Ghost Adventures (TV Series 2008– ) Poster

(2008– )

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Should be renamed the Zac Bagans show
david-john-365178 March 2018
I used to really love this show, but you can tell that it has became all about Zac, as the main host I find it shocking that he stears clear of all the solitary experiments. He also talks over the other 3 hosts on the show. The best thing they could do is walk away from Zac and start their own show. Well done Nick for having the courage to do this. Zac you really have become a wannabe and a fake!! Learn from your mistakes before it's to late
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Zak is a joke
lynnieloo30 April 2021
I swear Zak speaks to the other cast members terrible he's a narcissistic tos*er. The way he speaks to Aaron and Billy etc... Should be addressed and STOPPED. Zak won't go in a room or basement in fact anywhere first he DEMANDS Aaron to do it you won't see Zak sitting in a room or going into a basement alone no he sends Aaron sorry DEMANDS him too. Then when a fly farts Zak legs it and everything happens to him if it happens to anyone else he speaks over them and that winds me up. Aaron and Billy and the other fella actually are the best at investigating Zak needs to get a job that he can do properly and why he's there but clothes that arnt 4 sizes too big for him. The fellas on the show are absolutely amazing I just don't think Zak is good for the show he runs and hides behind the other fellas like I said a fly farts and he jumps behind Billy or Aaron he's a pure joke. And makes a mockery of the paranormal.
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Zack is to full of himself.
dagdaw26 March 2020
Love this show. I think Zack cares more about getting the evidence then the care of the guys that work with him. Never see he putting himself alone somewhere. Way to go guys you do a great job. Zack get over yourself the guys with you are as great as you!
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usetheforce992 January 2020
Is it just me ...or has this series lost steam? It doesn't seem to be as interesting as it used to be ...and the investigations seem to be the same old ..same old..?
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Haters gonna hate
reeseslightning8 June 2011
Let me just start by saying that I love paranormal shows and this is by far, the best one I've seen. If you don't like paranormal or don't believe in it, then why are you watching it? For entertainment? Fine. You'll be entertained. Otherwise, what's the point of watching a show you hate?

Anyway, the reason I started watching GA was because of the Viscilla Axe Murder House. I was a little put off by the men's attitudes at first because that might be the most disturbing thing I've ever researched; it stays with you long after you hear about it and yet, none of the guys were showing any sign of sadness or sympathy for the victims. Then I realized that's just the sensitive girl in me (they can't walk around sobbing now can they? That's just unproductive) so I stopped and listened and before I knew it, I was completely hooked.

Until I saw that episode, I was an avid Ghost Hunters fan. Yet, comparing the two (and you can't help but to compare them) I can see why so many people have switched to GA; their passion really drives their curiosity of the unknown while with GH, it just seems like a hobby. I could be totally wrong about that, but that's how it comes across.

One thing I really appreciate is that the camera crew are also the hosts- and there's only 3 of them! They don't have teams which decreases the chance of contamination, which makes their evidence more solid. Often times during GH, I would wonder if it were the cameramen or sound guys making a sound and not admitting to it but with GA, you don't have to guess because their cameras are often trained on each other; Zak is talking to Nick's camera while Aaron is filming Nick. The guys are quite the characters too.

Aaron is the dramatic one. He can be over the top sometimes and is certainly the most jumpy out of the 3. He can often break the intensity of the situation with a simple open mouth gasp and it can either be annoying or hysterical. He seems timid when in a group setting, like he's more frightened by his co-hosts than the ghosts.

Nick is the experimental one (he's also known as the "Runner" from my friends because of his history of running when things got scary). At the risk of sounding childish, he's definitely my favorite one to listen to. By that, I mean compared to Zak's forceful voice, his is quiet but confident and he can provoke the spirits just as well. You can tell he likes being by himself as it gives him the freedom of having one on one contact with something paranormal-friendly or not. He's the perfect middle between Aaron's dramatics and Zak's ferocity; he's the calm between two storms essentially.

Zak is the leader. Despite his tough exterior, Zak has shown on many occasions that he has quite the sense of humor (for proof, see their Valentine's Day special). He's also gotten extremely emotional during some experiences- not crying, thank God- but they certainly add to overall effect of what I'm seeing. It wouldn't be the same if they have stoic faces during a terrifying EVP session or physical contact. He's the anchor of the show and without him and his tiny shirts, it just wouldn't be the same.

