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Major Appropriation and Finance Bills and Laws, 1977-present

Compiled by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library

This is a list of major appropriation and finance bills and laws from 1977 to the present, and is not meant to be a comprehensive list of all bills or laws containing appropriations. Bills and laws were identified using reports from the House Fiscal Analysis Department, Senate Counsel, Research and Fiscal Analysis, and the Legislative Reference Library's vetoes database.

To identify other appropriation or finance bills and laws not included here, use the bill search system, Minnesota Session Laws, Senate Counsel, Research and Fiscal Analysis' Fiscal Review publications and omnibus budget and policy bills page, the House Research Department's recent budget legislation page, or the House Fiscal Analysis Department's tracking spreadsheets.

While efforts have been made to verify this information, errors or omissions are possible. Please report any errors to the library staff.

SessionDescriptionBillSession LawVeto?
93rd Legislature, 2024 Taxes HF2757 Chapter 76
93rd Legislature, 2024 School Resource Officers HF3489 Chapter 78
93rd Legislature, 2024 Education Forecast Adjustments HF4518 Chapter 81
93rd Legislature, 2024 Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund HF3377 Chapter 83
93rd Legislature, 2024 Capital Investment (Bonding) - Technical Changes HF3631 Chapter 88
93rd Legislature, 2024 Pensions HF5040 Chapter 102
93rd Legislature, 2024 Legacy HF4124 Chapter 106
93rd Legislature, 2024 Elections HF4772 Chapter 112
93rd Legislature, 2024 Tax-forfeited Lands Settlement Account HF5246 Chapter 113
93rd Legislature, 2024 Education HF5237 Chapter 115
93rd Legislature, 2024 Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund HF3911 Chapter 116
93rd Legislature, 2024 Human Services - Minnesota African American Family Preservation and Child Welfare Disproportionality Act SF716 Chapter 117
93rd Legislature, 2024 Jobs and Economic Development SF5289 Chapter 120
93rd Legislature, 2024 Office of Cannabis Management; Department of Health HF4757 Chapter 121
93rd Legislature, 2024 Office of Emergency Medical Services HF4738 Chapter 122
93rd Legislature, 2024 Judiciary, Public Safety, and Corrections HF5216 Chapter 123
93rd Legislature, 2024 Higher Education HF4024 Chapter 124
93rd Legislature, 2024 Human Services SF5335 Chapter 125
93rd Legislature, 2024 Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, Utilities, Environment and Climate SF4942 Chapter 126
93rd Legislature, 2024 State Government HF5247 Chapter 127
93rd Legislature, 2023 Taxes HF31 Chapter 1
93rd Legislature, 2023 Transportation - Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act HF26 Chapter 6
93rd Legislature, 2023 Attorney General - Criminal Enforcement Appropriations SF33 Chapter 8
93rd Legislature, 2023 Human Services - Emergency Food Shelf Program HF213 Chapter 11
93rd Legislature, 2023 Transportation - Noncompliant Driver's License or Minnesota Identification Card Requirements Modified HF4 Chapter 13
93rd Legislature, 2023 Education - Free School Meals Program HF5 Chapter 18
93rd Legislature, 2023 Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program HF1440 Chapter 20
93rd Legislature, 2023 Human Services - Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare SF2265 Chapter 22
93rd Legislature, 2023 Commerce - Energy Grants HF1656 Chapter 24
93rd Legislature, 2023 Public Safety - Disaster Assistance HF1278 Chapter 26
93rd Legislature, 2023 Capital Investment (Bonding) - Rural Finance Authority HF463 Chapter 32
93rd Legislature, 2023 Giants Ridge Account SF2369 Chapter 33
93rd Legislature, 2023 Elections HF3 Chapter 34
93rd Legislature, 2023 Housing HF2335 Chapter 37
93rd Legislature, 2023 Veterans and Military Affairs HF1937 Chapter 38
93rd Legislature, 2023 Capital Investment (Bonding) - Lead Drinking Water Service Line Replacement HF24 Chapter 39
93rd Legislature, 2023 Legacy HF1999 Chapter 40
93rd Legislature, 2023 Higher Education HF2073 Chapter 41
93rd Legislature, 2023 Agriculture, Broadband and Rural Development SF1955 Chapter 43
93rd Legislature, 2023 Pensions - Finance HF3100 Chapter 45
93rd Legislature, 2023 Minnesota Secure Choice Retirement Program HF782 Chapter 46
93rd Legislature, 2023 Pensions - Policy HF2950 Chapter 47
93rd Legislature, 2023 Labor - Peace Officer and Firefighter Duty Disability HF1234 Chapter 48
93rd Legislature, 2023 Judiciary and Public Safety SF2909 Chapter 52
93rd Legislature, 2023 Jobs, Labor, and Economic Development SF3035 Chapter 53
93rd Legislature, 2023 Early Childhood - Early Learning Scholarships, Head Start, and Early Education Programs HF2292 Chapter 54
93rd Legislature, 2023 E-12 Education HF2497 Chapter 55
93rd Legislature, 2023 Claims HF3288 Chapter 56
93rd Legislature, 2023 Commerce SF2744 Chapter 57
93rd Legislature, 2023 Paid Family and Medical Leave HF2 Chapter 59
93rd Legislature, 2023 Environment, Natural Resources, Climate, and Energy HF2310 Chapter 60
93rd Legislature, 2023 Human Services and Health SF2934 Chapter 61
93rd Legislature, 2023 State Government HF1830 Chapter 62
93rd Legislature, 2023 Cannabis HF100 Chapter 63
93rd Legislature, 2023 Taxes HF1938 Chapter 64
93rd Legislature, 2023 Transportation HF2887 Chapter 68
93rd Legislature, 2023 Health and Human Services SF2995 Chapter 70
93rd Legislature, 2023 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF670 Chapter 71
93rd Legislature, 2023 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF669 Chapter 72
93rd Legislature, 2023 Previous appropriations modified, and money appropriated HF447 Chapter 73
