of their
love story, and it kind of I feel like it
like muted into me and I always like when they
mentioned the opportunity for me to try it, I was like,
oh my gosh, yeah, because I think obviously it made
me so connected to them and their love and then
it became it was obviously something that I personally had
a passion for too.

Speaker 2 (13:15):
It's crazy to hear that because I have a similar
story but a different result. My parents met in the
theater fell in love. My name is Miranda because they
were in The Tempest together, which is a Shakespeare play,
and they both went on that journey and my dad
ended up moving. My parents are from Buffalo, New York.

They moved here. My dad worked in the studios and
worked at CBS and Warner Brothers, and my mom was
a really kind of like was booking and working as
an actress, had a bad experience with a director. This
is like obviously before me too, movement and all that stuff.
It stopped her. And then when I kind of showed
interest at a young age, both my parents were like

absolutely not. My dad, being like a studio executive at
the time, was just like actors are kind of the
worst and not a way.

Speaker 4 (14:03):
That's insane that your dad was a silo executive. That's insane.

Speaker 2 (14:06):
Yeah, it is. I mean that was his whole career
and he was very successful. He worked at Warner Brothers
for twenty nine years or something. Wild.

Speaker 3 (14:14):
Oh my gosh, Miranda, that's insane.

Speaker 2 (14:16):
Yeah, but it was. But any interest that I had
in the industry in front of the camera, I was
told no, And wow, that's why I'm doing it now.

Speaker 3 (14:26):
But I'm so curious. So wait a minute.

Speaker 4 (14:28):
You yeah, so you so you would be like on
movie sets as a kid, had.

Speaker 1 (14:32):
To be right, Oh, totally.

Speaker 2 (14:34):
I was on sets. I would come and visit my dad.
I was on you know, the back lot of Warner
Brothers driving, and I learned how to drive at three,
not like drive for real, but at three years old,
I was golf carting the steering wheel.

Speaker 1 (14:47):
We were on the Warner Brothers lot at the same time.

Speaker 3 (14:49):
Yeah, well that's what I'm thinking.

Speaker 1 (14:50):
For Yeah, I was doing hanging with mister cop on
the Warner Brothers lot in her and she was on
the lot as well, and I'm like, I don't know
if we passed each other. We probably did at the
Wanner brother did for sure, or.

Speaker 4 (15:02):
She could have even seen the earliest bits of the
show when your dad, when her dad was watching it.
That's really cool, you.

Speaker 3 (15:08):
Know what I mean. That's it's what do they call it, y'all?
Six degrees of separation.

Speaker 1 (15:12):
Kevin bake serendiptuous. Kevin hates when I say serendipitous.

Speaker 2 (15:16):
The word is serendipitous.

Speaker 1 (15:17):
It's serendipitous. Listen, Peaky, listen. What did it?

Speaker 2 (15:22):
What did it.

Speaker 1 (15:22):
Feel like to play an exotic dancer and have your
parents watch that film after the eyebrows?

Speaker 4 (15:32):
You know, I feel like I've done Edgier's stuff in
terms of like, oh my gosh, my parents are gonna
watch this like then, you know, Luckily that was kind
of like humor risk. It was a little goofy, you know.
I mean, I had some booty shorts on, but the
worst thing my parents, you know, was like me and
the bikini.

Speaker 3 (15:45):
Now, when I did this movie called pamp Honey, I
did a full mind that's right, and that sex scene
was hot.

Speaker 4 (15:54):
First of all, shout out to Haley Rams, She's my girl.
Me and her were like, I mean, I get sex
seems before, but they this one was like, you know,
you're gonna really see our bodies. And I remember she
and I mean, you were You're not gonna watch this
movie and be like, oh my gosh, I'm saying naked.

Speaker 3 (16:08):
But you definitely see more than you would normally see
of me in any scenario.

Speaker 4 (16:13):
And we were so nervous, me and my girl, but
it was honestly the most safest, best experience ever, and
I'm so happy, Like we just kept playing Rihanna, this
is what you came for over and over again.

Speaker 1 (16:25):
Did you have someone on set that was what did
they call them? They call them like sex in tendency coaches?
Did you have one of those?

Speaker 4 (16:31):
You know, I'll be honest, this is such a like
low budget, non union ass type of vibe of film
that we didn't. But luckily, you know, she and I
talked it through it. I was like, where do you
want me? Anything you want me to do? You don't
want me to do?

Speaker 2 (16:42):

Speaker 1 (16:42):
Just tell me?

Speaker 3 (16:43):
Girl? You know what I mean? And I'm like same
for me. And I was like, you know whatever, we know,
like let's just go for it.

Speaker 4 (16:47):
But she was so open and so game, and you know,
it was like it was honestly the best experience I had.

Speaker 3 (16:53):
I would do it again, like, she's amazing.

Speaker 1 (16:55):
Well, you did do it in real life, but then
you came out with a baby. Was that too much?

Speaker 3 (17:01):
Well? And I think I think that our experience all.

Speaker 4 (17:04):
I mean, obviously I've done sex scenes with guys and
obviously I've had sex with guys, but that's just like different.

Speaker 3 (17:09):
In my history with women.

Speaker 4 (17:11):
I think also that made it easier for her and
I both, which I was. I was happy that there
wasn't like, you know, she didn't have any nervousness with
girls because she also, you know, has dated women in
the past. So I think that also made it easier
for us as well, because it's like, oh my gosh, girl.

Speaker 2 (17:26):
Yeah that's right.

Speaker 1 (17:27):
I remember when you had that conversation out in public.
You were like, I'm a free spirit. I love that
for you.

Speaker 2 (17:33):
I didn't know this.

Speaker 3 (17:34):
Oh my gosh, me too. I love it for me too.
I love for me too.

Speaker 4 (17:38):
But I mean, I'll be honest, I definitely feel like,
and let me know if you feel this way too, Raven.
It's like I feel like we both a free spirits.
Obviously you're sag I'm a sage moon I do my thing.
But there was a moment in my life where I
was just like, you know, can I be myself or
like the moment where you just kind of overthink and

it's like that it's not even that's not even me.

Speaker 3 (18:02):
Why am I overthinking this?

Speaker 4 (18:04):
And then I guess you just get to the point
where you're just like, well, I just want to have
my own life, be my own life, you know what
I mean.

