Journal of Open Source Software

Journal of Open Source Software


The Journal of Open Source Software is a developer friendly, open access journal for research software packages.

About us

What exactly do you mean by 'journal' The Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) is an academic journal (ISSN 2475-9066) with a formal peer review process that is designed to improve the quality of the software submitted. Upon acceptance into JOSS, a Crossref DOI is minted and we list your paper on the JOSS website. Don't we have enough journals already? Perhaps, and in a perfect world we'd rather papers about software weren't necessary but we recognize that for most researchers, papers and not software are the currency of academic research and that citations are required for a good career. We built this journal because we believe that after you've done the hard work of writing great software, it shouldn't take weeks and months to write a paper about your work. You said developer friendly, what do you mean? We have a simple submission workflow and extensive documentation to help you prepare your submission. If your software is already well documented then paper preparation should take no more than an hour.

Company size
2-10 employees
Science, Research, Software, Open Source, and Open Science

Employees at Journal of Open Source Software

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