93rd Legislature, 2023 Nursing Facilities HF3342 Chapter 74
92nd Legislature, 2022 Prairie Island Net Zero Project HF2875 Chapter 41
92nd Legislature, 2022 Minnesota Premium Security Plan Operation Extension and Money Transfer SF3472 Chapter 44
92nd Legislature, 2022 Frontline Worker Payments and COVID-19 Response SF2677 Chapter 50
92nd Legislature, 2022 Veterans and Military Affairs SF4233 Chapter 54
92nd Legislature, 2022 Pensions SF3540 Chapter 65
92nd Legislature, 2022 Legacy HF3438 Chapter 77
92nd Legislature, 2022 Commerce Supplemental Appropriations HF3255 Chapter 93
92nd Legislature, 2022 Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund HF3765 Chapter 94
92nd Legislature, 2022 Agriculture and Drought Relief HF3420 Chapter 95
92nd Legislature, 2022 Health and Forecast Adjustments HF4065 Chapter 98
92nd Legislature, 2021 1st Special Session Legacy HF13 Chapter 1
92nd Legislature, 2021 1st Special Session Higher Education HF7 Chapter 2
92nd Legislature, 2021 1st Special Session Agriculture HF8 Chapter 3
92nd Legislature, 2021 1st Special Session Commerce, Climate, and Energy HF6 Chapter 4
92nd Legislature, 2021 1st Special Session Transportation HF10 Chapter 5
92nd Legislature, 2021 1st Special Session Environment, Natural Resources, and Tourism SF20 Chapter 6
92nd Legislature, 2021 1st Special Session Health and Human Services HF33 Chapter 7
92nd Legislature, 2021 1st Special Session Housing HF4 Chapter 8
92nd Legislature, 2021 1st Special Session Capital Investment (Bonding) prior appropriations modified HF52 Chapter 9
92nd Legislature, 2021 1st Special Session Jobs and Economic Growth SF9 Chapter 10
92nd Legislature, 2021 1st Special Session Public Safety HF63 Chapter 11
92nd Legislature, 2021 1st Special Session State Government SF2 Chapter 12
92nd Legislature, 2021 1st Special Session E-12 Education HF2 Chapter 13
92nd Legislature, 2021 1st Special Session Taxes HF9 Chapter 14
92nd Legislature, 2021 Public Safety HF729 Chapter 13
92nd Legislature, 2021 Pensions SF1712 Chapter 22
92nd Legislature, 2021 Claims HF2360 Chapter 26
92nd Legislature, 2021 Health and Human Services (Forecast Adjustments) HF2128 Chapter 30
91st Legislature, 2020 7th Special Session Previous appropriations modified, and money appropriated HF19 Chapter 1
91st Legislature, 2020 7th Special Session COVID-19 Response SF31 Chapter 2
91st Legislature, 2020 5th Special Session Capital Investment (Bonding) and Supplemental Appropriations HF1 Chapter 3
91st Legislature, 2020 3rd Special Session COVID-19 Response and Human Services SF1 Chapter 1
91st Legislature, 2020 2nd Special Session Public Safety HF1 Chapter 1
91st Legislature, 2020 2nd Special Session Public Safety SF4 Chapter 2
91st Legislature, 2020 1st Special Session COVID-19 Response and Economic Development HF5 Chapter 1
91st Legislature, 2020 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF2959 Chapter 67
91st Legislature, 2020 COVID-19 Response HF4531 Chapter 71
91st Legislature, 2020 Agriculture HF4490 Chapter 101
91st Legislature, 2020 Legacy HF2682 Chapter 104
91st Legislature, 2020 Pensions SF3808 Chapter 108
91st Legislature, 2020 Higher Education SF3683 Chapter 109
91st Legislature, 2020 Economic Development HF4602 Chapter 112
91st Legislature, 2020 Health and Human Services HF4601 Chapter 113
91st Legislature, 2020 K-12 Education HF4415 Chapter 116
91st Legislature, 2020 Energy HF1842 Chapter 118
91st Legislature, 2019 1st Special Session Agriculture SF1 Chapter 1
91st Legislature, 2019 1st Special Session Legacy SF3 Chapter 2
91st Legislature, 2019 1st Special Session Transportation HF6 Chapter 3
91st Legislature, 2019 1st Special Session Environment and Natural Resources SF7 Chapter 4
91st Legislature, 2019 1st Special Session Public Safety and Judiciary SF8 Chapter 5
91st Legislature, 2019 1st Special Session Taxes HF5 Chapter 6
91st Legislature, 2019 1st Special Session Jobs, Economic Development, and Energy HF2 Chapter 7
91st Legislature, 2019 1st Special Session Pensions HF10 Chapter 8
91st Legislature, 2019 1st Special Session Health and Human Services SF12 Chapter 9
91st Legislature, 2019 1st Special Session State Government SF10 Chapter 10
91st Legislature, 2019 1st Special Session Education HF1 Chapter 11
91st Legislature, 2019 1st Special Session Capital Investment (Bonding) HF12 Chapter 13
91st Legislature, 2019 MNLARS Funding HF861 Chapter 1
91st Legislature, 2019 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF80 Chapter 2
91st Legislature, 2019 Claims HF2697 Chapter 51
91st Legislature, 2019 Higher Education SF2415 Chapter 64
90th Legislature, 2018 House and Senate Funding HF399 Chapter 100
90th Legislature, 2018 MNLARS Funding SF3133 Chapter 101
90th Legislature, 2018 Claims HF4157 Chapter 131
90th Legislature, 2018 Taxes HF4385 Chapter 172 Full Veto
90th Legislature, 2018 Supplemental Budget SF3656 Chapter 201 Full Veto
90th Legislature, 2018 Taxes and School Aid HF947 Chapter 205 Full Veto
90th Legislature, 2018 Outdoor Heritage - Legacy HF3423 Chapter 208
90th Legislature, 2018 Pensions SF2620 Chapter 211
90th Legislature, 2018 Capital Investment (Bonding) and LCCMR HF4425 Chapter 214 Line Item Veto
90th Legislature, 2017 1st Special Session Taxes HF1 Chapter 1
90th Legislature, 2017 1st Special Session Transportation HF3 Chapter 3
90th Legislature, 2017 1st Special Session State Government SF1 Chapter 4 Line Item Veto
90th Legislature, 2017 1st Special Session Education HF2 Chapter 5
90th Legislature, 2017 1st Special Session Health and Human Services SF2 Chapter 6
90th Legislature, 2017 1st Special Session Capital Investment (Bonding) HF5 Chapter 8
90th Legislature, 2017 Taxes - Federal Conformity HF2 Chapter 1
