Remembering Susan K. Nutter

Former Vice Provost and Director of the NC State University Libraries Susan K. Nutter, who retired in 2017 after a 30-year career as one of NC State’s and the library world’s most dynamic and influential leaders, passed away on March 25, 2019.

Susan placed the Libraries at the center of NC State’s overall success. She set forth an ambitious vision and worked tirelessly to achieve it, transforming every aspect of the library along the way. Her many significant achievements ranged from building world-class research collections and spearheading the creation of the online library, to attracting and developing a uniquely talented and capable staff, to overseeing the design and realization of many beautiful and inspiring spaces for learning, collaboration, and discovery. Read more...

Susan's Obituary

Nutter was recognized internationally as a visionary in the academic library world. She was so dedicated to enabling others' success that her impact will be felt far and wide for generations. Read more...

Hill Library Color Wall relit to honor late director

Purple Tributes for Susan

The Color Wall and Conservatory in the Hill Library have been turned purple in memory of Susan. Read more...

A Look Back at Susan's Impact

Susan's contributions to the Libraries, NC State, and the library profession cannot be overstated. Here are a few news items from the recent past that illustrate her achievements and how she accomplished so much.

Susan Nutter

Memories of Susan

Around the time of her memorial service, we solicited remembrances from people whose lives and careers drew upon Susan’s inspiration. Thanks to everyone who contributed their stories. We have posted them here.

Celebrating Susan's Legacy

Here are a handful of videos that capture Susan's vision, both in her own words and in the words of her friends and colleagues.

Thirty Years of Innovative Leadership