Speaker 1 (18:09):
I mean, that's beautiful. Mine started. My thought process about
that part of my life started so young that it
just became another mask for me. And I always say this,
and I don't think I've said this in public, so
catch this one. But I would be with guys and
I remember kind of recording what they did and how
they acted towards me because I'm like, when I get
a girl, I'm gonna do this instead. I'm gonna do

this instead. Like I felt like I was just I
was rehearsing with all my old guys. I live for
that in my girl relationship. But yeah, it's like when
you have multiple chatters in your brain, especially in that
kind of scenario. Now, especially in that topic of life,
you do have to question it because it's it's supposed

to be simple, it's supposed to be easy. But if
you're thinking, oh, she's cute, wait will wait what?

Speaker 2 (18:58):
What what do you guys up to? You guys, I
feel that if you weren't in the public eye at
such young ages having these thoughts and feelings, you would
have been more inclined just to go for it from
the beginning, from the.

Speaker 4 (19:10):
Get go in terms of sexuality and stuff like that.
I don't think so. I mean, I grew up also
religious too, not to say that like in my household.
My parents were never liked on some like you're religious,
you go to hell for being gay.

Speaker 3 (19:23):
They weren't actually like that at all.

Speaker 4 (19:25):
But there is like a just like a like unsaid
thing that can make you feel like, you know what
I mean. And because I always liked guys too, I
was kind of like, well, we don't have to talk
about it, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (19:36):
Like so it's like.

Speaker 4 (19:38):
Because I like guys too, it was like, you know,
that's just another little extra thing that you know, no
one really has to know about.

Speaker 3 (19:44):
I don't really have to live out.

Speaker 4 (19:45):
And then when I was around, I think I felt
that way or had those thoughts of being very young,
right like as a kid, when you first start thinking
about liking and then I think at like twelve or thirteen,
they started them back as a teen, you know, as
a teenager when you really started kind of getting into
your groove.

Speaker 3 (20:04):
And I kind of like was like, oh, no, you know,
I'll push it to the side, you know.

Speaker 4 (20:08):
But by the time I was like seventeen eighteen, I
was kind of like, I want to explore my life,
you know, I want to like stop thinking that, stop judging,
overthinking my thoughts or feeling like this isn't something that
I explore.

Speaker 1 (20:19):
I mean, that's that's amazing. And you know one thing
that I totally co sign on is that that looming,
untalked about judgment that we feel like. I had that
in our relationship, Babe. When we first started dating. You
were white, and I was like, oh, there's something there,
and for me and my sexuality, my parents weren't blatantly
that way, but then the conversations around gay people were

not positive either. No, and there were people in our
industry like, you know, I'm just gonna put out there
like a Whitney Houston, like an Ellen to where when
that conversation was brought up, you just were like, I
guess I shouldn't bring this up around you because you're
not gonna like it.

Speaker 2 (20:58):

Speaker 4 (20:58):
I will never forget when Ellen's I remember this vividly
as a kid, you know, when Ellen's first show was
on and on the last episode, well it became the
last episode, she was like, I'm gay, and it was
like the next day the damn.

Speaker 3 (21:11):
Show was canceled. I never forgot that.

Speaker 4 (21:15):
I never forgot that as a kid, and that kind
of stuff like just things in your brain like, oh,
you will be outcasted, or you know, something's quote unquote
wrong with you or whatever you have it.

Speaker 3 (21:24):
And I don't know what changed for me. I don't know.

Speaker 4 (21:26):
I guess it was me also getting to a place
of like wanting love really and and and realizing that
I really wanted to be open to it and I
didn't want anything to like hold me back from it,
Like I remember when I did this song I Don't
Belong to You, And and I ultimately just feel like

the acceptance of that part of myself in general was
a part of my process of being able to actually
have love in my life. It's like accepting and loving
all parts of me, you know, when I wrote about
style of the stuff of it in my book as well,
just about like how I kind of grew up my
earlier experiences which weren't always very positive that I often

felt like is this the reason why I feel this way?

Speaker 3 (22:13):
Is this the reason why I'm like that? That also contributed,
I think.

Speaker 2 (22:16):
Too, sense, I have a ton of issues and I
do like we all have our shit right and I'm
not like a person who has fully embraced myself in
self love and acceptance. But this one area of my life,
I was like, no one's gonna fuck with me.

Speaker 1 (22:33):
Oh yeah, like she never came out, she never had to.

Speaker 2 (22:36):
I literally have had this thought though from such a
young age, which is mom and dad, you guys are
I mean most likely dying before me. You don't live
in my day to day life with me. Therefore, I
have to go find a partner who is gonna be
like my ride die because it's not gonna be you forever.

And that thought process in my head, I think, put
me into this place, whether it was good, bad and
different whatever that I was like, whoever it is, whatever
it is, however I find it, I'm going for it
and I'm not letting go. And that was kind of.

Speaker 1 (23:11):
Like, and that's that's amazing because I feel like my
upbringing was more like we're the only ones that are
ever going to live right for you where your writer
died forever, And it was like that mentality of just
my parents, no one else has my back, like my parents,
that kind of mentality was in my face.

Speaker 2 (23:27):
I didn't have that messaging. That's I know.

Speaker 3 (23:29):
That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (23:29):
You didn't, and that's why I think you were able
to lie so free. Mine was entirely different. And for Kiki,
I can only imagine maybe you had both. Like what
was your message?

Speaker 3 (23:40):
It was very similar.

Speaker 4 (23:41):
It was very similar like but but again it was
like sexuality and stuff like that was not even like
my parents never really cared about something like that.

Speaker 3 (23:48):
I talked about that, like but.

Speaker 4 (23:50):
I and I know that by the time they saw
like how free of the spirit I was and whoever
I wanted today, they were kind of like whoever cares
Like there was never anything that was in their mind.
But in terms of like we're the only ones that's
gonna love you, We the only ones that's be down
for you.

Speaker 3 (24:03):
I think that's something.

Speaker 4 (24:04):
That child actor parents do to their kids because they're
actually like deathly afraid of someone like attacking their child,
uh and really attacking their child, like mentally and emotionally,
because people try to steal folks.

Speaker 3 (24:16):
Kids in this industry.

Speaker 4 (24:17):
And I'm not talking about levels like steal them like
but like literally steal them, like to where the kid
doesn't even trust their own parents. They're trusting the producer
or the director, or the manager or the agent or
the publicist. And so I think that kind of puts
parents on edge to the point where they make their
kid not trust any.