90th Legislature, 2017 Health Insurance Premium Assistance SF1 Chapter 2
90th Legislature, 2017 Wetlands and Madelia Assistance HF434 Chapter 7
90th Legislature, 2017 Reinsurance HF5 Chapter 13
90th Legislature, 2017 Federal Trunk and Highway Fund Spending HF837 Chapter 14
90th Legislature, 2017 Agriculture and Housing SF780 Chapter 41 Full Veto
90th Legislature, 2017 Environment and Natural Resources HF888 Chapter 42 Full Veto
90th Legislature, 2017 E-12 Education HF890 Chapter 43 Full Veto
90th Legislature, 2017 State Government and Veterans Affairs SF605 Chapter 44 Full Veto
90th Legislature, 2017 Health and Human Services SF800 Chapter 45 Full Veto
90th Legislature, 2017 Transportation HF861 Chapter 62 Full Veto
90th Legislature, 2017 Judiciary and Public Safety SF803 Chapter 63 Full Veto
90th Legislature, 2017 Jobs SF1937 Chapter 64 Full Veto
90th Legislature, 2017 Higher Education SF2214 Chapter 65 Full Veto
90th Legislature, 2017 Taxes HF4 Chapter 66 Full Veto
90th Legislature, 2017 Claims HF2287 Chapter 72
90th Legislature, 2017 Real ID HF3 Chapter 76
90th Legislature, 2017 Agriculture HF1545 Chapter 88
90th Legislature, 2017 Higher Education SF943 Chapter 89
90th Legislature, 2017 Legacy HF707 Chapter 91
90th Legislature, 2017 Environment and Natural Resources SF844 Chapter 93
90th Legislature, 2017 Jobs and Energy SF1456 Chapter 94
90th Legislature, 2017 Public Safety and Judicary HF470 Chapter 95
90th Legislature, 2017 LCCMR SF550 Chapter 96
89th Legislature, 2016 Unemployment Tax Rate SF2891 Chapter 81
89th Legislature, 2016 Unemployment Tax Benefits for Miners SF1006 Chapter 82
89th Legislature, 2016 Claims HF3328 Chapter 148
89th Legislature, 2016 Outdoor Heritage - Legacy SF2527 Chapter 172
89th Legislature, 2016 Pensions SF588 Chapter 177 Full Veto
89th Legislature, 2016 LCCMR SF2963 Chapter 186 Line Item Veto
89th Legislature, 2016 Taxes HF848 Chapter 188 Full Veto
89th Legislature, 2016 Supplemental Budget HF2749 Chapter 189
89th Legislature, 2015 1st Special Session Jobs and Energy HF3 Chapter 1
89th Legislature, 2015 1st Special Session Legacy SF1 Chapter 2
89th Legislature, 2015 1st Special Session Education HF1 Chapter 3
89th Legislature, 2015 1st Special Session Environment and Agriculture SF5 Chapter 4
89th Legislature, 2015 1st Special Session Capital Investment (Bonding) HF2 Chapter 5
89th Legislature, 2015 1st Special Session Legislative Corrections HF6 Chapter 6
89th Legislature, 2015 Taxes - Federal Conformity HF6 Chapter 1
89th Legislature, 2015 Disaster Relief SF1 Chapter 2
89th Legislature, 2015 Deficiencies SF174 Chapter 3
89th Legislature, 2015 Avian Influenza HF2225 Chapter 12
89th Legislature, 2015 Claims SF1793 Chapter 61
89th Legislature, 2015 Public Safety and Judicary SF878 Chapter 65
89th Legislature, 2015 Pensions SF1398 Chapter 68
89th Legislature, 2015 Higher Education SF5 Chapter 69
89th Legislature, 2015 Health and Human Services SF1458 Chapter 71
89th Legislature, 2015 K-12 Education HF844 Chapter 72 Full Veto
89th Legislature, 2015 Transportation SF1647 Chapter 75
89th Legislature, 2015 LCCMR SF698 Chapter 76
89th Legislature, 2015 State Government SF888 Chapter 77
89th Legislature, 2015 Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resources HF846 Chapter 79 Full Veto
89th Legislature, 2015 Jobs HF1437 Chapter 80 Full Veto
88th Legislature, 2014 Heating Assistance HF2374 Chapter 145
88th Legislature, 2014 Taxes HF1777 Chapter 150
88th Legislature, 2014 Women's Economic Security HF2536 Chapter 239
88th Legislature, 2014 Claims HF3241 Chapter 252
88th Legislature, 2014 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF2490 Chapter 294
88th Legislature, 2014 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF1068 Chapter 295
88th Legislature, 2014 Pensions HF1951 Chapter 296
88th Legislature, 2014 Taxes HF3167 Chapter 308
88th Legislature, 2014 Medical Cannabis SF2470 Chapter 311
88th Legislature, 2014 Supplemental Appropriations HF3172 Chapter 312
88th Legislature, 2013 1st Special Session Disaster Assistance SF1 Chapter 1
88th Legislature, 2013 Medical Assistance Eligibility HF9 Chapter 1
88th Legislature, 2013 Taxes - Federal Conformity HF6 Chapter 3
88th Legislature, 2013 Health Insurance Exchange HF5 Chapter 9
88th Legislature, 2013 Hospital Staffing HF588 Chapter 51
88th Legislature, 2013 LCCMR Appropriations HF1113 Chapter 52
88th Legislature, 2013 Jobs, Economic Development, Housing, and Commerce HF729 Chapter 85
88th Legislature, 2013 Public Safety SF671 Chapter 86
88th Legislature, 2013 Higher Education SF1236 Chapter 99 Line Item Veto
88th Legislature, 2013 Health and Human Services HF1233 Chapter 108
88th Legislature, 2013 Pensions SF489 Chapter 111
88th Legislature, 2013 Environment and Agriculture HF976 Chapter 114
88th Legislature, 2013 E-12 Education HF630 Chapter 116
88th Legislature, 2013 Transportation HF1444 Chapter 117
88th Legislature, 2013 Game and Fish SF796 Chapter 121
88th Legislature, 2013 Claims HF1792 Chapter 122
88th Legislature, 2013 Child Care Providers and PCA Workers SF778 Chapter 128
88th Legislature, 2013 Elections HF894 Chapter 131
88th Legislature, 2013 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF1070 Chapter 136
88th Legislature, 2013 Legacy HF1183 Chapter 137 Line Item Veto
88th Legislature, 2013 Disaster Match SF1656 Chapter 141
88th Legislature, 2013 State Government SF1589 Chapter 142
88th Legislature, 2013 Taxes HF677 Chapter 143
87th Legislature, 2012 1st Special Session Flood Disaster Relief HF1 Chapter 1
87th Legislature, 2012 1st Special Session Flood Disaster Relief Corrections HF2 Chapter 2
87th Legislature, 2012 Education HF2083 Chapter 154 Full Veto
