Robo-Advisor vs. Financial Advisor: Which is Better?

Robo-Advisor vs. Financial Advisor: An Overview

The advent of robo-advisors has revolutionized the financial advising landscape, democratizing access to investment advice with their easy-to-use platforms and cost-effective fees. These digital platforms, powered by algorithms and proven strategies, automate investing at low-cost based on your financial goals and risk tolerance. But how do they stack up against traditional human financial advisors, who offer tailored advice backed by years of experience and nuanced understanding of the market?

In this article, we'll explore the advantages and disadvantages of both robo-advisors and human financial advisors, providing you with a comprehensive comparison to help you choose the best route for your financial journey.

While robo-advisors offer a hands-off approach and low fees & minimums, human financial advisors provide a personal touch, they are able to accommodate complex financial scenarios with a depth of understanding beyond algorithmic capabilities. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just beginning, understanding the differences between these two options is a crucial step towards achieving your financial aspirations.

Key Takeaways

  • Robo-advisors can automate investing strategies that optimize the ideal asset class weights in a portfolio for a given risk preference.
  • ETF trading has become commission-free at several brokers and clearing firms and adds up to robo-advisors managing client money for little to no fee charges.
  • Financial advisors are often more than investment managers—they are communicators, educators, planners, and coaches to their clients.
  • Some traditional advisors now offer robo-advisors-as-a-service as part of the portfolio construction and investment monitoring side of a more holistic financial planning practice.


  • Low Cost

  • Simplicity of Process

  • Ability to tailor portfolios to individual's goals and risk tolerance

  • Ongoing portfolio management and automatic rebalancing

  • Lack human tock

  • Lack nuanced understanding of personal circumstances

  • May not be suitable for those with more complex financial needs

Robo-advisors represent a significant advancement in the world of financial advising, These digital platforms leverage sophisticated algorithms and, in some cases, artificial intelligence, to provide automated financial planning services with minimal human supervision. Simply input your investment goals and time horizon, current financial status, and risk tolerance and you can receive personalized asset management, often at a fraction of the cost of traditional financial advisors.

The foundation of a robo-advisor's service lies in its ability to construct an investment portfolio tailored to your specific needs. Once you've inputted your data, the robo-advisor's algorithms get to work, crafting a balanced portfolio that aims to align with your goals and risk tolerance. Most robo-advisors today use the principles of modern portfolio theory (MPT) to achieve diversification and risk management, typically investing your money in a range of low-cost exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and index mutual funds.

In addition to creating an initial investment strategy, the best robo-advisors offer ongoing portfolio management, including automatic rebalancing and tax-loss harvesting. Automatic rebalancing ensures your portfolio maintains its target asset allocation over time, while tax-loss harvesting seeks to minimize your tax liability by strategically selling off investments that have suffered a loss.

The accessibility and affordability of robo-advisors have made them a popular choice for novice investors and those with smaller portfolios. With lower minimum investment requirements and fees than traditional advisors, they provide an entry point into the world of investing for many who might have previously been excluded. However, it's important to remember that while robo-advisors can offer sound algorithmically-driven advice, they may lack the nuanced understanding of financial planning and personal circumstances that a human advisor can provide.

Before robo-advisors, tax-loss harvesting was time-consuming and tricky since a mistake could result in an illegal wash sale.

Human Financial Advisors

  • Can take into account an individual's entire financial picture

  • Can offer a higher level of personalization

  • Can adapt to an individuals changing needs

  • Offer a greater variety of investment strategies

  • Prone to human fallibility and bias

  • May provide less than optimal advice

  • Higher costs

  • Higher minimum balances

Financial advising as a profession traces its roots back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when the complexities of modern finance began to take shape. Initially, these financial advisors served primarily the wealthy elite who needed assistance navigating the increasingly complex world of stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments. Over time, however, the profession has evolved and expanded, now serving a wide array of individuals and businesses seeking help with their financial planning and investment decisions.