Speaker 1 (24:32):
Damn most definitely, I have such a trust issue. It's ridiculous, Like, yeah,
she's helping me break that wall down. But I love
that you trust yourself, Kiki. You can tell it in
the work that you do. You can see that your choices.
You have this confidence about yourself where you trust your
own choices, and that is so admirable and so beautiful

for the generations now watching to look up to you
for because I feel like the generations now, that's what
they're all about out there about themselves in a good way,
and then that can go toxic here and there, but
they're about trusting themselves. They're about trusting their their inner voice.
And you found that and I think that's amazing and
it just definitely shows in all your work.

Speaker 2 (25:12):
Learning how to trust your inner voice is the coolest
thing ever. Yeah, it's so freeing. Like I literally, at
thirty five years old, am now coming to a place
where I'm like, oh, I don't want to do that,
and I have no chatter that like follows in my
head where I'm used to being on what I call
the crazy train, where it's like I'm you know, no,

I'm not going to do that today, and then I'm
all just the rest of the day consumed with these
thoughts ruminating. Yeah, I'm on my crazy train where I'm like,
I should have gone and if I had gotten in this,
something bad's gonna happen. And so that where you can
just lean into it and you really understand and you
know how to listen to it, and you don't listen
to the doubt or the anxiety or the fear or whatever.

Speaker 4 (25:54):
And I think it's important what you said of the
like to like not getting to a place where you
you know, we think, well, this didn't happen, then I
wouldn't be this like, or this didn't happen, then that
wouldn't have happened.

Speaker 3 (26:04):
Like that's not realistic.

Speaker 4 (26:05):
Like everything I think for me, I also accepted in
my in my in my evolution of myself and being
able to walk in my own authenticity. I came to
the place of understanding like all I can do is
fuck with who I am today, right, Like I can't
think about like what could have happened or what could
have been like instead of like decide, like try to
predict things that can't be predicted or understood, Like let

me just rock with with with the cards that I'm dealt.
And then I want to say something about what you
were saying too. With catastrophizing, I think that our generation
does that a lot. And I say our generation because
as millennials, I think we saw a lot of catastrophes.

Speaker 3 (26:45):
To the point were always trying to get ahead of it.

Speaker 1 (26:48):
Nine to eleven, COVID War, Trump Ship, Michael Jackson, the Kobe.

Speaker 2 (26:57):
I even taking it back to when we were young,
it was like hit hit hit in the nine to
eleven time, it was crazy.

Speaker 4 (27:04):
And even with Bill, I mean even with Bill and
like were like, oh shit, he having affairs, Like everything
was kind of like crazy, Like we kept seeing what
would be our foundation falling apart. The foundation of our
country was slowly like showing itself to actually not be
what we thought it was. And I think it really

traumatized us.

Speaker 1 (27:25):
On top of like remember y two K, Remember the
stress that they put on us for Y two K
and a DA like they, we are the generation that
learns how to take those stressful moments and then like
plan our life.

Speaker 2 (27:38):
Which is that has ibs because everyone is so freaking anxious.
They're just like my hands all the time. But here's
the beautiful thing about us. Oh, within that generation, Yes,
we can handle anything.

Speaker 1 (28:07):

Speaker 2 (28:07):
I'm going to ask you a question right now. Are
you ready to spin the wheel? You didn't know that
was what happened, but are you ready?

Speaker 3 (28:14):
I'm ready. I love this type of shit. Oh you
hear it?

Speaker 1 (28:17):
Do you hear the wheel? Here's what happens.

Speaker 2 (28:20):
We're going to get a word. It's a random word.
We don't know what it is, and we're going to
talk about it. And the word is.

Speaker 1 (28:28):
Psychic. The word is psychic. Kiki, do you believe in psychics?

Speaker 3 (28:34):

Speaker 2 (28:35):
Really tell us why?

Speaker 3 (28:37):
Come on? You know me?

Speaker 1 (28:39):
She has this sagittarius mood obviously, Okay, tell me why
you love? Why you hate giving all the tea?

Speaker 2 (28:47):
You think you are psychic?

Speaker 3 (28:49):
You are?

Speaker 2 (28:50):

Speaker 3 (28:50):
Do I think that I'm psychic? Okay? Look, I think
that there are.

Speaker 4 (28:54):
Levels to the psychic psychics guy, Okay, I think that
there's there's psychic ability, right that we can all maybe
tap into. Maybe it's not everybody, maybe it's a few people.
And I think that it comes to us differently, right.
I think that some psychic vibes, something might come in
your mind as a picture, you know what I mean.
It might be like you've seen something before, and then

months later you'll see and.

Speaker 3 (29:16):
You'll be like, oh, my gosh, I had that.

Speaker 4 (29:19):
I think that psychic ability can also be like when
you had that feeling of deja vu. It's like that
actually was like a like a moment that you knew
would happen, or something that you felt would come to
that's also like a psychic like feeling. I don't know
if it's like how we think it is to where
it's like, oh.

Speaker 3 (29:36):
It's gonna be a full blown film scene in my mind. No.

Speaker 4 (29:40):
I think there are many different elements of psychic that
actually come to us, but it's not the way that
we would have imagined it to be.

Speaker 3 (29:45):

Speaker 4 (29:46):
And then I think that there are people in the
world people that consider themselves psychics, are people that have
really honed in on how to filter through what that
psychic material is.

Speaker 3 (29:56):
Right, And so I've talked to psychics.

Speaker 4 (29:58):
Before, like people, you know what I mean, like and
sometimes it's not like psyched, but it can be like
somebody that's like, you know, they'll be like, have.

Speaker 3 (30:06):
You talked to Tyler Henry?

Speaker 1 (30:08):
Have you talked to Tyler Henry?

Speaker 2 (30:10):
Who's the medium? The medium, the Hollywood media girl.

Speaker 3 (30:14):
I never talked to Tyler. I wasn't sure about tile.

Speaker 1 (30:16):
Tyler's reel, Tyler's real I went to Tyler through the
view he does now. I also watched him the other
day on his show on E and Doctor Drew put
a skull cap on him that measured the electrodes in
his brain while he was reading for Steve oh And
what happened was is that his brain went into a
meditative state bingal, and he if his eyes weren't open,

they would think he was sleeping. And that's what he
calls chatter. He's like, they're talking, they're talking. He lets
his brain go to a different wavelength in order to
connect to what he's doing. And like you said, I
believe in psychics as well. Puns fucking intended and I
I got that.

