What Is Appreciative Inquiry?

What Is Appreciative Inquiry?

Appreciative inquiry (AI) is a positive approach to leadership development and organizational change, emphasizing positive idea generation. The method is used to boost innovation among organizations. A company might apply appreciative inquiry to best practices, and strategic planning.

Key Takeaways:

  • Appreciative inquiry (AI) represents positive and collaborative techniques to improve leadership and implement organizational and societal change.
  • It boosts innovation by analyzing best practices, strategic planning, organizational culture, and initiatives.
  • Appreciative inquiry has also been used with non-profit and NGO initiatives across global regions and industry sectors.


The Appreciative Inquiry model was developed at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University. It was based on research by David Cooperrider and Ronald Fry.

As firms aim to improve efficiency, survive, perform better, and boost competitiveness, AI proponents argue there's an over-emphasis on "fixing what's wrong" through a deficit-based approach. Instead, Appreciative Inquiry seeks a positive approach.

The model uses analysis that focuses on the best and most effective aspects of living systems and organizations at a societal level. Appreciative Inquiry discovers the untapped positive potential of an organization. For example, a model might focus on a system's opportunities, assets, spirit, and value. 

AI is an approach to organizational change that focuses on what’s right and working rather than what's broken.

The 5 Principals of Appreciative Inquiry

In 1990, Cooperrider and Fry established five principles of appreciative inquiry, including:

  1. The Constructionist Principle: Organizations are co-constructed by the discourse of the participants' interactions. This inquiry generates new stories, language, and ideas.
  2. The Principle of Simultaneity: The answers are implicit in the questions asked.
  3. The Poetic Principle: The organization is always co-authored by people within it through their stories. So, choosing the topic of inquiry can change the organization.
  4. The Anticipatory Principle: Understanding that our actions are guided by our vision of the future, and creating a positive image of the future to shape present action.
  5. The Positive Principle: Positive organizational change requires positive sentiments, such as hope, inspiration, camaraderie, and the strengthening of social bonds.

The 5-D Cycle

Typically, organizations take the principles from Appreciative Inquiry and create change using a 5D cycle, which represents a process or working model. Below are the five cycles that most organizations implement.

  • Define: Clarify the focus or purpose of the project. This includes identifying the starting point, purpose, and what needs to be achieved or improved within the system. In other words, what do we want to focus on and achieve together?
  • Discover: Find out what works within the organization or community. The focus is to discover what the organization does well, its successes, and areas of excellence.
  • Dream: Gather past achievements and successes identified in the previous stage to help imagine what the organization would look like with a new vision for the future. It allows those in the organization to dream of what could be achieved. Participants and employees identify their hopes or aspirations for the future with a wish list.
  • Design: The design stage combines the second and third stages, merging the strengths with the wish lists to formulate the ideal organization.
  • Delivery: The last stage establishes how the design is delivered and executed. This might include how it will be embedded within the organization, and identifying the teams or groups throughout the organization or community that can bring about the change.


The United States Navy used the method for its leadership development program.In the early 2000s, the Navy faced a growing need to change its culture after experiencing challenges with recruiting and retention.The Navy introduced Appreciative Inquiry through interviews from the bottom up within its hierarchal structure.

The goal of the interview process was to inquire as to what represented the best of the Navy from each interviewee.The approach combined the best values of the organization with asking what should be and envisioning what could be.The Navy used a 360-degree feedback method to draw on each person's knowledge, and circle of influence, to create a shared vision of the Navy's leadership needed in the future.

The Navy generated ideas to create and implement that vision. Creating an alignment between everyone involved empowered the participants and altered the discussion from negative to positive feedback.Change initiatives centered around several concepts, including the autonomy to act for those serving in the Navy, attention to personal needs, the types of risks leaders take, and teamwork.

How Has Appreciative Inquiry Been Used?

This approach has been applied at the societal level on topics of global importance. For example, non-profit and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) might design initiatives across global regions and industry sectors after analysis using appreciative inquiry.

What Are the Benefits of Appreciative Inquiry?

Appreciative Inquiry encourages open discussion, creates opportunities for individuals to share their vision, and supports an environment where individuals feel heard and their contributions are valued.

Where Can Business Leaders Find Educational Resources for Appreciative Inquiry?

The Center for Appreciative Inquiry (CAI) has been a hub for Appreciative Inquiry (AI) training and certification since 1989. Teams can participate in workshops and earn appreciative inquiry certification.

The Bottom Line

Appreciative inquiry is a positive approach to organizational change, emphasizing positive idea generation. It encourages discussion and opportunities for individuals to share their vision. Appreciative inquiry can help organizations discover their untapped potential.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. Case Western Reserve University. "Appreciative Inquiry."

  2. The Appreciative Inquiry Commons. "5 Classic Principles of AI."

  3. Appreciative Inquiry Commons. "5-D Cycle of Appreciative Inquiry."

  4. Case Western Reserve University. "Praise for Appreciative Inquiry."

  5. Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive. "The introduction of appreciative inquiry to the U.S. Navy using appreciative inquiry interviews and the large group intervention with applications to U.S. Marine Corps Logistics Strategic Management," Page 1.

  6. Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive. "The introduction of appreciative inquiry to the U.S. Navy using appreciative inquiry interviews and the large group intervention with applications to U.S. Marine Corps Logistics Strategic Management," Page 13.

  7. Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive. "The introduction of appreciative inquiry to the U.S. Navy using appreciative inquiry interviews and the large group intervention with applications to U.S. Marine Corps Logistics Strategic Management," Page 17.

  8. Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive. "The introduction of appreciative inquiry to the U.S. Navy using appreciative inquiry interviews and the large group intervention with applications to U.S. Marine Corps Logistics Strategic Management," Page 18.

  9. Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive. "The introduction of appreciative inquiry to the U.S. Navy using appreciative inquiry interviews and the large group intervention with applications to U.S. Marine Corps Logistics Strategic Managemen," Page 25.

  10. Center for Appreciative Inquiry. "Certification."

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