"Be The Change" College Scholarship Competition

ONE Lexington & Galls, LLC are proud to present the “Be the Change” college scholarship competition. An opportunity for a rising Bryan Station High School senior of color, committed to attending a Kentucky college or university in pursuit of a bachelor's degree in criminal justice or related field (police studies, social justice studies, pre-law, forensic science, emergency medical care, fire protection, homeland security and more) to be awarded a $10,000 scholarship!

ONE Lexington is dedicated to reducing violence in all neighborhoods of our city. We believe that investing in our youth and providing more equitable opportunities will ultimately make our communities safer! Galls, headquartered in Lexington, is proud to serve America’s first responder professionals, each year over one million first responders trust us to provide their essential gear and supplies. Galls believes that Real Inclusion Starts with Empowerment and is Proud to partner with ONE Lexington to bring this scholarship opportunity to Bryan Station High School and believes in the potential of this program to spark continued growth between our customers and the communities they serve and live.

Scholarship will provide a maximum of $10,000 for a single academic year. Award will be based on academic merit and achievements, such as leadership, excellence in arts or sports, and/or volunteer activities benefiting the community. This is a one-time scholarship designed to offset financial barriers for students looking to further their education. 

2020 was a very challenging year for our country and our local community as we suffered a once in a lifetime global pandemic and endured the social unrest in response to racism. One of the silver linings of those challenges were the racial disparities in many of our systems being highlighted, creating an opportunity for our country to make much needed change. African Americans and other persons of color disproportionately populate the prison system while having very little representation working in the criminal justice system. The life changing opportunity will help a Bryan Station student BE THE CHANGE by making a difference from within. 

Award decision/Disbursement of Funds

Award determination will be made in April. Checks will be made payable to the school on behalf of the scholarship recipient and will be paid in late summer/early fall.


  • Applicant must be a graduating senior from Bryan Station High School with a 2.5 GPA
  • Applicant must identify as African American or Black, Hispanic, American Indian, Asian or Pacific Islander
  • Applicant must be pursuing their first bachelor’s at any accredited college or university in the state of Kentucky
  • Recipient must complete 20 hours of community service each academic year


Contact Brandy Ashford for More Information. 
[email protected]

Learn more about last year's winners.
