Fair Market Value (FMV): Definition and How to Calculate It

What Is Fair Market Value?

Fair market value is the price that an asset would sell for under current market conditions, assuming that both the buyer and the seller are seeking the best possible price. The term is widely used in legal settings, where it may be difficult to set an objective value for some assets.

Fair market value (FMV) is similar to market value, the price that the asset would trade for in the open market under current conditions. However, fair market value has the following additional assumptions:

  • Both buyer and seller are reasonably knowledgeable about the asset
  • Buyer and seller are behaving in their own best interests
  • Both parties are free of undue pressure
  • Each is given a reasonable period for completing the transaction

Given these conditions, an asset's fair market value should represent an accurate valuation or assessment of its worth in contrast to its current price. These assumptions might make an asset's value higher or lower than its market value. This definition of the term is commonly accepted in accounting, tax law, bankruptcy law, divorces, and the real estate market.

Key Takeaways

  • The fair market value is the price an asset would sell for on the open market when certain conditions are met.
  • The conditions are: the parties involved are aware of all the facts, are acting in their own interest, are free of any pressure to buy or sell, and have ample time to make the decision.
  • Fair market value is different than market value and appraised value.
  • Tax settings and the real estate market are two areas that commonly use fair market value.
  • Insurance companies use fair market value in determining certain claim payouts.
Fair Market Value (FMV)

Investopedia / Mira Norian

Understanding Fair Market Value (FMV)

Fair market value is intentionally distinct from similar terms, such as market value or appraised value, because it considers the economic principles of free and open market activity. In contrast, the term market value refers to the price of an asset in the marketplace. Therefore, while a home's market value can easily be found on a listing, its fair market value is more difficult to determine.

Similarly, the term "appraised value" refers to an asset's value in the opinion of a single appraiser, thus not immediately qualifying the appraisal as fair market value. However, in cases where a fair market value is needed, an appraisal will usually suffice. 

Due to the thorough considerations used in determining fair market value, it's often used in legal settings. For example, fair market value in real estate is commonly used in divorce settlements and to calculate compensation related to the government's use of eminent domain.

Fair market values are also often utilized in taxation, such as when determining the fair market value of a property for a tax deduction after a casualty loss.

It's essential to assess the fair market value of an item you buy or sell, as it can significantly impact your finances.

Practical Uses of Fair Market Value

Municipal property taxes are often assessed based on the FMV of the owner's property. Depending on how long the owner has owned the home, the difference between the purchase price and the residence's FMV can be substantial. Professional appraisers use standards, guidelines, and national and local regulations to determine a home's FMV.

FMV is also often used in the insurance industry. For example, when an insurance claim is made due to a car accident, the insurance company covering the damage to the owner's vehicle usually covers damages up to the vehicle's FMV.

Fair Market Value and Taxation

Tax authorities nearly always ensure that transactions are realized at FMV, at least for tax purposes. For example, a father who is retiring may sell the shares of his business to his daughter for $1 so that she can carry on as the owner of the family business.

However, suppose the FMV of the shares is higher. In that case, tax authorities such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may well recharacterize the transaction for tax purposes. The father will need to pay taxes on the disposition of the shares as though he had sold them at FMV to a third party.

Another field of taxation where FMV regularly comes into play is donating property, such as artwork, to charities. In these cases, the donor usually receives a tax credit for the value of the donation. Tax authorities need to ensure that the credit given is for the actual FMV of the object and often ask donors to provide independent valuations for their donations. Correctly applying fair market value to taxes ensures there won't be adverse monetary implications later on or any claims of fraud by authorities.

How Do You Calculate Fair Market Value?

You can assess rather than calculate fair market value in a few different ways. First, by the price the item cost the seller, via a list of sales for objects similar to the asset being sold, or an expert's opinion. For example, a diamond appraiser would likely be able to identify and calculate a diamond ring based on their experience.

How Do I Know the Fair Market Value of My Home?

Real estate property is assessed by professional appraisers who can tell you its fair market value using standards, guidelines, and national and local regulations to determine it.

How Are Assets Valued in a Divorce?

Each state has its own rules for the division of marital assets. Liquid assets, such as stocks and bonds, are typically valued according to current market prices. Electronics, household items, and vehicles are priced according to their fair market value, which is typically lower than their original purchase price. Real estate, jewelry, artworks, professional degrees, and businesses are harder to value and may require expert appraisal or testimony to determine a fair price.

How Can I Learn the Fair Market Value of My Car?

The Kelley Blue Book is an online guide that can help you determine the fair market value of your car by analyzing data such as trade-in value, private party value, and other areas of research.

The Bottom Line

Fair market value is an assessment of the price an asset could sell for based on several assumptions. This valuation method differs from market value in that market value is the current price for the asset. Market value may be less or more than fair market value (it's believed to be a more accurate reflection of value), which is why fair market value is used by businesses and governments rather than market value.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. Cornell Law School, Legal Information Institute. "Market Value."

  2. Cornell Law School, Legal Information Institute. "Appraised Value."

  3. North Carolina Courts. "Equitable Distribution Affidavit Instructions."

  4. Law Offices of Stimmel, Stimmel & Roeser. "Eminent Domain - The Basic Law."

  5. Internal Revenue Service. "Topic No. 515 Casualty, Disaster, and Theft Losses."

  6. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. "Massachusetts Municipal Property Taxes."

  7. The Inland Empire Law Group. "I Have Been in an Accident and My Car is a Total Loss. How is the Value of the Car Determined?"

  8. Internal Revenue Service. "Publication 561, Determining the Value of Donated Property." Pages 2-3, 7.

  9. Internal Revenue Service. "Publication 561, Determining the Value of Donated Property." Pages 4-5, 10.

  10. Internal Revenue Service. "Publication 561, Determining the Value of Donated Property." Pages 2-3, 5.

  11. Internal Revenue Service. "Publication 561, Determining the Value of Donated Property." Page 6.

  12. New York City Bar Association. "Divorce and Property Rights."

  13. Kelley Blue Book. "Frequently Asked Questions: My Car's Value."

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