Sure, these guys can sound like they stepped into Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure but in a way, it works. It tells me that these are average guys who have a passion for something and they followed it. The learn experience from on the job and watching their first documentary to their latest episode, you can really tell how much they've grown from their experiences.

Those things being said, there are 2 things that bug me: 1) they don't show much debunking. That doesn't mean they don't do it, because they tell you if it's something non paranormal but I wished they did more debunking in general. Especially with banging and sounds. 2) Zak said on one case, that they don't like to get religious on cases, which I completely understand, but if you're going to say something's demonic...that's religious; "holy" water will do as much good as an umbrella during a tidal wave.

Of course, like any show that has the paranormal in it, you pretty much have to take their word for things. Are these guys trustworthy? If you don't think so, then at least you can be entertained for an hour.
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This show is garbage and I love everything about it.
Chilpilllllll29 October 2019
I don't believe in ghosts one bit, but something about four grown men screaming in the dark at a creaky floorboard is comedy gold. Yes, the episodes are repetitive and cheap and dumb and completely fabricated, but thats what makes it so much fun! It's kind of like watching friends, but if all the characters were utterly delusional morons. Would recommend to anyone who's had a rough day, because as lame as your job might be or as hard as its been, at least you aren't a fourty year old man running around in the dark with a camera, terrified by every gust of wind as your depressing existence is broadcasted to millions internationally.
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A solid entertaining paranormal-show
morkulv_athferion10 October 2009
When it comes to paranormal-shows (or more specifically ghost hunting shows) I think I've seen quite a few of it. Ghost Hunters (which is probably the most popular ghost hunting show nowadays), Most Haunted, and a few others come to mind. However, what I think distinguishes these shows from Ghost Adventures is the fact that Ghost Adventures has a lot more entertainment-value.

A lot of times it seems that people either love or hate this show. Whether they think that the three investigators Zak, Nick and Aaron are annoying, or that the show simply has questionable evidence, it seems that a lot of people have sómething to nitpick about this show. However, when I watch a TV-show I want to be entertained and that is where Ghost Adventures scores the highest I think because usually paranormal-shows get boring quite quickly.

The crew has a interesting approach by locking themselves up at each paranormal site (or at least claimed to be paranormal site), from evening to morning while investigating. This eliminates the possibility that any crew-member besides themselves might pollute their potential evidence, which is quite clever considering that there was never any paranormal-show that took that in consideration until now.

These guys also have a good sense of humor which is a good thing because else the investigation would get repetitive and boring quickly I imagine. Whether Zak's fear of snakes is playing up, or he's getting attacked by a wild cat, there is always something to break the tension. The evidence they get is sometimes interesting as well, but this is of course something that you always have to take with a grain of salt since its a TV-show.

If you thought Ghost Hunters got boring after season 3, then check out Ghost Adventures. If you don't take it tóó seriously, you might enjoy them as much as I do.

Good luck on season 3 guys!
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I'm torn...
suessis14 November 2010
between wanting to laugh at and being seriously intrigued by this show. When these guys really get into this I feel like I'm watching Bill and Ted's Excellent Ghost Hunting Adventure. "Dude! Dude! Did you hear that? Whoa!". I think that a lot of what goes on here is them (in particular Zac) reacting to their environment. Also the creative editing that is done afterward emphasizes a great deal. Despite that, there are moments when I feel they are actually making contact with the other side.