87th Legislature, 2012 Claims SF2112 Chapter 232
87th Legislature, 2012 Education HF2949 Chapter 239
87th Legislature, 2012 Health and Human Services HF2294 Chapter 247
87th Legislature, 2012 Legacy SF2493 Chapter 264
87th Legislature, 2012 Natural Resources HF2164 Chapter 272
87th Legislature, 2012 Game and Fish HF2171 Chapter 277
87th Legislature, 2012 Sunset Review HF2555 Chapter 278
87th Legislature, 2012 Taxes HF2337 Chapter 285 Full Veto
87th Legislature, 2012 Pensions SF1808 Chapter 286
87th Legislature, 2012 Transportation HF2685 Chapter 287
87th Legislature, 2012 Supplemental Appropriations and Forecast Changes HF2967 Chapter 292
87th Legislature, 2012 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF1752 Chapter 293
87th Legislature, 2012 Taxes HF2690 Chapter 294
87th Legislature, 2012 Football Stadium HF2958 Chapter 299
87th Legislature, 2011 1st Special Session Public Safety SF1 Chapter 1
87th Legislature, 2011 1st Special Session Environment and Energy SF3 Chapter 2
87th Legislature, 2011 1st Special Session Transportation HF2 Chapter 3
87th Legislature, 2011 1st Special Session Jobs and Economic Development SF2 Chapter 4
87th Legislature, 2011 1st Special Session Higher Education HF4 Chapter 5
87th Legislature, 2011 1st Special Session Legacy SF6 Chapter 6
87th Legislature, 2011 1st Special Session Taxes, Tobacco Bonds, and Disaster Relief HF20 Chapter 7
87th Legislature, 2011 1st Special Session Pensions HF14 Chapter 8
87th Legislature, 2011 1st Special Session Health and Human Services HF25 Chapter 9
87th Legislature, 2011 1st Special Session State Government SF12 Chapter 10
87th Legislature, 2011 1st Special Session K-12 Education HF26 Chapter 11
87th Legislature, 2011 1st Special Session Capital Investment (Bonding) HF23 Chapter 12
87th Legislature, 2011 Tax Conformity and Refund Delays HF79 Chapter 8
87th Legislature, 2011 Agriculture SF1016 Chapter 14
87th Legislature, 2011 Public Safety and Judiciary SF958 Chapter 37 Full Veto
87th Legislature, 2011 Taxes HF42 Chapter 38 Full Veto
87th Legislature, 2011 Jobs, Economic Development, and Housing SF887 Chapter 39 Full Veto
87th Legislature, 2011 State Government and Veterans Affairs SF1047 Chapter 40 Full Veto
87th Legislature, 2011 Health and Human Services SF760 Chapter 41 Full Veto
87th Legislature, 2011 Education HF934 Chapter 42 Full Veto
87th Legislature, 2011 Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources HF1010 Chapter 46 Full Veto
87th Legislature, 2011 Transportation HF1140 Chapter 49 Full Veto
87th Legislature, 2011 Higher Education HF1101 Chapter 50 Full Veto
87th Legislature, 2011 Taxes HF1219 Chapter 112
87th Legislature, 2011 Claims, Deficiencies, and Forecast Adjustments SF54 Chapter 113
86th Legislature, 2010 2nd Special Session Disaster Relief HF1 Chapter 1
86th Legislature, 2010 1st Special Session Budget Balancing and Health and Human Services HF1 Chapter 1
86th Legislature, 2010 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF2700 Chapter 189 Line Item Veto
86th Legislature, 2010 Supplemental Budget HF1671 Chapter 215
86th Legislature, 2010 Taxes HF2695 Chapter 216
86th Legislature, 2010 Claims HF3660 Chapter 332
86th Legislature, 2010 Budget Balancing HF2037 Chapter 340 Full Veto
86th Legislature, 2010 Pensions SF2918 Chapter 359
86th Legislature, 2010 Health and Human Services HF2614 Chapter 360 Full Veto
86th Legislature, 2010 Heritage Funds Appropriations SF3275 Chapter 361 Line Item Veto
86th Legislature, 2010 LCCMR Appropriations HF2624 Chapter 362 Line Item Veto
86th Legislature, 2010 Disaster Match SF3379 Chapter 377
86th Legislature, 2010 Taxes SF3327 Chapter 389 Line Item Veto
86th Legislature, 2009 Taxes - Federal Conformity HF392 Chapter 12
86th Legislature, 2009 Deficiency Funding SF95 Chapter 13
86th Legislature, 2009 Transportation HF1309 Chapter 36
86th Legislature, 2009 Environment and Energy HF2123 Chapter 37 Line Item Veto
86th Legislature, 2009 Economic Development and Housing SF2081 Chapter 39 Full Veto
86th Legislature, 2009 Taxes HF885 Chapter 77 Full Veto
86th Legislature, 2009 Economic Development HF2088 Chapter 78 Line Item Veto
86th Legislature, 2009 Health and Human Services HF1362 Chapter 79 Line Item Veto
86th Legislature, 2009 Public Safety HF1362 Chapter 83
86th Legislature, 2009 Public Finance and Taxes HF1298 Chapter 88
86th Legislature, 2009 Capital Investment (Bonding) and Disaster Relief HF855 Chapter 93 Line Item Veto
86th Legislature, 2009 Agriculture and Veterans SF1122 Chapter 94 Line Item Veto
86th Legislature, 2009 Higher Education SF2083 Chapter 95 Line Item Veto
86th Legislature, 2009 E-12 Education HF2 Chapter 96
86th Legislature, 2009 State Government SF2082 Chapter 101
86th Legislature, 2009 Claims HF1193 Chapter 126
86th Legislature, 2009 LCCMR Appropriations SF1012 Chapter 143 Line Item Veto
86th Legislature, 2009 Pensions SF191 Chapter 169
86th Legislature, 2009 Constitutionally Dedicated Funds Appropriations (Legacy) HF1231 Chapter 172 Line Item Veto
86th Legislature, 2009 Federal Stimulus Funds HF2251 Chapter 177
86th Legislature, 2009 Taxes HF2323 Chapter 179 Full Veto
85th Legislature, 2008 Transportation HF2800 Chapter 152
85th Legislature, 2008 Taxes HF3201 Chapter 154
85th Legislature, 2008 Deficiencies HF3055 Chapter 155
85th Legislature, 2008 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF380 Chapter 179 Line Item Veto
85th Legislature, 2008 Claims SF3021 Chapter 226
85th Legislature, 2008 Bovine TB Control and Elimination HF4075 Chapter 274
85th Legislature, 2008 Bridge Victims Compensation HF2553 Chapter 288
85th Legislature, 2008 Pre-K-12 Education HF6 Chapter 332 Full Veto