Speaker 3 (31:00):
I truly believe hit a button.

Speaker 1 (31:05):
The buttons on that. But I do believe that because
kind of like you were saying, Kiki, but I believe
actually is humans have the ability in their brain to
tap into energy fields that allow for truth to connect
when you know how to translate it correctly. I can
walk into a room and read the room. People might

not think that psychic, but what that is is reading energy,
and energy is in the psychic plane because it's not
on a physical material plane. There's also the conversation of
deja vu you brought up and I wanted to tell you,
and I've told this about I've told Miranda a couple times,
but I'm going to tell the world. So I do
have moments where I'll just God, it's so bad you guys, listen,

this happened before the show. But I really will just
stare and I will see a scene that is happening
that has happened to me or going to happen in
another dimension, and I feel it in my body and
I'm like, Yo, this is weird.

Speaker 3 (32:08):
Now wait a minute. Another dimension.

Speaker 2 (32:10):
No, No, she's big on quantum physics.

Speaker 4 (32:12):
And I'm here for another dimension. So you feel that
you know you in another dimension? You make yes, I.

Speaker 1 (32:18):
Do feel that way, because there'll be times and people
are like, oh, I do that all the time. But
if you really think about it, There'll be times when
I'm walking and i'll trip over nothing, but I'll feel
in my body that I've been running. And I always
tell babies, I'm like, I'm a runner. She's like, no,
you're not. Put your titties in a skling and go
upstairs and walk on the tread and I'll.

Speaker 2 (32:36):
Be like, no, they can, And then I just say, no, babes,
you've been watching too much sense.

Speaker 3 (32:40):

Speaker 2 (32:42):
Anytimes she's like, I'm neo. Sit down now, y'all.

Speaker 4 (32:46):
I'm into this stuff, like I'm this girl, like I
love these kinds of conversations.

Speaker 3 (32:50):
So wait a minute, do you feel like.

Speaker 4 (32:52):
You have no information about that you in another dimension?
Like do you feel like she's also an actress? Do
you feel like it's a woman.

Speaker 1 (32:57):
Do you feel like I don't feel like it's a woman.
I don't I feel like it's a woman. I don't
feel like she's an actress. What I feel like is
that she is the way that we connect is through
our weirdly and people like obviously no, through our trauma. Actually,
when I was younger and I had certain traumatic experiences,
I personally remember after doing meditation to a level that

other people would be like, what are you doing? And
I'd be like, no, I need to light my candles.
I'm seven, I know, but I need to light my
candles and I need to meditate. And I just allowed
my spirit guides to help me, and even till this
day that happens, and I feel like that too can
be considered psychic. Now, if you sit me down in
front of somebody's like, look into my crystal ball, I'm
gonna be like, give me my money back.

Speaker 3 (33:43):
But you know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (33:45):
But I do believe there's not at all.

Speaker 3 (33:48):
So what did Tyler tell you?

Speaker 1 (33:50):
Tyler actually connected to my grandmother and my grandfather and
my uncle and my mom's dad, all on my mom's side.
And it's funny because I didn't know anything. I had
to call my mom and she was like, yes, yes, yes, yes,
so cool. But there's auras, you know what I mean, Like,
you have to understand the human body and our energy field,
and those auras hold the experiences of all of our

people totally. Do you know?

Speaker 2 (34:15):
It's no, it's so true. I mean when you think
about it, even in scientific terms where it's like every
female has the eggs in her body that she's always
gonna have, which means that when your grandmother Kiki was
pregnant with your mom, you were already living within your mom.
So it's like the generational connection is so real, the
chain is so real.

Speaker 1 (34:36):
And I believe, no, I believe He's like, I'm gonna
try to know. I believe females have it really strong.
Of course there's men that have it strong, but we
have that birth, we have that ability to bring humans
out and in like Kiki, what do you think your
psychic ability is? You should have seen.

Speaker 4 (34:58):
I'm such a this is the I'm such an unserious
yet serious person.

Speaker 3 (35:03):
Like when somebody asks me something.

Speaker 4 (35:05):
I'm like going to the wire to give them the
best answer of that. You know what I mean, Like,
why am I like that? Okay, so wait, what do
I think my psychic ability is? I think so I
don't know if this is also a psychic ability right,
because I don't know that I can necessarily like look
into the future.

Speaker 3 (35:23):
But I can't predict like I can. I can.

Speaker 4 (35:30):
I usually have an idea of where something's gonna go away,
where something can go.

Speaker 3 (35:35):
I have a knowing I have a deep knowing.

Speaker 4 (35:38):
I have a deep knowing why I can make an
understanding of something, and I'm like, that's really what's going on.
And I also feel like I can I don't know
if this is the word, and I'm just fucking colligious, right,
but like subvert energy.

Speaker 3 (35:55):
Like I feel like I really can.

Speaker 1 (35:56):
Like you can, you can manifest stuff, you can and
if that stuff you can transmute energy.

Speaker 3 (36:02):
I can transmute energy. And I'm telling you when you're.

Speaker 4 (36:04):
Talking about generations, like, I don't know what I've been
in my if we're talking about reincarnation, I don't know
all this shit I've been in my life, right, I mean,
you know, I don't know if I've been U, Spanish white,
this bad man, woman, whoever, whatever animal. But I do
feel that whatever is in my genealogy of my black lives,

there's some transmuting powers.

Speaker 1 (36:27):
I mean, I love a good West African African food scenario, sweet.

Speaker 2 (36:34):
Ship, though, I.

Speaker 3 (36:36):
Feel like there could be some transmitting power.

Speaker 2 (36:38):

Speaker 4 (36:38):
I feel like for sure, like I feel like there's
or some type.

Speaker 3 (36:41):
Of skin even if we let's take it out of
the let's bring it down all the way.

Speaker 4 (36:46):
To just science, and like DNA like, uh, you know
DNA over time. If we're thinking about my DNA in
my history as an American black woman, Hell, my people
donet been through some stuff. And one of the greatest
skills you have when you have experienced trauma is you
can transmute. You have our brain, you can redirect, you

can you know, it's like a response to survival. So
even in just the scientific terms, you know what I mean,
it makes sense.