Since I can't be sure that anything is real here, I can only judge this on entertainment value. For that I can say it is truly entertaining. With the music, editing, and graphics used it's truly an awesome ride through the paranormal.
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Great paranormal entertainment, "dude!"
I-Luv-Movies24 May 2009
I'm a huge fan of paranormal television programs and this one has got me hooked! The team locks themselves in some of the most haunted places overnight but first will spend a little time in the town learning about the location and the people there. Even though I feel the trio (Zak, Nick, and Aaron) could do more "debunking" when it comes to many things that occur, this show is raw and is sure to win over the skeptic in you (at least with some of the evidence). You'll find many of their reactions during lockdown humorous. The three can overdo it a bit. You see their raw scripts. Be prepared for some bleeping...these boys hold nothing back...and also hearing the word "Dude" at least a hundred times. I wholeheartedly suggest you check this program out. It pulls you in, regardless if you love them or hate them. You won't be able to wait for the commercials to be over.
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jtr-3370422 October 2019
Oh, my! This is one of the funniest comedies I've ever seen! These guys scare the hell out of each other like frat bros on spring break. Must be lots of $$$ for these 'paranormal INVESTIGATORS!' LMAO!!! Rivals the wonderful Three Stooges! Great show.
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Ghost Adventures is now Zac's Drama Show
kimmiecres2 April 2020
Once upon a time, I liked this show. I enjoy everything the Travel Channel has to offer but now... Ghost Adventures is off the list. Thru the first couple of seasons, I found it entertaining and wanting more. I was on edge to see what could happen next. Now, I am beyond annoyed with Zac Bagans. As episodes progressed so did Zac's narcissistic behavior. It's not a team of guys seeking to communicate with the dead any longer. It's all about Zac and how he is "effected" at each new location. Its sickening to see his angry drama burst over everyone else around. Kinda like a sick husband, a wife can be sick, but he'll always be more sick. If they could get rid of the narssis drama attention queen, itd be worth watching again.
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Freakin' addicting!!!
harfordamanda15 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If Ghost Adventures had their own church, I would be there every Sunday and Wednesday service and more than likely every single pie pickin bake sale!! This show ROCKS!!!! Premise is simple: 12 hours, one haunted place and 3 tubular dudes with video cameras who are locked in from dusk till dawn (sweet movie.) It can't get any better. Personally, I don't doubt them one bit. Their not there to prove a haunting or dismiss it, they're just their to capture the legends on film. The locations are credible, you've probably even seen them on other paranormal shows which even makes them more credible! As for their evidence, they break it down immediately after it happens sometimes playing it over a few times or at a slower pace and if they catch anything really spooky like a full apparition, it's analyzed to death because ultimately that's the main goal is to show you that what they get is REAL. It's also nice to have just 3 regular normal guys interacting with you through the show than a bunch of pocket protector scientists whom you can't even understand. Zak, Nick and Aaron are just like you which makes the series even better. They do the exact same thing my friends and I do on the weekends and it's so awesome to know that we're not the only ones who do that crazy crap!! I love them, can't get enough of them and hope it's on air forever!!
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Enjoy show but...... actually help!
katilbc1 January 2019
I do enjoy show for entertainment value but GA claims it is doing these investigations to help people, so HELP! Maybe spend less on terrible reenactments and spend 5 minutes at the end of show to wrap things up. Show always seems to end in the middle of the investigation with someone hearing voices or seeing something and then Zac starts narrating over scenes from episode and I'm thinking to myself, how can show be over in the middle of this? It leaves this viewer wondering what happened not only to crew at end of show but also to countless people who called the GA team for assistance.
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Give zak acting lessons...please
jmcutler-7090810 April 2021
Zaks overacting has completely ruined this show. I once enjoyed their investigations when it became all about Zak. Didnt matter if someone else was hurt, knocked down...Zak mysteriously had his own regard for Aaron, jay, Billy, or nick...its ALWAYS about Zak...what a shame his narcissism ruins everything... bad, bad Zak, bad....
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paigewark15 December 2022
I get it that you're jazzed about documenting proof but when you ask a spirit to do something and it does what you're asking, just keep your cool then thank them. As a Native American I did not appreciate when you investigated the basement of a segregated school where Native and Mexican children were abused in the basement only for the crew to "challenge" the souls there. They are children that were abused in that basement, they will not challenge an adult white man after what they went through. Be kind and compassionate when dealing with child spirits. Show respect to the good spirits. Gifts.
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Everything you want and more
yllomsekao9 October 2011
I've seen a lot of ghost shows, and this is by FAR the best. It's raw and entertaining. It's funny and they don't waste time showing you them review the evidence or talk about their social problems. Another thing I love about this is that they show you the evidence as it happens. They have way cooler devices like the spirit box (something that ghosts can use to say things). Whenever I watch the intro, I can't help but smile at how goofy it is. Although the intro isn't trying to be funny, the show has a sense of humor. Them messing around and making Aaron go to the scariest place by himself every episode really makes it. All and all, it's a really great show that any ghost enthusiast can appreciate (and one of my favorites!).
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Best show ever!
ebopper19 November 2008
1st to comment! Best show ever! I love everything about it.. 100% real, nothing faked hear like other shows... Zak is great! There is three people that go out and investigate actual haunted spots. Zak, Nick and Aaron. They always seem to capture something. My favorite is the pilot episode which a actual block gets thrown at them. They review the tape and you can clearly see that there is no string, no hands, no trickery, just a block flying at them with force from a evil entity. This is truly my favorite show. I cannot wait for Friday nights on the Travel Channel. These 3 individuals do not use a camera crew and are only supplied with their own personal cameras and equipment. They then do history on the haunted places and lock themselves in with actual locks for the entire night. Very creepy yet very entertaining. This show makes me believe again! I recommend it 100%
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A very fun and entertaining show
soulskerboi200815 October 2010
This show appeared on the Netflix Instant watch on XBox live. So i gave it a shot. The very first episode i watched was the Poveglia Island in Italy, and i have to say i thought that some parts were a little "iffy". So i decided to give it another watch and immediately i was hooked on this gem of a show. I have never seen or heard a ghost in my life, but this show really makes me believe in them. Zac pretty much taunts the ghosts to come out and hurt him and his crew, I really believe these guys genuinely WANT to prove the existence of the paranormal, which is very refreshing to see. I highly recommend this show to anyone who wants a good scare, or just something kind of interesting to watch. They tend to get some extremely creepy EVP's on every episode.
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Interesting, often terrifying
dorotka249 June 2009
I had sampled a number of reality haunted location shows in the past, such as Britain's "Most Haunted," and found them generally unappealing. Several of late have been more interesting, and "Ghost Adventures" is one of them.

