Phone Bills

Reviewing your phone bill

Within Cal Answers the IST Billing dashboard provides recharge costs and details for services performed by Information Systems & Technology (IST).  

How to Reimburse for Personal Calls

Please review your IST bill for any personal calls.  University policy states that personal use of University resources is prohibited, including telephone services. It is understandable that some personal calls may be unavoidable during business hours though; however, these calls should be kept to a minimum. It is recommended that a personal calling card be used instead when making personal long distance telephone calls. You may reimburse the school for charges for personal calls by personal check made payable to the UC Regents. Please submit reimbursement checks to the Business Office.

Changing the Funding/Chartstring

To change the chartstring that your phone number currently gets charged to please e-mail [email protected] or [email protected] the following information.

  • the phone number for which you want the chartrstring changed,
  • the name of the person the number is being used by,
  • the old chartstring the number was being charged to, and
  • the new chartstring you want the number charged to.

Changing the Name/Assignment of a Number

To change the name a phone number is assigned to please e-mail [email protected] or [email protected] the following information.

  • the phone number for which you want the assignment changed,
  • the name the phone number was assigned to before, and
  • the name and employee ID number of the person the phone should be assigned to.

Please note that we can only assign numbers to full-time career employees. TAP and other employees will have their numbers assigned to the department in general.