Speaker 1 (37:14):
Yeah, it's evolutal evolution happens, you know, back in the day,
and you know, I'm gonna probably get canceled, but I
don't care. But being a black woman in America, we
have so many different DNAs inside of us. We take
it to where we are. We have American Indian, we
have White, we have French, we have African, we have
all of these things. We don't really know if we
are pure in that sense because of our history here,

which is why I like to be called an American yep.
But with that, you know, you have American Indian type
psychic ability, which to me, that's connecting to the Earth
and using the actual magnetic field and using the actual
energy that the Earth has to provide. You have voodoo
using you know, your body to energize and connect to

other areas and other dimensions. But that's what I love
about it. Like what I feel too, is that humans,
in order to keep us wrangled appropriately, they try to
take away our psychic ability. I think it's actually who
we are as human beings. But as we continue to

live in the society, the food, the scare tactics, the
disease diseases that they you know, I'm not going to say,
and making everything seem spooky, thank you very much, and
making it feel like it's wrong take that away from us.
But every woman has it. My mama knows exactly what's
going on.

Speaker 2 (38:39):
Every human has it. Here's the thing I think and
talk about this a lot. Every single human being has
the ability to connect to that inner thing that connects
everything on this planet. Yep. The situation, in my opinion
is is.

Speaker 3 (38:55):
That is the situation.

Speaker 2 (38:57):
The situation is is that is call it what you
want to call it. It's not religious, but I call
it divinity or your spark or your connection to the
universe that is so powerful because no one can take
it away from you. What has happened in our society
is people have created obstacles and separation from us from

our true selves. Because when there's separation from your true self,
what do you start power? What do you start doing?
You start seeking outside of yourself, and what is outside
of yourself create It creates a need for something, and
if there's a need, then someone has to create a product,
and then you're buying and it becomes a consumer and
it becomes a demand situation, and therefore you lose yourself.

More and more, we all have the ability to heal ourselves,
to feel at peace, to live the lives we want
to manifest, to create a dream, to imagine, but we
have been robbed of the knowing and now we've all
kind of silently co signed in society to this thing
where it's like, oh, I have to go to a psychic,

I have to go to a tarot card reader to
figure out my future. Well, you can also sit with
yourself and meditate that part.

Speaker 4 (40:08):
And I'm not an overly religious person, right, I'm spiritual,
you know, really more than anything.

Speaker 3 (40:13):
But I did grow up Catholic, and you know, I
look at you.

Speaker 4 (40:16):
I remember I was in the in the service, you know,
when I was around like early twenties or whatever like that,
and I was going through like a like what you're
kind of talking about, like kind of trying to figure
out how to be good with myself, you know what
I mean, how to stop like kind of looking outwards.
And I don't think I could articulate that that's what
I was experiencing at the.

Speaker 3 (40:35):
Time, but it ultimately was.

Speaker 4 (40:37):
And I remember listening to the priests and he broke
down out of an eve and you know, eating from
the tree, and he was like, you know, most people
think that it's like, you know, the sin was that
they you know, ate from the tree, that they disobey God.
But the actual sin, the actual sin that's casting over us,
is the fact that we don't believe that we're in connection,
that we are constantly in connection with God.

Speaker 3 (40:58):
And if we, if we even if.

Speaker 4 (41:00):
You take it out of religious terms and you just
break it down to the basis of what that spiritually
is saying, it's very similar to what you're saying, which
is it's being in constant connection with the source. Knowing
that you can never really separate from God. So if
I can never separate from God, then I always can call,
I can always reconnect, I can always you know, I know,
I'm going to always be all right, but sometimes we

don't end up going inwards.

Speaker 3 (41:22):
We end up going outwards, outwards to the world, and.

Speaker 2 (41:25):
Then it's the one to one too.

Speaker 3 (41:27):
It's like, then, if.

Speaker 2 (41:27):
You're going out to God, if you're seeking that, but
it's also within you, it's.

Speaker 1 (41:31):
Like you are God, you're giving away. You know when
you do that with our society has made it so
that we give other people our power. Amen, praise him,
praise him, No, praise me, okay, praise me and my
power in me.

Speaker 2 (41:46):
And then that's been shamed. Then you're you know, it's
self involved or egotistical. And because it's not in that
way where it's like, you know, okay, look at me,
I'm so hot and sexy, or like look at my
thirst chop, it's not that energy. What the energy is
is like I have everything I need. I'm worthy of
being here simply because I'm here.

Speaker 1 (42:06):
I'm a whole universe period, I'm water, I'm elements, everything
in this one body.

Speaker 2 (42:11):
And it's so crazy. Okay, but here's the deal, you guys.
I could not let this conversation even get close to
ending without asking both of you what you think about
Miss Cleo.

Speaker 1 (42:21):
I was in her documentary. I just I mean, Miss Cleo,
my girl, Miss Cleveland was just playing around.

Speaker 3 (42:26):
Wasn't she? She wasn't real?

Speaker 1 (42:28):
She was real, but she was also a con artist.

Speaker 4 (42:32):
So wait a minute, let's get into it now. How
does she have that gift and disobey like this?

Speaker 3 (42:37):
A man?

Speaker 4 (42:37):

Speaker 1 (42:38):
I mean, here's the deal. Go watch the dock. It's
on HBO Max. I'm in it.

Speaker 2 (42:42):
But I'll here's my question, just straight up. I just
want to know what, Kiki, what do you think about her?
Before Raven gives you this truth?

Speaker 1 (42:50):
Me too, write She's not.

Speaker 3 (42:52):
I thought she was lying. I thought she was just
the con lady.

Speaker 1 (42:55):
So she started off as a con lady. But her
ancestry does give her the title of high Priestess. She
is no longer with us, obviously. And I did the
documentary and in the mail after the documentary was finished,
they sent me one of her tarot cards. I have
it framed in my house and it's the World and

I shit you not Kiki and Babes. A month after
that card got in the house, the World card came
up to me in so many different other ways, and
things just snowballed into success. I shit, you not.

Speaker 3 (43:34):
Because what do you mean by this? What does the
World card mean? I'm not even I don't know how
to do that.