The formula for each show is similar - a team of paranormal investigators spends time in a purportedly haunted location in the hopes of capturing evidence of activity, whether audio, video, personal, or other experiences. Much infrared and night vision camera work ensues, with many dramatic moments and even a few expletives. Afterwards their footage is reviewed and replayed to note any unusual anomalies, like EVPs, "orbs," noises, or occasional visual phenomena including apparitions.

Since I have a great interest in history, the highlight of the show for me is the fact that the crew visits a wide variety of locales throughout the United States that have long and storied pasts. Most of them are unknown to me, boosting my interest substantially. The host does a fine job of providing background for the locale and the purposes of the many rooms or buildings within, not to mention possible reasons for the hauntings. Some of the locales are buildings which have been long abandoned, and are private property not opened to the public. Much of the furniture, layout, and years of dust are preserved for all to see.

The supernatural phenomena captured by the crew is fascinating, and often disturbing. The show relies on the trust and belief of the viewer to convey the fear and drama, and unfortunately much of what we see could be explained or reproduced with special effects technology. But even if the supernatural phenomena could be explained away, there is a certain ambiance to large, spooky, and historic buildings that is in itself fear inspiring.

There are a few flaws that sometimes detract from the experience. The investigators themselves do not carry themselves as professionals, and are apparently amateurs. Although they are brave to spend the night in such places, the show oftentimes reminds me of a juvenile dare, as opposed to a serious investigation. The host can often be downright obnoxious, and his antics sometimes cut into the atmosphere of the surroundings. The focus for the crew is to create tension, and they clearly inject drama in an attempt to make the show more interesting to the audience. This is all right, but for me further reduces their credibility as investigators.

