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Credentials Committee


The Credentials Committee of the International Labour Conference ensures proper implementation of one of the founding principles of the Organization: tripartism and its corollary, the autonomy of each of the constituent groups - Governments, Employers and Workers.

The Committee's mandate is established under the ILO Constitution (article 3, paragraph 9) and the Standing Orders of the Conference (articles 5, 20 and 26 to 26 quater). The Committee:

- examines the instruments by which delegations' credentials are submitted;

- reports on the composition of delegations, including by gender;

- establishes the Lists of Delegations;

- determines the quorum for votes at the Conference;

- examines objections to the conformity of nominations of Conference delegates and advisers with the provisions of article 3 of the ILO Constitution as well as objections concerning the failure to nominate an Employers' or Workers' delegate; and

- reviews complaints concerning the non-payment of Conference delegates' and advisers' expenses and complaints regarding an act or omission of a government by which an accredited delegate or adviser has been prevented from attending the Conference.

The Committee can make proposals to refer a case to the Governing Body's Committee on Freedom of Association and propose measures aimed at ensuring the follow-up and monitoring of the Committee's findings and recommendations.

The Committee consists of one Government delegate, one Employers' delegate and one Workers' delegate.

Similar committees have also been established at regional meetings of the ILO.

Basic relevant documents

Standing Orders of the Conference »

Constitution - Article 3 »

Constitution - Article 13 »

PCIJ - Advisory Opinion No. 1 »

Last updated on Monday - 17 June 2024 at 17:30:32^ top