85th Legislature, 2008 Pensions HF3082 Chapter 349
85th Legislature, 2008 Health Care Reform SF3780 Chapter 358
85th Legislature, 2008 Budget Balancing HF1812 Chapter 363 Line Item Veto
85th Legislature, 2008 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF4072 Chapter 365
85th Legislature, 2008 Taxes HF3149 Chapter 366
85th Legislature, 2007 1st Special Session Disaster Relief HF1 Chapter 2
85th Legislature, 2007 Deficiencies SF846 Chapter 32
85th Legislature, 2007 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF886 Chapter 38 Full Veto
85th Legislature, 2007 Agriculture and Veterans HF2227 Chapter 45 Line Item Veto
85th Legislature, 2007 Public Safety HF829 Chapter 54
85th Legislature, 2007 Jobs and Economic Development SF2089 Chapter 55 Full Veto
85th Legislature, 2007 State Government SF1997 Chapter 56 Full Veto
85th Legislature, 2007 Environment and Energy SF2096 Chapter 57 Line Item Veto
85th Legislature, 2007 Health and Human Services SF2171 Chapter 58 Full Veto
85th Legislature, 2007 Higher Education SF1989 Chapter 65 Full Veto
85th Legislature, 2007 Transportation HF946 Chapter 84 Full Veto
85th Legislature, 2007 Pensions SF430 Chapter 134
85th Legislature, 2007 Economic Development HF122 Chapter 135 Line Item Veto
85th Legislature, 2007 Claims HF2293 Chapter 137
85th Legislature, 2007 Transportation HF562 Chapter 143 Line Item Veto
85th Legislature, 2007 Higher Education HF1063 Chapter 144 Line Item Veto
85th Legislature, 2007 Education HF2245 Chapter 146 Line Item Veto
85th Legislature, 2007 Health and Human Services HF1078 Chapter 147 Line Item Veto
85th Legislature, 2007 State Government HF548 Chapter 148 Line Item Veto
85th Legislature, 2007 Taxes HF2268 Chapter 149 Full Veto
84th Legislature, 2006 Claims HF3995 Chapter 238
84th Legislature, 2006 Gopher Stadium SF2460 Chapter 247
84th Legislature, 2006 Twins Stadium HF2480 Chapter 257
84th Legislature, 2006 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF2959 Chapter 258
84th Legislature, 2006 Taxes HF785 Chapter 259
84th Legislature, 2006 Pensions SF2239 Chapter 271
84th Legislature, 2006 Pensions - Merging MTRF and TRA SF1057 Chapter 277
84th Legislature, 2006 Budget HF4162 Chapter 282 Line Item Veto
84th Legislature, 2005 1st Special Session Agriculture, Environment, Jobs, and Economic Development SF69 Chapter 1 Line Item Veto
84th Legislature, 2005 1st Special Session Taxes HF138 Chapter 3
84th Legislature, 2005 1st Special Session Health and Human Services HF139 Chapter 4
84th Legislature, 2005 1st Special Session Education HF141 Chapter 5
84th Legislature, 2005 1st Special Session Transportation HF140 Chapter 6
84th Legislature, 2005 1st Special Session Pensions HF44 Chapter 8
84th Legislature, 2005 Deficiencies HF57 Chapter 2
84th Legislature, 2005 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF3 Chapter 20
84th Legislature, 2005 Transportation Funding Constitutional Amendment HF2461 Chapter 88
84th Legislature, 2005 Transportation HF2461 Chapter 88 Full Veto
84th Legislature, 2005 Higher Education HF1385 Chapter 107
84th Legislature, 2005 Claims SF2160 Chapter 128
84th Legislature, 2005 Public Safety HF1 Chapter 136
84th Legislature, 2005 State Government HF1481 Chapter 156
83rd Legislature, 2004 Pensions SF676 Chapter 267
83rd Legislature, 2004 Claims HF2255 Chapter 271 Line Item Veto
83rd Legislature, 2004 K-12 Education and Health and Human services HF2867 Chapter 272
83rd Legislature, 2003 1st Special Session State Government HF1 Chapter 1
83rd Legislature, 2003 1st Special Session Judiciary SF2 Chapter 2
83rd Legislature, 2003 1st Special Session Education HF51 Chapter 9
83rd Legislature, 2003 1st Special Session Pensions SF22 Chapter 12
83rd Legislature, 2003 1st Special Session Health and Human Services HF6 Chapter 14
83rd Legislature, 2003 1st Special Session Claims HF57 Chapter 15
83rd Legislature, 2003 1st Special Session Transportation, Education, and Health and Human Services HF3 Chapter 18
83rd Legislature, 2003 1st Special Session Transportation HF5 Chapter 19
83rd Legislature, 2003 1st Special Session Capital Investment (Bonding) HF8 Chapter 20
83rd Legislature, 2003 1st Special Session Taxes HF7 Chapter 21
83rd Legislature, 2003 Claims SF552 Chapter 88 Full Veto
83rd Legislature, 2003 Environment, Agriculture, and Economic Development SF905 Chapter 128 Line Item Veto
83rd Legislature, 2003 Higher Education SF675 Chapter 133
82nd Legislature, 2002 1st Special Session Flood Disaster Relief HF1 Chapter 1
82nd Legislature, 2002 Supplemental Budget HF351 Chapter 220 Full Veto
82nd Legislature, 2002 Supplemental Budget HF3270 Chapter 374 Full Veto
82nd Legislature, 2002 Budget Balancing HF3270 Chapter 374
82nd Legislature, 2002 Taxes HF2498 Chapter 377
82nd Legislature, 2002 Pensions HF3127 Chapter 392
82nd Legislature, 2002 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF3618 Chapter 393 Line Item Veto
82nd Legislature, 2002 Anti-Terrorism HF2515 Chapter 401
82nd Legislature, 2001 1st Special Session Higher Education SF11 Chapter 1
82nd Legislature, 2001 1st Special Session Environment and Agriculture SF10 Chapter 2 Line Item Veto
82nd Legislature, 2001 1st Special Session Family and Early Childhood Education HF4 Chapter 3
82nd Legislature, 2001 1st Special Session Economic Development HF5 Chapter 4 Line Item Veto
82nd Legislature, 2001 1st Special Session Taxes HF1 Chapter 5
82nd Legislature, 2001 1st Special Session K-12 Education HF2 Chapter 6
82nd Legislature, 2001 1st Special Session Transportation, Public Safety, and Courts SF7 Chapter 8 Line Item Veto
82nd Legislature, 2001 1st Special Session Health and Human Services and Corrections SF4 Chapter 9