In the end, though, the show's strong points make up for its flaws in my opinion. I will always try to catch it whenever possible, and find it to be generally fascinating and terrifying.
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Best in it's category
Draysan-Jennings22 January 2020
I've watched a bunch of paranormal investigation TV shows. I'd have to say this ones the best. Almost every episode is done well and they're always in the creepiest locations. If you're into ghost hunting TV shows, definitely give this one a shot. 10 STARS.
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It's pretty good
raynaking020 March 2015
I love the paranormal. I don't know if it's fake or not it just interests me. I've been watching this show on and off since 2008. I love all the stories and experiences. The show does a good job with the history of the places they investigate. They always get a good amount of "evidence" which is cool. I've seen some other paranormal investigating shows and they never get any evidence. Of course when something happens they get freaked out a little. It's fun to watch them get scared. I don't know if the show is fake but even if it was I think it's still entertaining. It's like going to the movies to see a scary movie. You know it's all fake but you still like it. The only thing I do not like about the show is Zak. He's a total d*****bag. He thinks he's so cool. He's one of those guys who wears tapout and affliction (yeah one of THOSE guys) and honestly he can be really rude sometimes to the people they interview. He's even rude to the ghosts! I think if the show dropped him it would be so much better. Nic (nik?) and Aaron could definitely keep the show going without him.
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Wait for it....
mem-541873 December 2020
Used to like this show now Zak just annoys. If someone in group feels something and not feeling well, just wait and Zak will soon say he isn't feeling good either. He hates being left out and not center of attention.
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Eeeeek...A Mouse, No - A Ghost
PartialMovieViewer12 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Ghost Adventures – what can I say? I watch TV for entertainment and not for reality. Why should Ghost Adventures be any different than any other show? For this reason there is no reason to give this show a bad grade. Do I believe any of the stories – no! Do I get a good laugh - yes! The job these guys have is so cool and they get paid for it. I envy what they do and truly enjoy watching them eat every little scrap of haunting up - like a four year-older eating candy on Halloween – pardon the scary reference…yikes! They need to adopt a motto like, 'My "I Believe Button" is Always Pushed – No Skepticism Aloud.' When these shows bring in E.M.I. (Electromagnetic Interference) sensing devices I often wonder what part of the E.M. spectrum they are looking at. Where in the frequency spectrum are these ghosties hiding? To get a more accurate reading - I would suggest a hand-held spectrum analyzer with a small directional antenna, instead of some cheap plastic box with flashing lights. Lend some credibility to the show - please. This would also give 'researcher' Zak more chances to use key lines like: 'What in the hell was that?', or 'Stop running!' or 'Did you hear that?' This kind of information would help with in new phrase longer would you hear over and over, 'DISEMBODIED VOICE'. They could incorporate 'disembodied squiggly line on spectrum analyzer.' What the heck - sounds official to me. Anyways…my skepticism drags me into the realm of negativity and I refuse to wander down that dark and stormy path. This is a very enjoyable program with a whole lot of fun stuff going on. Zak and his team are a true 'hoot'. Next time the show is on, pop some popcorn, turn off all the lights and get ready for the ride of your life. You may never get scared, but it is so funny and entertaining watching each of these characters scare each-other – you may end up spilling your popcorn. Keep up the good work and I enjoy every minute. I have decided to come back and haunt master plan
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Zak is the biggest S-hole / coward!
timberwolf-033715 August 2022
I love the show but can't stand Zak. How he abuses the other hosts by always sending them into the darkness, INSISTING THEY GO when when they didn't feel comfortable doing so. What a complete s-hole and COWARD!! It's just hard to watch when he keeps making the others do the dangerous stuff as he stays back and watch. What an S-hole! The show will be so much better without him. Poor Billy and Aaron!
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Never saw the appeal of this show
imno007-226 January 2021
Every once in a while I tune into this show, usually just because there's nothing better on at the time and because I 'm interested in the paranormal in general, but every time I watch it I'm reminded of why I don't watch it more. As other reviewers have remarked, there's zero objectivity here, no real scientific approach beyond the questionable value of many of their gadgets. Instead of being Ghost Adventures, it should be called Demon Adventures, because they almost always (always?) start from the premise that what they're investigating isn't whatever remains of a once living person, but a demonic entity or evil spirit - although I suppose they might argue that evil spirits can also have once been human beings. Whatever. The bottom line is, everything is evil, and every place they investigate is a "portal to hell." I suppose if you're a certain type of fundamental Christian and believe that just about anything that's weird or unexplained is attributable to Satan and demons, this will make sense to you, but I don't see how the show can be satisfying for anyone else - except maybe those who watch it mainly because they find it humorous or entertaining, like a lot of fans of Wrestling.
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