Human financial advisors today are highly trained professionals who provide comprehensive financial advice and servicesThey take into consideration a client's entire financial picture, which can include budgeting, investments, retirement planning, tax strategies, estate planning, and more. By building a deep understanding of a client's financial goals, risk tolerance, and life circumstances, these advisors create bespoke financial plans, offering a level of personalization that robo-advisors cannot achieve. This can include navigating major life events like buying a house, planning for a child's education, or preparing for retirement. Moreover, they can adapt to changing market conditions or personal circumstances, offering strategies that go beyond the rigid algorithms of robo-advisors.

However, the human touch of financial advisors also comes with its own set of challenges. Even the most experienced advisors are prone to human fallibility and bias, which can sometimes cloud their judgment or lead to less-than-optimal advice. Moreover, the cost of their services is often higher, with many advisors charging a percentage of the assets they manage, which can be significantly more expensive than the flat fees charged by most robo-advisors. Additionally, some human advisors have higher minimum investment requirements, making their services less accessible for those just starting out on their investment journey. Despite these challenges, the personal attention, nuanced understanding, and adaptable strategies offered by human advisors continue to make them a valuable resource for many investors.

A Hybrid Approach

Recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of both robo-advisors and human advisors, many financial services companies have started to offer a hybrid approach. This model seeks to marry the best of both worlds, combining the accessibility and efficiency of robo-advisors with the personalized touch and expert judgment of human advisors.

In a hybrid model, clients typically have access to a robo-advisor for automated portfolio management, alongside the option to consult with a human advisor for more complex financial planning questions. This provides a more flexible and comprehensive service, allowing clients to benefit from the low-cost, algorithm-driven investment management of robo-advisors, while also having access to human expertise for personalized advice.

However, it's important to note that the role of human advisors in these hybrid models often differs from that in traditional financial advising. In many cases, these advisors serve more as consultants or guides, helping clients understand their investment options and financial strategies. They may not have the capacity to directly alter portfolios or recommend specific investments, as the automated robo-advisor component typically handles these tasks. This can limit the level of personalized service a client receives compared to a solely human-driven service.

Can a Robo-Advisor Handle All of my Financial Planning Needs?

While robo-advisors are incredibly efficient at managing investments and can provide general financial advice based on the information you provide, they may not be able to handle all aspects of financial planning. Complex scenarios, such as estate planning, budgeting navigating tax implications of large financial decisions, or planning for major life events, may require the nuanced understanding and expertise of a human advisor.

Do Human Financial Advisors Outperform Robo-Advisors?

Not necessarily. Their performance, like that of robo-advisors, depends on a variety of factors, including market trends and the individual's financial situation and goals. It's also important to note that human advisors, like all humans, can be prone to bias and errors. All that aside, it is important to recognize that the higher fees charges by human advisors would result in lower net returns given an otherwise identical portfolio.

Are Robo-Advisors Only Suitable for Novice Investors or Those With Smaller Portfolios?

Robo-advisors are certainly accessible and cost-effective for beginners or those with smaller portfolios, but they can also be a valuable tool for more experienced investors. Their automated portfolio management and rebalancing features, along with tax-loss harvesting, can be beneficial for any investor, regardless of portfolio size.

Is a Hybrid Robo-Advisor/Human Model the Best Form of Financial Advice?

A hybrid model can indeed combine the strengths of both robo-advisors and human advisors, offering a balance of automated efficiency and personalized advice. However, the effectiveness of this model depends on your specific needs and circumstances. If you require a high level of personalized service and direct management of your investments, a traditional human advisor might be better suited to your needs. Conversely, if cost and simplicity are your primary concerns, a robo-advisor might be the better choice.

The Bottom Line

The choice between a robo-advisor and a human financial advisor depends on individual preferences, needs, and circumstances. Robo-advisors offer cost-effective, efficient investment management with minimal human interaction, making them suitable for younger or less wealthy investors comfortable with technology. On the other hand, human advisors provide a more personalized service, wider financial advice, and a real human connection, valued by older, wealthier, or technology-averse individuals. A hybrid approach, combining the advantages of both, may offer the best solution for many.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
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  6. Hayes, A. S. (2021). The active construction of passive investors: roboadvisors and algorithmic ‘low-finance’. Socio-Economic Review, 19(1), 83-110.

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Robo-Advisor Guide