82nd Legislature, 2001 1st Special Session State Government SF9 Chapter 10 Line Item Veto
82nd Legislature, 2001 1st Special Session Capital Investment (Bonding) HF8 Chapter 12 Line Item Veto
82nd Legislature, 2001 1st Special Session Revisor's Bill SF1 Chapter 13
82nd Legislature, 2001 Health and Human Services SF2361 Chapter 118 Full Veto
82nd Legislature, 2001 Claims HF634 Chapter 169
82nd Legislature, 2001 Family and Early Childhood Education HF1515 Chapter 217 Full Veto
81st Legislature, 2000 Crime Prevention and Judiciary HF2688 Chapter 311
81st Legislature, 2000 Claims SF3533 Chapter 365
81st Legislature, 2000 Workers' Compensation SF3644 Chapter 447
81st Legislature, 2000 Pensions SF2796 Chapter 461
81st Legislature, 2000 Transportation HF2891 Chapter 479 Line Item Veto
81st Legislature, 2000 State Government HF2699 Chapter 488 Line Item Veto
81st Legislature, 2000 Early Childhood, K-12, and Higher Education HF3800 Chapter 489
81st Legislature, 2000 Taxes HF4127 Chapter 490
81st Legislature, 2000 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF4078 Chapter 492 Line Item Veto
81st Legislature, 1999 Pseudorabies HF414 Chapter 45 Line Item Veto
81st Legislature, 1999 Agriculture Relief HF1 Chapter 112
81st Legislature, 1999 Deficiencies SF2234 Chapter 141
81st Legislature, 1999 Claims SF2052 Chapter 169
81st Legislature, 1999 Family and Early Childhood Education HF1467 Chapter 205 Line Item Veto
81st Legislature, 1999 Higher Education HF2380 Chapter 214 Line Item Veto
81st Legislature, 1999 Crime Prevention and Judiciary SF2221 Chapter 216 Line Item Veto
81st Legislature, 1999 Pensions SF319 Chapter 222
81st Legislature, 1999 Jobs and Economic Development HF2390 Chapter 223 Line Item Veto
81st Legislature, 1999 Environment and Agriculture SF2226 Chapter 231 Line Item Veto
81st Legislature, 1999 Transportation HF2387 Chapter 238 Line Item Veto
81st Legislature, 1999 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF2205 Chapter 240 Line Item Veto
81st Legislature, 1999 K-12 Education HF2333 Chapter 241 Line Item Veto
81st Legislature, 1999 State Government SF2223 Chapter 242 Full Veto
81st Legislature, 1999 Taxes HF2420 Chapter 243 Line Item Veto
81st Legislature, 1999 Health and Human Services SF2225 Chapter 245 Line Item Veto
81st Legislature, 1999 State Government HF878 Chapter 250 Line Item Veto
80th Legislature, 1998 1st Special Session Economic Development, Housing, and Family and Early Childhood Education SF2 Chapter 1
80th Legislature, 1998 Claims HF3830 Chapter 362
80th Legislature, 1998 Early Childhood and Family Education SF2532 Chapter 365 Full Veto
80th Legislature, 1998 State Government SF3354 Chapter 366 Line Item Veto
80th Legislature, 1998 Judiciary SF3345 Chapter 367
80th Legislature, 1998 Transportation SF3298 Chapter 372
80th Legislature, 1998 Jobs, Housing, and Economic Development SF3367 Chapter 374 Full Veto
80th Legislature, 1998 Tornado Disaster Relief HF3862 Chapter 383
80th Legislature, 1998 Higher Education SF3297 Chapter 384 Line Item Veto
80th Legislature, 1998 Taxes HF3840 Chapter 389
80th Legislature, 1998 Pensions HF2970 Chapter 390
80th Legislature, 1998 Farm Relief - Wheat Scab HF3853 Chapter 395
80th Legislature, 1998 K-12 Education HF2874 Chapter 398
80th Legislature, 1998 Environment and Agriculture SF3353 Chapter 401 Line Item Veto
80th Legislature, 1998 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF384 Chapter 404
80th Legislature, 1998 Trunk Highway Appropriations HF2654 Chapter 405
80th Legislature, 1998 Health and Human Services SF3346 Chapter 407 Line Item Veto
80th Legislature, 1997 3rd Special Session Crooked Lake School Elementary Repair and Renovation SF8 Chapter 2
80th Legislature, 1997 3rd Special Session Revisor's Bill SF12 Chapter 3
80th Legislature, 1997 2nd Special Session Flood Disaster Relief HF1 Chapter 2
80th Legislature, 1997 1st Special Session K-12 Education HF1 Chapter 4
80th Legislature, 1997 Snow Relief HF100 Chapter 12
80th Legislature, 1997 Claims SF85 Chapter 17
80th Legislature, 1997 Mille Lacs Treaty SF1645 Chapter 30
80th Legislature, 1997 Transportation SF1881 Chapter 159
80th Legislature, 1997 Family and Early Childhood Education HF2147 Chapter 162
80th Legislature, 1997 Higher Education SF1888 Chapter 183 Line Item Veto
80th Legislature, 1997 Economic Development and Housing HF2158 Chapter 200 Line Item Veto
80th Legislature, 1997 State Government SF1905 Chapter 202 Line Item Veto
80th Legislature, 1997 Health and Human Services SF1908 Chapter 203 Line Item Veto
80th Legislature, 1997 Environment and Agriculture HF2150 Chapter 216
80th Legislature, 1997 MinnesotaCare SF1208 Chapter 225
80th Legislature, 1997 Taxes HF2163 Chapter 231
80th Legislature, 1997 Retirement Provisions SF637 Chapter 233
80th Legislature, 1997 Pensions SF637 Chapter 233
80th Legislature, 1997 Judiciary SF1880 Chapter 239
80th Legislature, 1997 Pensions SF1486 Chapter 241
80th Legislature, 1997 K-12 Education HF1684 Chapter 242 Full Veto
80th Legislature, 1997 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF632 Chapter 246
79th Legislature, 1996 Claims HF3217 Chapter 360
79th Legislature, 1996 State Government SF2857 Chapter 390 Line Item Veto
79th Legislature, 1996 Health and Human Services HF2818 Chapter 393 Full Veto
79th Legislature, 1996 Higher Education SF2849 Chapter 395 Line Item Veto
79th Legislature, 1996 Environment and Agriculture SF2167 Chapter 407 Line Item Veto
79th Legislature, 1996 Judiciary and Criminal Justice SF2856 Chapter 408
79th Legislature, 1996 K-12 Education HF2156 Chapter 412 Line Item Veto
79th Legislature, 1996 Pensions HF2417 Chapter 438
79th Legislature, 1996 Pensions - Local Pension Plans HF2493 Chapter 448
