Job seeking tips

Want a Remote Job? Here's How to Find One and Nail the Interview.

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Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too? More folks are living where they want to while getting access to the big-city economies. Maybe it's time you get your slice. 

If you're in the job market to land a remote gig, there's good news and bad news. In a first for LinkedIn, remote jobs received 50% of all applicants in February 2022—despite representing less than 20% of all jobs posted, according to a recent article on the LinkedIn Talent Blog. That means the competition is fierce, but remote jobs are likely here to stay. 

graphic: remote jobs attracted a majority of applications on LinkedIn

In this article, we’ll help you narrow your job search to remote-only jobs and provide some tips for remote job interviews to help you land that remote job. 

For even more tips on how to find and land a remote job, check out my course, Finding a Remote Job, where you will learn detailed strategies on how to find, locate, and apply for remote jobs, craft compelling cover letters, and resumes, and nail your interview.

Check out the U.S. industries with the largest share of remote jobs

If you work in one of these ten industries, you are more likely to see remote job openings, according to a recent LinkedIn News Workforce Report. Learn in-demand skills in any of these industries with LinkedIn Learning.

Top 10 industries with the largest share of remote jobs

Understand the different types of remote work 

Remote work has many different forms. Asking yourself what type of remote job you want will help you dial in your job search.   

  • Are you looking for a fully remote job that can be done from anywhere in the world?
  • Do you want a hybrid work environment where you come into the office sometimes and work remotely sometimes?
  • Do you want a remote job that also has a flexible schedule?

Once you answer these questions, you can focus your job search to find jobs that align with your lifestyle. Trends are evolving where job postings might indicate the type of remote work being offered by employers.  

Use the terms remote in your resume and cover letters

Show off your remote experience regardless if you have been in a fully remote role or not. If you have managed a team and they were not all in the same office when you managed them, you have remote management experience. If you were in customer service and you helped customers who were not in the same room as you, you have remote customer service experience. If you have ever typed an email, made a phone call, or had a zoom call, these are all skills that align with remote work experience. 

The point is, that many of you have done tasks remotely. Highlight those tasks regardless if the entire job was remote or not. They still count as remote work experience.    

In the interview: avoid talking about why you want a remote job

I'll be transparent with you. I like remote work because it offers me the lifestyle and flexibility I want in my life. I think most people would agree. Guess what? Employers are less interested in your lifestyle during the interview process. They are interested if you can do the job well. 

So when you do talk about remote work, discuss how you will be successful at managing tasks with little supervision, how you are a proactive communicator, or how you actively build relationships in a remote environment. 

If you want to know what the remote work culture feels like at an organization, you can ask a general question about what the culture is like at the company. You can also ask what the policy is on remote work. These will clue you into whether or not their values align with your expectations.  

Prepare for common interview questions recruiters ask about remote work

Recruiters hiring for remote jobs will likely want to gauge whether you will be a successful remote employee. Here are 10 interview questions you may get if you are interviewing for a remote job, based on a recent article from the LinkedIn Talent Blog

1. Have you worked remotely in the past?

2. If you have worked remotely, what were some of the challenges of remote work?

3. Where do you like to work?

4. How do you schedule your workday?

5. Have you worked with a distributed team? How did you make it work?

6. How have you used different communication tools when working remotely?

7. What's the most important thing you can do to make a project successful when you're working remotely

8. Tell me about a time when you had a conflict with a coworker. How did you handle it?

9. How do you focus on your tasks while working from home?  

Check out the original post to see more about what recruiters look for in the answers to these questions. 

Other considerations

As you search for a remote job, you will also want to consider:

  • What the average salary is for this job in your location. Jobs might pay different amounts based on the location. You can check out to see more details. 
  • Employers often use applicant tracking systems to initially vet candidates. So make sure you are including keywords from the job posting in your cover letters and resumes.
  • Type in the word “remote” or “hybrid” next to whatever jobs you are searching for. This will help you narrow your search.
  • Use the remote job filter when you look for jobs on Linkedin.

These are just a few tips to help you find your next remote job. Imy 30 minute course, Finding a Remote Job, you will learn a detailed strategy of how to find a remote job. Wishing everyone the best of luck in your remote job search!

In this article, we’ll help you narrow your job search to remote-only jobs and provide some tips for remote job interviews to help you land that remote job. 

For even more tips on how to find and land a remote job, check out my course, Finding a Remote Job, where you will learn detailed strategies on how to find, locate, and apply for remote jobs, craft compelling cover letters, and resumes, and nail your interview. 

Check out the U.S. industries with the largest share of remote jobs

If you work in one of these ten industries, you are more likely to see remote job openings, according to a recent LinkedIn News Workforce Report. Learn in-demand skills in any of these industries with LinkedIn Learning.

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