Indian Space Science Data Center (ISSDC)



AstroSat is the first dedicated Indian astronomy mission aimed at studying celestial sources in X-ray and UV spectral bands simultaneously.

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Chandrayaan-1, India's first mission to Moon, performed the chemical, mineralogical and photo-geologic mapping of the Moon.

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Chandrayaan-2, India's second lunar expedition will shed light on a completely unexplored section of Moon- its South Polar region.

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Chandrayaan-3, India’s third lunar exploration mission is ready to take off in fourth operational mission (M4) of LVM3 launcher. ISRO is crossing new frontiers by demonstrating soft landing on lunar surface by its lunar module and demonstrate roving on the lunar terrain. It is expected to be supportive to ISRO’s future interplanetary missions.

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Mars Orbiter Mission

Mars Orbiter Mission(MOM) is India's first interplanetary mission to planet Mars for the exploration of surface features, morphology, mineralogy and atmosphere at Mars.

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Megha-Tropiques is a satellite mission to study the water cycle in the tropical atmosphere in the context of climate change, a collaborative effort between ISRO and France's CNES.

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YouthSat is a mini satellite that intended to investigate the relationship between solar variability and thermosphere-Ionosphere changes.

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Upcoming Missions

ISSDC is gearing up to support the upcoming Missions by augmenting the computing infrastructure, storage system, networks, security devices and software elements.

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Among the other activities supported by ISSDC are: hosting of Space based Automatic Identification System (AIS-SB) data, SARAL, Akatsuki.

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ISRO Science Data Archive is the repository of all the science data from the Indian science missions, starting from Chandrayaan-1.

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AS1, CH1, CH2, MOM and MT1 Gallery

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Announcements / Upcoming Events
Chandrayaan-2 Science and Data Product documents: During the inaugural session of Lunar Science Workshop, Chairman, ISRO released three documents on Chandrayaan-2 related to the science results and data products on 06th September 2021. Click here to download.
Posted on: 06-09-2021
Chandrayaan-2:Imaging Infrared Spectrometer (IIRS)Second set of Data Released. . Click here to download.
Posted on: 02-09-2021
Chandrayaan-2:Dual-Frequency SAR Thirdset of data release. Click here to download.
Posted on: 31-08-2021
Chandrayaan-2:Imaging Infrared Spectrometer (IIRS) Initial data release. Click here to download.
Posted on: 19-08-2021
Chandrayaan-2:CHACE-2 Third data release Click here to download.
Posted on: 13-08-2021
AstroSat:SSM: The black hole X-ray binary GRS 1915+105 has shown renewed activity since early July, 2021 after about 100 days of weak activity. Click here for more details
Posted on: 27-07-2021
AstroSat:Light curve of the Black Hole X-ray transient 4U1543-47 as observed by AstroSat Scanning Sky Monitor (SSM) after the recent outburst, until 16 July 2021. Click here for more details
Posted on: 26-07-2021
Chandrayaan-2:Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC-2) Second data release. Click here for download.
Posted on: 14-07-2021
Chandrayaan-2:Optical High Resolution Camera (OHRC) Second data release. Click here for download.
Posted on: 13-07-2021
Chandrayaan-2:Dual-Frequency SAR Second data release. Click here for download.
Posted on: 06-07-2021