Speaker 1 (43:39):
The World card is I get the world. The world
is my oyster. I have the ability to really manifest
and do things like that. And when I would look
up something, these images would come in that you know,
coincided with the card. Again, I will say this though,
I think it's also a thing of having to actually believe.

We believe this, so therefore things will happen in this
realm for us. You know what I mean? There are
people who believe other things exactly.

Speaker 3 (44:10):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (44:12):
I believe in ghosts.

Speaker 2 (44:13):
Do you do you guys?

Speaker 1 (44:14):
I don't believe they're ghosts. I believe this is the thing.

Speaker 4 (44:16):
I mean, I could, but you know, it's one of
them things where's like once if one of them things
come out, I'm like.

Speaker 3 (44:21):
God is and.

Speaker 4 (44:23):
Jesus has my back in Jesus and Jesus and Jesus
because it's like, if you believe, I can't believe in God.
The way that I do in Jesus is the way
that doing like everything like this is the way that
I do and not.

Speaker 3 (44:35):
Think that there's like, yeah, some ghosts.

Speaker 4 (44:39):
You know, Like it's like, you know, so I do
believe in the ghost, but don't come near me because
God has my back.

Speaker 6 (44:46):
It's so funny how that's such a Catholic upbringing type
of thing though, because my mom, who has raised very
Italian Catholic household and to this day, is.

Speaker 2 (44:59):
Like if you mentioned the devil, a spirit, the ghost,
my mom is like, I cannot and she is not
like hyper religious or anything, but she gets so terrified
and she just can't handle it.

Speaker 4 (45:10):
She does want them to know what side you're standing on,
justin cage exactly exactly.

Speaker 1 (45:17):
That's how you get rid of the ghost.

Speaker 2 (45:21):
That's how that is ghost repellent.

Speaker 3 (45:23):
Jesus just like legitimately.

Speaker 1 (45:28):
Well, I love this conversation. Psychic conversations are amazing because
you can take it outside of the gimmick and really
attach it.

Speaker 4 (45:35):

Speaker 1 (45:35):
Have you guys ever read the book The Celestine Prophecy?

Speaker 3 (45:39):
No? Please, but I know a lot. I've heard like
a lot about it, little bits and please get me
back into it. Refurbished my mind.

Speaker 1 (45:45):
So what I love about the Celestine Prophecy You only
read it when you need it, and it is a
list of things they found a tablet and scrolls and
papers of things that humans have the ability to do.
See gens, see energy, allow like we have this plant

in front of us right now and it has done
amazing things for us because plants have their own energy
and we feed off of it. You should go read that, Kiki.

Speaker 3 (46:14):
I think it's now.

Speaker 1 (46:16):
It's a classic.

Speaker 2 (46:16):
It's the only book Raven's ever read, so she really
likes to talk about it.

Speaker 1 (46:20):
That in the divinsion.

Speaker 3 (46:23):
Minds like that is the car tolls.

Speaker 1 (46:25):
Yea car tolls and New Earth.

Speaker 2 (46:27):
But here's the deal too, the world, which kind of
bums me out, Like when you find a real one,
you know you found a real one because in a
side or no, I'm just saying across the board, and
the people who are listening, who know what I'm who
know what I'm saying, won't need more of an explanation.

Oh yeah, when you find a real one, you know.
Because the industry warlocks in our life, in the industry
of health and of health and wellness and this whole
world of psychic mediums and whatever. There there are a
lot of con artists. There are people who have manipulated.
There are people who are like, listen, I can tell
you everything you want to know, and then all of

a sudden you're like paying or you're falling into It's
that manipulation tactic. Even though we talked about in the
beginning with child stars and parents, there's this seed that
gets planted in your head that will start making you
doubt anything that doesn't come from that person. Like if
you guys had a psychic come to you and say
I can tell you your future, I can not, but

whatever I can tell you the day you're gonna die.
There are some people who would be like, okay, tell me, Yeah.

Speaker 1 (47:34):
There a manipulated mind.

Speaker 3 (47:35):
Ye, and then you're let me say you it is.
Let me say you it is.

Speaker 4 (47:38):
I ain't never talked to any one of these people's psychics,
the numerologists, the.

Speaker 3 (47:44):
Terror read whatever. If they say some shit that ain't
right with ma heart, I say wrong exactly, they're out
of you.

Speaker 4 (47:50):
Like I immediately in my mind I repale anything that
doesn't sit right with me, I repale. So you do
have to know in any situation in life, I mean,
anytime you get advice or you're getting you know, hearing
a word or somebody has given you.

Speaker 3 (48:04):
I don't care if you in church.

Speaker 4 (48:05):
If that doesn't sit right with your soul, You've got
to have a deeper connection, you know, to be able
to say, uh, you know.

Speaker 1 (48:11):

Speaker 2 (48:12):
Always say, take what resonates and leave the rest.

Speaker 1 (48:16):
That's some people don't have that knowing you guys, some
people don't like, that's your secret power, that's our power
that we're working on.

Speaker 2 (48:23):
That's the people that will get The people that I'm
talking about are then the people that will get prayed on.
But that' to some extent, we do have that veil
because even for me, certain things in my life as
of late have kind of lifted, and I'm looking at
the health and wellness industry totally differently. I'm listening to
people saying like this sounds so bizarre and weird, but
like a nutritionist was like, if you don't poop after

every single meal, you're constipated. Then a doctor comes on
who's like a colo rectal surgeon, and it's like that's
absolutely not true, Like you don't have to poop after
every meal, but.

Speaker 4 (48:53):
That actually sounds dangerous after everything that she is running
through you, And then lady.

Speaker 2 (49:00):
I'm like she's talking to the millennials who all have
the IBS because we had to live in such high
alert and it's just like what reality.

Speaker 3 (49:08):
But these people online on have you not doing a
damn thing.

Speaker 4 (49:11):
I posted a meme the other day that was like
this man kept trying to eat stuff, and ever he
tryed me tried to eat. It was like, whatever you do,
bread is the last thing you should Then he was picking.

Speaker 3 (49:19):
Up meat, meat, It'll kill you. Then he was picking
up water. Did you know that? Too much water?

Speaker 4 (49:24):
It's like these people will have you. You know, you
gotta whatever happened to moderation.

Speaker 3 (49:29):
You know what I'm saying, Balance, ballence, balance, And.