79th Legislature, 1996 Economic Development HF3243 Chapter 452 Line Item Veto
79th Legislature, 1996 Transportation SF2702 Chapter 455 Line Item Veto
79th Legislature, 1996 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF3273 Chapter 463 Line Item Veto
79th Legislature, 1996 Health and Human Services HF219 Chapter 465
79th Legislature, 1996 Taxes HF2102 Chapter 471
79th Legislature, 1995 1st Special Session Capital Investment (Bonding) HF1 Chapter 2
79th Legislature, 1995 1st Special Session K-12 Education HF4 Chapter 3
79th Legislature, 1995 Health and Human Services SF1110 Chapter 207
79th Legislature, 1995 Higher Education HF1856 Chapter 212
79th Legislature, 1995 Environment and Agriculture SF106 Chapter 220 Line Item Veto
79th Legislature, 1995 Economic Development SF1670 Chapter 224 Line Item Veto
79th Legislature, 1995 Judiciary and Criminal Justice HF1700 Chapter 226 Line Item Veto
79th Legislature, 1995 Claims HF1910 Chapter 228
79th Legislature, 1995 MinnesotaCare SF845 Chapter 234 Line Item Veto
79th Legislature, 1995 State Government SF1678 Chapter 254 Line Item Veto
79th Legislature, 1995 Pensions HF1040 Chapter 262
79th Legislature, 1995 Taxes HF1864 Chapter 264
79th Legislature, 1995 Transportation SF371 Chapter 265 Line Item Veto
78th Legislature, 1994 Higher Education SF2900 Chapter 532 Line Item Veto
78th Legislature, 1994 Juvenile Justice HF2074 Chapter 576 Line Item Veto
78th Legislature, 1994 Taxes HF3209 Chapter 587
78th Legislature, 1994 Claims HF3211 Chapter 620
78th Legislature, 1994 Health, Human Services, and MinnesotaCare SF2192 Chapter 625 Line Item Veto
78th Legislature, 1994 Supplemental Budget SF2913 Chapter 632 Line Item Veto
78th Legislature, 1994 Criminal Justice and Crime Prevention HF2351 Chapter 636 Line Item Veto
78th Legislature, 1994 Transportation HF3230 Chapter 640 Line Item Veto
78th Legislature, 1994 Agriculture SF2168 Chapter 642 Line Item Veto
78th Legislature, 1994 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF218 Chapter 643
78th Legislature, 1994 K-12 Education HF2189 Chapter 647
78th Legislature, 1993 1st Special Session Health and Human Services HF1 Chapter 1 Line Item Veto
78th Legislature, 1993 1st Special Session Higher Education SF2 Chapter 2
78th Legislature, 1993 Taxes HF1735 Chapter 153 Full Veto
78th Legislature, 1993 Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture SF1570 Chapter 172 Line Item Veto
78th Legislature, 1993 State Government SF1620 Chapter 192
78th Legislature, 1993 K-12 Education HF350 Chapter 224
78th Legislature, 1993 Transportation and Public Safety HF1709 Chapter 266
78th Legislature, 1993 Claims SF1624 Chapter 278
78th Legislature, 1993 Jobs and Economic Development HF1650 Chapter 369 Line Item Veto
78th Legislature, 1993 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF1749 Chapter 373
78th Legislature, 1993 Taxes HF427 Chapter 375
77th Legislature, 1992 University of Minnesota SF1621 Chapter 360
77th Legislature, 1992 K-12 Education HF2121 Chapter 499 Line Item Veto
77th Legislature, 1992 Taxes HF2940 Chapter 511
77th Legislature, 1992 Supplemental Budget SF2694 Chapter 513
77th Legislature, 1992 Claims SF2781 Chapter 541
77th Legislature, 1992 Health Right Act HF2800 Chapter 549
77th Legislature, 1992 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF1903 Chapter 558 Line Item Veto
77th Legislature, 1992 Crime Prevention and Corrections HF1489 Chapter 571
77th Legislature, 1992 Workers' Compensation SF1880 Chapter 599
77th Legislature, 1991 State Government Reductions HF47 Chapter 2
77th Legislature, 1991 K-12 Education - Reductions SF417 Chapter 130
77th Legislature, 1991 Claims HF1657 Chapter 150
77th Legislature, 1991 Transportation and State Government (Semi-states) HF53 Chapter 233 Line Item Veto
77th Legislature, 1991 Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture SF1533 Chapter 254 Line Item Veto
77th Legislature, 1991 K-12 Education HF700 Chapter 265 Line Item Veto
77th Legislature, 1991 Taxes HF1698 Chapter 291 Line Item Veto
77th Legislature, 1991 Health and Human Services HF719 Chapter 292 Line Item Veto
77th Legislature, 1991 Agricultural Development Program HF702 Chapter 332
77th Legislature, 1991 State Government HF1631 Chapter 345 Line Item Veto
77th Legislature, 1991 Higher Education SF1535 Chapter 356 Line Item Veto
76th Legislature, 1990 Claims SF2619 Chapter 537
76th Legislature, 1990 K-12 Education and Reductions HF2200 Chapter 562
76th Legislature, 1990 Transportation and Reductions SF2617 Chapter 565 Line Item Veto
76th Legislature, 1990 Health and Human Services SF2621 Chapter 568
76th Legislature, 1990 Higher Education and Reductions SF2618 Chapter 591
76th Legislature, 1990 State Government and Reductions HF2419 Chapter 594 Line Item Veto
76th Legislature, 1990 Taxes HF2478 Chapter 604
76th Legislature, 1990 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF2651 Chapter 610
76th Legislature, 1989 1st Special Session Taxes HF1 Chapter 1
76th Legislature, 1989 Claims SF736 Chapter 225
76th Legislature, 1989 Transportation SF1618 Chapter 269
76th Legislature, 1989 Taxes HF266 Chapter 277
76th Legislature, 1989 Health and Human Services HF1759 Chapter 282
76th Legislature, 1989 Crime HF59 Chapter 290
76th Legislature, 1989 Higher Education SF1625 Chapter 293
76th Legislature, 1989 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF46 Chapter 300
76th Legislature, 1989 Pensions SF783 Chapter 319
76th Legislature, 1989 K-12 Education HF654 Chapter 329
76th Legislature, 1989 State Government HF372 Chapter 335 Line Item Veto
76th Legislature, 1989 Agriculture HF878 Chapter 350
75th Legislature, 1988 Transportation (Highways and Mass Transit) HF1749 Chapter 603
