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Last month, the Mesa City Council appointed Judge Geoffrey Balon as a new magistrate on its Municipal Court. Balon, who is Jewish, believes that his experience as a religious minority makes hi…

When several congregants of Temple B’rith Shalom decided to throw a party last month in honor of Rabbi Dr. Susan Schanerman’s second anniversary as their spiritual leader, they were celebrating more than their rabbi’s short tenure.

Community Milestones


Jewish cooks across Greater Phoenix likely have their personal favorite recipes when it comes time to make any number of Jewish dishes. However, it is an open question how many of those same cooks (or the people at their tables) have given much thought as to how and why the recipes were firs…

Religious Life

What are your plans for the High Holidays? What does celebrating Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur normally look like for you? Joining family and friends for a meal, including the traditional apple dipped in honey and can’t-miss double serving of brisket? How about attending services to say some o…


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