Speaker 4 (49:32):
Just to take it back, I wanted to say something
to what you said, Miranda too about the little psychics things.
If anybody is thinking about going to a psychic or
they've talked to a psychic or whatever, I've never had
to pay for it, like a psychic thing. And I'm
not saying that people should give their gifts for free,
right because obviously I'm a performer. That's a gift of mine.
I definitely want to get paid for it. So if

you're a psychic trying to get paid, I ain't mad
at you.

Speaker 3 (49:56):
But just what I'm just trying to say.

Speaker 4 (49:58):
Is that really good psychic when they have something for you,
or when they when they feel something truly that they
they're not the kind of people that are usually going
to be coming from a place of greed. And that's
the number one thing that I know when when it's
the psychic type of vibe with somebody that's gonna give
me a word, they'll be giving you the word out
of the kindness of their heart because they know that
that's their calling. They won't be sitting here being like

I can tell you something real important that to change
your life if you just give me one hundred dollars.

Speaker 3 (50:25):
That's not that don't sound like a good person.

Speaker 1 (50:26):
That's pooky up the street that they don't listen to pooky.
But can I also have to say, you can find
your word, You can find your psychic moment moments. You
can find that person of influence in a normal conversation
with someone up the street. You can stop in a day,
have a conversation with someone that you've never seen before
and actually get a psychic moment from that person and

you don't even know that that's what you're getting because
you're actually connecting a man human.

Speaker 2 (50:54):
But that's right. But we look for titles. That's why
a lot of times, like you can we go to
a doctor or for medical advice, you can get the
best medical advice of your life from someone who isn't
a doctor. Like you never know. And that's probably why
one in five Americans have seen a psychic, a medium,
a fortune tellers. It's a lot of people, twenty two

percent of the population.

Speaker 3 (51:17):
That was at random.

Speaker 4 (51:18):
Fact that she called out her as you like that
that is psycho because I'm psychic.

Speaker 2 (51:25):
But you know what else? Oh, I see something in
our future? I see you see a game.

Speaker 1 (51:46):
Yes, we have a game coming a wait, get this
there it is Hekiky? Are you ready to play the
best podcast ever game?

Speaker 4 (51:55):
I'm letting you know right now, the way that this
is going, you're living up to your name living.

Speaker 1 (52:01):

Speaker 2 (52:02):
You can come back.

Speaker 1 (52:02):
Here's the deal. Here's the deal.

Speaker 3 (52:04):

Speaker 1 (52:05):
Miranda believes she has psychic abilities, and not just because
she's married to me Okay, who has played a clairvoyant
on numerous Disney sitcoms two hundred to be exact and
very thank you, And with this game, we will put
her to the test. I'm going to say a word.
Then both of you think the absolute first thing that
comes to your mind. I'll count to three and you

both say your word. If Miranda and you can match
just two of the six words, you will win. This
mouse garden succulent star plant mouse great for the home
or office, and you can grow your own stellar plant
in this mouse garden.

Speaker 2 (52:40):
And fun fact about this, Kiki, because you didn't get
this little disclaimer before, Raven, my beautiful wife likes to
hoard things, so this is actually something that she bought
for us to have that I said, hell no, and
we're regifting to you. So win it. Help us declutter
our home, and let's go.

Speaker 1 (52:58):
It's actually really cute, remember she pets, yes, not that.

Speaker 4 (53:01):
That is actually so cute, And you're so quirky, Raven.
It really brings me so much joy, because why would
you buy that?

Speaker 1 (53:08):
I was I was working on my green thumb because
it's hella black and I needed.

Speaker 2 (53:11):
To it's actually hi yellow.

Speaker 3 (53:15):
It's actually oh hi yellow. Oh yes, Maria, I'm right
here with you.

Speaker 1 (53:19):
Okay, you guys, you guys ready for your first word?
Connect to your psychic abilities? Remember say the first word
that comes out of your mouth after I count to three.
First word is train one two three, chow chwo.

Speaker 2 (53:37):
Or I am so well express?

Speaker 1 (53:39):
Okay, okay, here we go. You guys, that was the
warm up. First word? You ready? Strawberry one two three?

Speaker 2 (53:48):
Yeah? Your ma is broken bag that I got painted for? Man?

Speaker 3 (53:52):
What the fuck? Yoki?

Speaker 2 (53:57):
What do you hear?

Speaker 4 (53:57):

Speaker 3 (53:57):
Because yes, I'm ready. I had an egg?

Speaker 2 (54:00):
But am I right?

Speaker 1 (54:02):
You're right? I had an egg and she wanted a
ring but I didn't get her a ring. I bought
her a burkin instead, and I got it painted and
there's a strawberry on it. So that's that what you say?

Speaker 3 (54:17):
So you how did you find out about this, Miranda? Oh?

Speaker 2 (54:20):
Because Raven is a regifter, Kiki. So she was like, babes,
look at this bag. And I was like, oh, but
why does it have a strawberry on it? And she's like,
because you like them. I'm like, I'm allergic to them, bitch.
And she's like.

Speaker 1 (54:36):
She's like, I didn't try to give it to you.

Speaker 2 (54:38):
She's like, it's a burket who owns it? Now?

Speaker 1 (54:41):
Kiki, my sister, You're welcome.

Speaker 2 (54:43):
Sick got double.

Speaker 4 (54:44):
That's what should have had me when today I was
really going on.

Speaker 2 (54:50):
It was a three times regifted and Mimi, sorry, we
didn't buy that for you.

Speaker 1 (54:54):
It's a burken girl.

Speaker 3 (54:56):
You welcome shit period and it's better if it's old that.

Speaker 1 (54:59):
Yeah, what did you say that? It wasn't that?

Speaker 3 (55:04):
What did I say? I said, speeds?

Speaker 4 (55:06):
I said see.

Speaker 2 (55:08):
Okay, so it was much more normal.

Speaker 1 (55:10):
So burken and seeds. You guys, I need you to
psychically connect because you don't have that many more questions left,
and I need you to win this. Okay, key, key, next, So.

Speaker 2 (55:19):
Wait, just to be clear, I've won the first round.

Speaker 1 (55:22):
You you haven't won ship.

Speaker 3 (55:23):
To be clear, including you have to work together to
win anything.

Speaker 1 (55:29):
Yes, babes, you guys have to psychically work together. Okay,
ready ship second word? Yeah, second word? Planet one, two three,
Saturn Okay okay, yeah, all right.

