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Housing And Civil Enforcement Section Cases Prior to 2018

Cases after December 31, 2017 are available on the new case search page.

While we endeavor to ensure that the electronic copies of court documents available on this site are complete and accurate (apart from formatting changes necessitated by the conversion to HTML or PDF format), errors or omissions may occur. The official versions of court documents are the versions available from the court.

Race or Color
National Origin
Familial Status
Fair Lending Cases
Cases Developed Through Testing Program
Public Accommodations Cases
Religious Land Use Cases
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

Discrimination Based Upon Race or Color

      summary       complaint (6/16/11)       amended agreed order (4/15/13)       press release (6/16/11)

Discrimination Based Upon National Origin

Discrimination Based Upon Religion

           summary       amicus brief (12/22/99)

Discrimination Based Upon Sex

Discrimination Based Upon Familial Status

Discrimination Based Upon Disability

          summary        complaint (7/23/20)       proposed consent order (7/23/20)       press release (7/23/20)       settlement agreement (9/11/2020)      

          summary        complaint (7/28/20)

Fair Lending Enforcement

          summary        complaint (7/23/20)       proposed consent order (7/23/20)       press release (7/23/20)       settlement agreement (9/11/2020)                  

Cases Developed Through Testing Program

Public Accommodations Cases

Religious Land Use Cases 

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Cases

Updated November 6, 2023