Evergreen Funding: What You Need to Know

Evergreen Funding

Ryan Oakley / Investopedia

What Is Evergreen Funding?

Evergreen funding (or evergreen finance) is the gradual infusion of capital into a new or recapitalized enterprise. This type of funding differs from traditional funding, in which all the capital required for a business venture is supplied up front by venture capitalists or other investors as part of a private funding round. When the money is provided up front, the company then invests in short-term, low-risk securities until it is ready to use the money for business operations.

Key Takeaways

  • Evergreen funding is a term used to describe the incremental addition of money into a business by investors; the company receives capital on an established schedule or as the need for funds arises.
  • The idea is that, like the evergreen tree, such a firm always has the “green” it needs to survive; however, by spacing out the investments, the company will ideally avoid the tendency of some startups to grow too fast and then fall apart.
  • Evergreen funding plans allow a business to renew its debt at different times, pushing back the maturity date so that the amount of time until the debt is due holds steady while the arrangement is active.

How Evergreen Funding Works

Evergreen funding takes its name from coniferous evergreen trees, which keep their leaves and stay green throughout the year. Similarly, evergreen funding provides capital throughout the seasons of a company’s development. In a normal debt-financing arrangement, company-issued bonds or debentures have a maturity date and require principal repayment at some future point in time.

An evergreen funding arrangement, however, allows a business to renew its debt periodically, repeatedly pushing back the maturity date so that the time until maturity remains relatively constant while the arrangement is in place. In the case of venture capital dollars, the financing is done by selling ownership stakes in the venture, but the infusions of capital are spread out over set periods.

This approach is used to avoid pushing a company to grow too fast. Evergreen funding of this nature assures entrepreneurs that the money is there, but by limiting the pace of capital infusions, it prevents them from growing too rapidly.

With evergreen funding, capital is provided to the management of the company either on a schedule or upon request by the investment team. Evergreen funding has also been used to describe a revolving credit arrangement in which the borrower periodically renews the debt financing rather than having the debt reach maturity.

In this sense, lines of credit and overdrafts are types of evergreen funding, as the borrower applies for it once and then is not required to reapply to access the credit at a later date.

Evergreen funding is distinct from an evergreen fund, which is an investment fund that has an indefinite life, meaning that investors can come and go throughout the life of the fund. 

Evergreen Funding for Cautious Growth

The main arguments for evergreen funding for new ventures are the cautionary tales of startups that grew too fast and quickly outpaced their business model to the point that a profitable business on a small scale became a ruined venture on a larger one.

Ways of business funding are multiplying, but the traditional up-front variety of venture capital remains popular. Reasons include founders and investors being eager to scale up as fast as possible to fill any market voids in their sector before other startups can emerge to compete. Also, venture capitalists want as much of the growth as possible to occur when the company is in the private market, so that the value of a potential initial public offering (IPO) pays the maximum return.

What is evergreen funding?

Evergreen funding provides infusions of capital to a new or existing business at repeated intervals, instead of all of it up front. It keeps extending the maturity date of the debt.

What is the traditional debt-financing arrangement?

With traditional debt financing, venture capital is raised at the beginning of a startup’s existence and has a set maturity date, at which time principal and interest must be repaid.

What are the benefits of evergreen funding?

Evergreen funding prevents a company from growing too fast and collapsing as a result of that growth. The company knows that the money is available but is prevented from spending it unwisely and hastily.

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  1. Nasdaq. “Evergreen Funding.”

  2. MJ Hudson. “The Forever Fund: Evergreen Capital in Private Equity.”

  3. CB Insights. “Research Report: How the Traditional Venture Capital Pipeline Is Changing.”