Speaker 3 (55:48):
We're almost there. We're really close.

Speaker 2 (55:50):
Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah for sure.

Speaker 1 (55:52):
Next one, come on, you guys think, why don't you
connect your auras?

Speaker 3 (55:56):
Look into my eyes?

Speaker 2 (55:57):
Okay, I'm looking into your eyes.

Speaker 3 (55:59):
You're looking in the raven's eyes, looking to Maya.

Speaker 2 (56:01):
I look to your because you know what I thought
we had to guess the word she was thinking, so
I'm here now, I wouldn't have said I have said
burken fucking bag if I knew I was playing with you.
I was already connect to her.

Speaker 1 (56:14):
Literally, ready connect Now.

Speaker 3 (56:16):
It's all adding up.

Speaker 1 (56:18):
Here's the next word. Carpet one two three Muncher.

Speaker 4 (56:24):
I was just a fucking about to say Muncher, and
I was like, am I wrong? I was literally going
to say, I swear everything, y'all. I literally was about
to be like, Munch, we'll.

Speaker 3 (56:32):
Give it to you. We'll give it to you, dude.
I was legitimately be like.

Speaker 2 (56:37):
We're connected. Now, we're connected.

Speaker 3 (56:39):
Now we're in the zone.

Speaker 2 (56:41):
You just have to speak it now so we can
prove it to people.

Speaker 1 (56:47):
Next word, umbrella one two three.

Speaker 3 (56:54):

Speaker 2 (56:56):
Under my.

Speaker 3 (56:59):
Babes. I was the and Rihanna, damn connect the room.

Speaker 2 (57:04):
I know she's too strong, she's messing our.

Speaker 1 (57:07):
STUFFA Okay, we need one more right to get you
this mouse garden.

Speaker 3 (57:13):
I never wanted anything more in my life.

Speaker 1 (57:16):
It is the best gift ever. Okay, Ready, last one.
It's carn one two three.

Speaker 3 (57:24):
Black Boy. I just goot it.

Speaker 2 (57:28):
Yes, I I was gonna say cookout back. Marianda could
come to the cookout on the cop.

Speaker 1 (57:36):
And a black person said that to you, so therefore
she's a black person.

Speaker 3 (57:43):
She said, I was gonna say cookout.

Speaker 2 (57:45):
I was gonna say a cookout. Okay, but we get
one more, we get one more, we get one more.

Speaker 1 (57:50):
Come on, okay, come on, we'll do it. Our co
producer is texting laughter because this is hilarious. Okay, last one.
You guys, you're on the same page. Kiki, what's your sign?

Speaker 3 (58:02):
I'm a virgo virgo and the leo in the building. Oh,
very close.

Speaker 2 (58:06):
Yep, we got this. We got this. We are locked in.
We are eyeing each other. Kiky is eyeing me, batting
those lashes. Let's where it is.

Speaker 1 (58:15):
Christmas. One, two three.

Speaker 3 (58:22):
You said it's hurt me real bad. One more time,
just one last one. This hurts me. Guys, Me and
I have to get it. We do what we do,
we do. This is the last one on everything.

Speaker 1 (58:31):
Okay, okay, right, I got I got one.

Speaker 2 (58:33):
My truest thing with Christmas was gonna be cookies. But
I was like trying to keep it real simple so
we could get something right.

Speaker 4 (58:39):
I mean to We're gonna I'm gonna keep it simple
as hell this time I saw on everything.

Speaker 3 (58:42):
Marina, I'm done letting you down, he.

Speaker 1 (58:46):
Said, that's so serious.

Speaker 3 (58:49):
Let me down this whole. I'm gonna letting you down
my home.

Speaker 4 (58:54):

Speaker 1 (58:54):
It started with bunche okay, okay, Volva one two three.

Speaker 3 (59:03):
Kind of lingus.

Speaker 2 (59:05):
Calingis there's a delay we said it at the same time.
Kind of lingus.

Speaker 3 (59:15):
I didnot speaking, thank you.

Speaker 2 (59:20):
You know what my issue is is I don't speak
in single and my wife knows this. I don't speak
in single words. I speak in yeah. So when I
hear I'm like.

Speaker 1 (59:33):
Ripped open by child, like.

Speaker 2 (59:36):
You know what I mean. So it just it goes places.

Speaker 1 (59:40):
Kiki, congratulations, you are the new owner of the mouse Garden,
the succulent start plant mouse that you can share with
your family and think of us and please thank.

Speaker 2 (59:52):
You get this gift. We're gonna send it to you
and then you better send us a picture of it.
Full full, full, blossom, full growth.

Speaker 1 (59:59):
I will. It's been a pleasure, sweetheart. You are amazing.

Speaker 3 (01:00:02):
We love you, Sorry you, I love you.

Speaker 2 (01:00:04):
You're amazing so much.

Speaker 3 (01:00:05):

Speaker 2 (01:00:06):
We can't wait to hang out with you and do
all the things.

Speaker 1 (01:00:09):
That psychic girl is amazing she's wonderful. Yeah, she was
really good. I really enjoyed our conversation with her.

Speaker 4 (01:00:16):
Me too.

Speaker 2 (01:00:16):
That was really fun, babes, I love you.

Speaker 1 (01:00:20):
I'm sick you guys. If you enjoyed this podcast, please
check out our other episodes. We have so much fun
with all of our guests. Also, you can check this
podcast out anywhere you get your podcasts. That's right, it's
the Best podcast Ever with Raven and Miranda.

Speaker 2 (01:00:36):
I'm Raven, I'm Miranda. I'm Amanda.

Speaker 1 (01:00:41):
Miranda's all right, y'all talk to you later.

Speaker 2 (01:00:45):

Speaker 1 (01:00:49):
The Best Podcast Ever is an iHeart podcast produced and
hosted by Raven Simone and Miranda.

Speaker 2 (01:00:55):
Executive producers Jensen Carp and Amy Sugarman, Produced and edited
by Jordan Katz.

Speaker 1 (01:01:00):
Who also does our music. Executive in charge of production
Danielle Romo producer Hannah Winkleman.

Speaker 2 (01:01:07):
Theme song by Kenny Siegel and Jordan Katz.

Speaker 1 (01:01:10):
Follow us on Instagram at the Best Pod Ever, and
send your emails too The Best Podever at gmail dot
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