Can I Use a Home Equity Loan to Buy Another House?

Yes, you can, but it may not be your best option

an estate agent shows a couple around a refurbished period home

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If you have a significant amount of equity in your primary residence, you can tap into it through a home equity loan. You can then use that money for any purpose you wish, including buying a second home or an investment property. However, using a home equity loan to buy another house is not without risks, and it's smart to consider the pros and cons before you proceed.

Key Takeaways

  • If you have enough equity in your home, you can use the money from a home equity loan to buy another house.
  • Like regular mortgages, home equity loans are secured by your home, so you will be putting it at risk if you're unable to repay the loan.
  • There are alternative ways to borrow that may be better in some instances.

Using a Home Equity Loan to Buy Another House

The short answer to the question of whether you can use a home equity loan to buy another home is yes, you generally can. Bear in mind, however, that some lenders may have restrictions regarding the source of your down payment and may not be willing to issue a mortgage on the new home if you're using a home equity loan for that purpose.

Unlike a home equity line of credit (HELOC), which provides a revolving line of credit, a home equity loan gives you the entire loan amount upfront. The amount will depend on how much equity you have in your home, its market value, and how much you want to borrow. Your income and credit history will also affect the loan amount. Most lenders will cap the total amount at a percentage (usually 80%) of the home's value. When your home equity loan closes, you can receive the full proceeds and then spend the money to buy another house or do whatever you want with it.

Pros and Cons of Using a Home Equity Loan to Buy Another House

The major advantage of using a home equity loan to buy a second home is that it may be your best (or only) significant source of funding if you find yourself house-rich but cash-poor. Another potential plus is that interest rates on home equity loans are often lower than the rates other forms of borrowing, though they are typically higher than interest rates on a regular mortgage.

The biggest downside of using a home equity loan for buying another property—or for any other purpose—is that you are putting your primary residence at risk because it serves as collateral to secure the loan. If you find yourself unable to make the payments on your home equity loan, the lender could foreclose on your home and evict you.

An additional danger is that by taking on a home equity loan, especially if you still owe money on your first mortgage, you could find yourself overwhelmed by debt if you face an unexpected financial reversal, such as a job loss or big medical bills.

Finally, another downside is that you'll have to pay closing costs on the home equity loan, which could be 2% to 5% of the total loan amount. You'll also have to pay closing costs on the home that you're buying, such as lawyer fees.

If real estate market conditions change and the value of your home declines significantly, you could end up owing more on your home than it is worth.

Alternatives to Using a Home Equity Loan to Buy Another House

Before you apply for a home equity loan to buy another home, it's worth considering the possible alternatives. They, too, have advantages and disadvantages.


The best source of money to buy another house would be cash that you have already saved and for which you have no other immediate need. If you have that kind of money set aside, you probably shouldn't be seeking a loan at all.

Retirement Savings

Your retirement savings are another possibility. If you have a 401(k) plan at work, for example, your employer may allow you to borrow a portion of it through a 401(k) loan. Like home equity loans, retirement plan loans can be risky. You'll typically need to pay back the loan within five years—even sooner if you leave your job. If you can't pay it back, you'll owe income taxes on the money and possible penalties.

If you borrow from your 401(k), you will have that much less money saved for your retirement years, which could mean financial problems down the road.

Personal Loan

You could also consider a personal loan. You'll usually pay a higher interest rate than with a home equity loan or HELOC, but if the personal loan is unsecured, your home won't be at risk if you fall behind on payments.

Cash-Out Refinance

A cash-out refinance pays off your current mortgage with a larger one based on the accumulated equity in your home. You can then use the extra cash for other purposes. Of course, you'll now have more debt and higher monthly mortgage payments. These loans can also have high closing costs.

Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)

Using a HELOC to buy another home, an investment property, or a rental property could give you more flexibility than a home equity loan, in that you don't have to take the money all at once. This might be useful if you need some cash now for a down payment and expect to need more in a year or two to make some renovations. However, HELOCs typically carry variable interest rates, making them less predictable than a home equity loan, which usually has a fixed rate.

Reverse Mortgage

If you are age 62 or older, you could be eligible for a special type of reverse mortgage called a "HECM for purchase." It allows you to buy a home without having to make monthly payments on the mortgage. The lender will get its money back, with interest, once you leave the home. You must also live in the home and pay the property taxes and insurance premiums on an ongoing basis.

Can You Use a Home Equity Loan to Make a Down Payment on a Home?

Yes, if you have enough equity in your current home, you can use the money from a home equity loan to make a down payment on another home—or even buy another home outright without a mortgage. Note that not all lenders allow this, so you may need to shop around to find one that does.

How Much Money Can You Get From a Home Equity Loan?

Typically, you can borrow as much as 80% of your home equity. However, you may have to pay several thousand dollars in closing costs, which are often rolled into the loan, so you won't walk away from the deal with the full 80%.

What Are the Risks of Using a Home Equity Loan to Buy Another House?

The major risk of a home equity loan, as with a regular mortgage, is that it is secured by your home. This means that if you are unable to keep up with the payments, your lender could seize the home, sell it, and evict you. Instead of a home equity loan, you also may be eligible for an unsecured personal loan, which won't put your house at risk but will typically have a higher interest rate.

Which Is Better: A Home Equity Loan or a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)?

That depends on why you need the money. A home equity loan may be better if you need a lump sum of money at a particular time—such as to purchase another home. A home equity line of credit (HELOC) could be better if you don't need the money all at once but expect to spend it in stages, over several years.

From an interest-rate perspective, a home equity loan may be safer because its interest rate is fixed, while the rate on a HELOC is variable. Borrowers with HELOCs do have some protection in the form of caps on how much and how quickly their interest rates can rise.

Is the Interest on a Home Equity Loan Tax Deductible?

Under current tax law, the interest you pay on a home equity loan is tax deductible only if the loan is "secured by your main home or second home" and the money is "used to buy, build, or substantially improve the residence." This law is set to expire with the 2025 tax year, after which the interest may be deductible regardless of what you use the loan for. Bear in mind, however, you can deduct this interest only if you itemize deductions on your taxes rather than taking the standard deduction.

The Bottom Line

If you have enough equity in your home, it's possible to use a home equity loan to buy another property. One major downside to consider is that if you're unable to keep up with the loan payments, you could lose your home. A HELOC, personal loan, or cash-out refinance are among the alternatives to achieve the same goal and, for some borrowers, may be a better fit. Each has advantages and disadvantages.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. "HUD 4155.1, Chapter 4, Section B. Acceptable Sources of Borrower Funds."

  2. Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Advice. "Home Equity Loans and Home Equity Lines of Credit."

  3. LendingTree. "How Much Are Home Equity Loan Closing Costs?"

  4. Internal Revenue Service. "Retirement Topics - Plan Loans."

  5. Experian. "HELOC vs. Personal Loan: Which Is Better?"

  6. Experian. "What Is a Cash-Out Refinance?"

  7. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. "How the HECM Program Works."

  8. Internal Revenue Service. "Question: Is Interest Paid on a Home Equity Loan or a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) Deductible?"

  9. Internal Revenue Service. "Tax Basics: Understanding the Difference Between Standard and Itemized Deductions."