75th Legislature, 1988 State Government (Semi-states) SF2565 Chapter 684
75th Legislature, 1988 Waste Management HF2031 Chapter 685
75th Legislature, 1988 State Government HF2344 Chapter 686
75th Legislature, 1988 Agriculture HF1000 Chapter 688
75th Legislature, 1988 Agriculture HF1000 Chapter 688
75th Legislature, 1988 Human Services HF2126 Chapter 689
75th Legislature, 1988 Higher Education SF2569 Chapter 703
75th Legislature, 1988 Claims HF1981 Chapter 706
75th Legislature, 1988 K-12 Education HF2245 Chapter 718
75th Legislature, 1988 Taxes HF2590 Chapter 719
75th Legislature, 1987 Waste Management HF794 Chapter 348
75th Legislature, 1987 State Government (Semi-states) SF1516 Chapter 358
75th Legislature, 1987 K-12 Education HF753 Chapter 398
75th Legislature, 1987 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF919 Chapter 400
75th Legislature, 1987 Higher Education SF1515 Chapter 401
75th Legislature, 1987 Health and Human Services HF243 Chapter 403 Line Item Veto
75th Legislature, 1987 State Government HF1315 Chapter 404
74th Legislature, 1986 1st Special Session Taxes and Miscellaneous Reductions HF1 Chapter 1
74th Legislature, 1986 1st Special Session Farm Bill - Farm Family Security HF2 Chapter 2
74th Legislature, 1986 Natural Resources and Bonding HF628 Chapter 383
74th Legislature, 1986 Agriculture - Farm Relief HF1599 Chapter 398
74th Legislature, 1986 Claims SF164 Chapter 434
74th Legislature, 1985 1st Special Session Health, Human Services, and Corrections SF19 Chapter 9
74th Legislature, 1985 1st Special Session Transportation SF24 Chapter 10
74th Legislature, 1985 1st Special Session Education and Higher Education SF17 Chapter 11
74th Legislature, 1985 1st Special Session Education HF3 Chapter 12
74th Legislature, 1985 1st Special Session State Government HF16 Chapter 13
74th Legislature, 1985 1st Special Session Taxes HF10 Chapter 14
74th Legislature, 1985 1st Special Session Capital Investment (Bonding) HF1 Chapter 15
74th Legislature, 1985 Pensions HF98 Chapter 259
74th Legislature, 1985 Claims HF1458 Chapter 287
73rd Legislature, 1984 K-12 Education HF1393 Chapter 463
73rd Legislature, 1984 Taxes HF2016 Chapter 502
73rd Legislature, 1984 Taxes HF1528 Chapter 514
73rd Legislature, 1984 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF2314 Chapter 597
73rd Legislature, 1984 State Government HF2317 Chapter 654
73rd Legislature, 1983 Taxes SF267 Chapter 222
73rd Legislature, 1983 K-12 Education and Higher Education HF1283 Chapter 258
73rd Legislature, 1983 Transportation, Agriculture, Commerce and State Government Semi-States SF1233 Chapter 293
73rd Legislature, 1983 State Government HF1290 Chapter 301 Line Item Veto
73rd Legislature, 1983 Welfare, Corrections and Health SF1234 Chapter 312
73rd Legislature, 1983 K-12 Education HF92 Chapter 314
73rd Legislature, 1983 Taxes HF1259 Chapter 342
73rd Legislature, 1983 Reductions HF1308 Chapter 343
73rd Legislature, 1983 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF1310 Chapter 344
72nd Legislature, 1982 3rd Special Session State Government Reductions HF4 Chapter 1
72nd Legislature, 1982 Taxes HF1872 Chapter 523
72nd Legislature, 1982 Education HF1555 Chapter 548
72nd Legislature, 1982 Claims HF1834 Chapter 620
72nd Legislature, 1982 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF2136 Chapter 639
72nd Legislature, 1982 Reductions HF2190 Chapter 641
72nd Legislature, 1981 3rd Special Session Omnibus Budget Bill HF14 Full Veto
72nd Legislature, 1981 3rd Special Session Reductions HF2 Chapter 2
72nd Legislature, 1981 1st Special Session Taxes HF1 Chapter 1
72nd Legislature, 1981 Supplemental Budget HF1132 Full Veto
72nd Legislature, 1981 Taxes HF1445 Full Veto
72nd Legislature, 1981 Claims HF1022 Chapter 243
72nd Legislature, 1981 Claims SF28 Chapter 263
72nd Legislature, 1981 Capital Investment (Bonding) - University of Minnesota Hospitals HF766 Chapter 275
72nd Legislature, 1981 Pensions HF295 Chapter 298
72nd Legislature, 1981 Housing Development Fund HF1005 Chapter 306
72nd Legislature, 1981 State Government HF1443 Chapter 356
72nd Legislature, 1981 Transportation HF1434 Chapter 357
72nd Legislature, 1981 Education HF70 Chapter 358
72nd Legislature, 1981 Higher Education HF1421 Chapter 359
72nd Legislature, 1981 Health, Public Welfare, and Corrections HF1446 Chapter 360
72nd Legislature, 1981 Capital Investment (Bonding) HF1475 Chapter 361
72nd Legislature, 1981 Capital Investment (Bonding) - Higher Education HF1474 Chapter 362
71st Legislature, 1980 Waste Management HF2023 Chapter 564
71st Legislature, 1980 Energy HF1710 Chapter 579
71st Legislature, 1980 Taxes; State and Local Government HF1121 Chapter 607 Line Item Veto
71st Legislature, 1980 K-12 Education HF1781 Chapter 609 Line Item Veto
71st Legislature, 1980 Supplemental Budget HF2476 Chapter 614 Line Item Veto
70th Legislature, 1977 Claims HF384 Chapter 223
70th Legislature, 1977 Capital Investment (Bonding) - Trunk Highway HF733 Chapter 277
70th Legislature, 1977 Semi-State Activities SF1489 Chapter 332
70th Legislature, 1977 Energy HF522 Chapter 381
70th Legislature, 1977 Capital Investment (Bonding) - Parks and Public Lands HF1300 Chapter 421
70th Legislature, 1977 Taxes HF1475 Chapter 423
70th Legislature, 1977 Education - School Aids HF550 Chapter 447
70th Legislature, 1977 Education HF1510 Chapter 449
70th Legislature, 1977 Claims HF1630 Chapter 450
70th Legislature, 1977 Capital Investment (Bonding) - State Building Program HF1631 Chapter 451
70th Legislature, 1977 Health, Welfare, and Corrections SF1416 Chapter 453
70th Legislature, 1977 Transportation HF1610 Chapter 454
70th Legislature, 1977 State Government SF1467 Chapter 455