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JMRA Online Mini-Conference 2021




"Prospecting Insight Industries - Marketing Research 2021"

In 2020, we were at the mercy of an unprecedented COVID-19 disaster. At JMRA, we invited Ph.D. Akihiro SATO of Yokohama City University's School of Data Science to talk about our expectations for the fusion of data analysis and marketing research in the start of committee activities in FY2021. We will also ask multiple committees to announce the "Past and Future Initiatives" and draw up a vision for the new fiscal year.

Date and Time of Event

Monday, May 24, 2021 13: 00 - 17: 00 (Planned)

How to hold

Online Meeting (Zoom webinar)

Target number of participants


Invitation for sponsorship

We are now accepting applications for sponsorship during the intermission of online presentations, and sponsored study presentation.

Pure CM
14: 05- intermission for a maximum of 5 minutes
15: 10- intermission for a maximum of 5 minutes
Study presentation : 1 to 2 Quota
16: 05- for a maximum of 15 minutes
Fee: JPY110,000(including tax) / frame
Content: Pre-recorded movie, Powerpoint slides and the day of the performance are all possible. But Japanese language contents are strongly recommended.
  •  In the case of a movie, a performance test is required, so please send it in advance.
  •  Please be aware that the movie may be momentarily disconnected depending on the tele-communication status.
  • As with previous annual conferences, the event will be attended by research agencies and client companies (the person of research buyers).

◎ Contact the JMRA office for application and inquiries.
 Mail: [email protected] (CC: [email protected])