1913 Federal Reserve Act: Definition and Why It's Important

What Is the 1913 Federal Reserve Act?

The 1913 Federal Reserve Act is legislation in the United States that created the Federal Reserve System. Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act to establish economic stability in the U.S. by introducing a central bank to oversee monetary policy.

Key Takeaways

  • The 1913 Federal Reserve Act created the Federal Reserve System, known simply as "The Fed."
  • It was implemented to establish economic stability in the U.S. by introducing a central bank to oversee monetary policy.
  • The Federal Reserve Act is one of the most influential laws shaping the U.S. financial system.

History of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act

The Federal Reserve is the culmination of several periods of economic tumult in American history. Earlier in its history, the United States formed centralized national banks, much to the consternation of its more rural citizens. The national banks were typically controlled by large eastern banking powers, making them untrustworthy to those outside the area. State-chartered or "free banks" took over, issuing their own currency backed by gold.

In 1863, the National Banking Act was passed, allowing for nationally chartered banks again, which offered a way of providing a standardized currency backed by United States securities. But unstable financial markets in 1893 and 1907 resulted in market crashes and depressions, alleviated only by private infusions from J.P. Morgan. Banking reform became a priority to reassure the populace of the safety of their money. In 1912, President Woodrow Wilson asked for a solution from the House Committee on Banking and Finance. A decentralized bank was the answer and was established in the 1913 Federal Reserve Act.

Understanding the 1913 Federal Reserve Act

The law sets out the purpose, structure, and function of the Federal Reserve System. Congress can amend the Federal Reserve Act and has done so several times.

Before 1913, financial panics were common occurrences because investors were unsure of the safety of their bank deposits. Private financiers such as J.P. Morgan, who bailed out the government in 1895, often provided lines of credit to provide stability in the financial sector. The 1913 Federal Reserve Act, signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson, gave the Fed the ability to print money and policy tools to ensure economic stability.

The Federal Reserve System created the dual mandate to maximize employment and keep prices stable.

The Federal Reserve Act is perhaps one of the most influential laws concerning the U.S. financial system.

The Fed System

The 12 Federal Reserve banks, each in charge of a regional district, are in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, St. Louis, Atlanta, Chicago, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Dallas, and San Francisco.

The seven members of the Board of Governors are nominated by the president and approved by the U.S. Senate. Each governor serves a maximum of 14 years, and each governor's appointment is staggered by two years to limit the power of the president. In addition, the law dictates that appointments be representative of all broad sectors of the U.S. economy.

Here is the current list of Federal Reserve Board members as of August 29, 2022.

Current Federal Reserve Board
Jerome H. Powell (Chair)
Philip N. Jefferson (Vice Chair)
Michael S. Barr (Vice Chair for Supervision)
Michelle W. Bowman
Lisa D. Cook
Christopher J. Waller
Adriana D. Kugler

Here is the current list of Federal Reserve Bank Presidents:

Current Federal Reserve Bank Presidents
Name of President Bank Location-District
Susan M. Collins Boston-1
John C. Williams New York-2
Patrick T. Harker Philadelphia-3
Loretta J. Mester Cleveland-4
Thomas I. Barkin Richmond-5
Raphael W. Bostic Atlanta-6
Austan Goolsbee Chicago-7
Kathleen O’Neill Paese St. Louis-8
Neel Kashkari Minneapolis-9
Jeffrey R. Schmid Kansas City-10
Lorie K. Logan Dallas-11
Mary C. Daly San Francisco-12

Fed Powers

In addition to printing money, the Fed received the power to adjust the discount rate and the Fed funds rate and to buy and sell U.S. Treasuries. The Federal Funds Rate—the interest rate at which depository institutions lend funds maintained at the Federal Reserve to one another overnight—has a major influence on the available credit and the interest rates in the United States and is a measure to ensure that the largest banking institutions do not find themselves short on liquidity.

Through the monetary tools at its disposal, the Federal Reserve attempts to smooth the booms and busts of the economic cycle and maintain adequate bases of money and credit for current production levels.

Central banks across the globe use a tool known as quantitative easing to expand private credit, lower interest rates, and increase investment and commercial activity. Quantitative easing is mainly used to stimulate economies during recessions when credit is scarce, such as during and following the 2008 financial crisis

What Did the Federal Reserve Act Do?

The Federal Reserve Act created the Federal Reserve System after it was passed by Congress in 1913. The Fed was originally created to combat banking "panics" that were causing havoc on the U.S. banking system at the time.

Does the Federal Reserve Set Interest Rates?

Not directly. The prime rate, which is used by many lenders is based on the Federal funds rate. Individual lenders use the prime rate as a base for how much to charge in interest, but they typically add more as a way to make profit.

How Many Federal Reserve Districts Are There?

There are 12 districts, with Alaska and Hawaii included in district 12.

Article Sources
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  1. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "Federal Reserve Act."

  2. Federal Reserve Education. "History of the Federal Reserve."

  3. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "Federal Reserve Act: Section 16. Note Issues."

  4. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. "Federal Reserve Act Signed into Law."

  5. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "What Economic Goals Does the Federal Reserve Seek to Achieve Through its Monetary Policy?"

  6. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "The Twelve Federal Reserve Districts."

  7. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "Federal Reserve Act: Section 10. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System."

  8. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. “Randal K. Quarles Submits Resignation as a Member of the Federal Reserve Board, Effective at the End of December.”

  9. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. “Richard H. Clarida Announces His Intention to Resign From the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on January 14, 2022.”

  10. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "Board Members."

  11. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "Federal Open Market Committee."

  12. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. "History and Purpose of the Federal Reserve."

  13. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "About the Federal Reserve System."

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