Living With Strength

Living With Strength

Wellness and Fitness Services

I help women heal their bloating holistically, in order to finally achieve their dream body

About us

Welcome! I'm Lea Dombrowski, a passionate holistic health coach and nutritionist dedicated to empowering women like you to overcome issues such as bloating and acne naturally. Through a blend of nutrition, fitness, functional medicine, and lifestyle adjustments, I'm here to help you unveil the root causes of your health concerns and craft tailored plans for your wellness journey. Together, we'll build not only physical strength but also inner confidence, enabling you to live a more balanced and vibrant life.

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  • 4 Common Weight Loss Mistakes 😵👇 I’ve made every mistake in the book, and it kept me from making real progress. Here are the 4 most common pitfalls ⬇️ 1️⃣ Skipping Meals: Skipping meals, especially breakfast, can slow your metabolism and lead to overeating later. Regular, balanced meals keep your metabolism steady and hunger in check 🤯 2️⃣ Focusing Only on Exercise: While exercise is important, diet plays a bigger role in weight loss. Many underestimate their calorie intake and overestimate their calorie burn. A balanced approach with both diet and exercise works best 🍉 3️⃣ Falling for Fad Diets: Fad diets might offer quick results but are often unsustainable and can lead to nutritional imbalances. Aim for a balanced, long-term approach instead ❌ 4️⃣ Only Doing Cardio: Cardio burns calories but doesn’t build muscle like strength training does. Combining cardio with strength training exercises leads to better results and improves metabolism 💪 When wanting to lose weight it is important to get customized help and guidance instead of just trying random things and hoping they work! ➡️ If you are struggling to lose weight DM me the word STRONG to learn how I can help you see results in just 12 weeks 🔥 #weightlossmistakes #weightlosstipsforwomen #weightlosshelp

  • You might need to eat more to actually lose weight! 🤯👇 Ladies, if you’re only eating one meal a day, cutting out carbs entirely, or avoiding food altogether, you might be undereating. This can seriously impact your metabolism, disrupt your hormones, and even cause weight loss resistance! Watch out for these 4 BIG signs ⬇️ 1️⃣ Low Energy or Brain Fog: If you’re feeling sluggish, tired, or mentally foggy, it could be a sign that you’re not getting enough nutrients. Proper nutrition is key to staying energetic and sharp throughout the day 😶🌫️ 2️⃣ Digestive or Hormonal Issues: Undereating can slow down digestion, leading to bloating, constipation, irregular periods, or hair loss. When your body isn’t getting the nutrients it needs, it struggles to function properly and absorb food effectively🤰 3️⃣ Obsessive Thoughts About Food: If you find yourself constantly fixated on food or watching food content online, it might indicate that you’re not eating enough. A balanced diet should help you maintain a healthy relationship with food without obsession 🙁 4️⃣ Frequent Illness: Getting sick more often than usual could be a sign of a weakened immune system due to a lack of nutrients. Your body needs the right fuel to fend off illnesses and stay strong 🤧 If any of these symptoms resonate with you, it might be time to reassess your eating habits and make small, realistic adjustments to better support your metabolism and overall health! ➡️ For more health and weight loss tips, follow @Lea_Dombrowski 🔥 #weightlosstips #nutritiontips #weightlosshelp

  • Healthy Foods That Can Impact Your Progress 👇 Just because a food is healthy doesn’t mean it’s low in calories or ideal for weight loss! Enjoying these foods in moderation is key. Be mindful of how much you eat ⬇️ 1️⃣ Avocados: As nutritious as they are, a medium avocado (150 grams) contains about 240 calories 🥑 2️⃣ Nuts/Nut Butters: Nuts generally have around 150-200 calories per ounce (28 grams), depending on the type. Nut butters, like peanut butter, have about 90-100 calories per tablespoon (16 grams) 🥜 3️⃣ Dried Fruits: Dried fruits are calorie-dense due to their low water content. For example, a quarter cup of raisins has about 100 calories, while a quarter cup of dried apricots contains around 90 calories 🍓 4️⃣ Cooking Oils: Oils such as olive oil and vegetable oil contain about 120 calories per tablespoon 🫒 5️⃣ Cheese: While calorie content varies, a typical serving size of 1 ounce (28 grams) of cheddar cheese has around 110-120 calories 🧀 These foods are incredibly healthy but can add up quickly. For instance, pouring 1-3 tablespoons of oil on your meals can turn a low-calorie dish into a high-calorie one! ➡️ If you’re struggling to lose weight and keep it off DM me the word STRONG for custom plans to help you lose weight in just 12 weeks🔥 #weightlosstips #weightlosshacks #weightlossjourney

  • 5 Weight Loss Tips to Shed Pounds Quickly👇 As a weight loss coach, I see women making SO many mistakes. But these are the top 5 things I recommend focusing on if you want to actually make progress: ⬇️ 1️⃣ Eat 3 Meals with Snacks Daily: You don’t need to cut out carbs, eat just one meal a day, or starve yourself to lose weight. In fact, not eating enough can slow your progress because it negatively impacts your metabolism and hormones 🤯 2️⃣ Focus on Balanced Meals: It’s not just about eating 3 meals—it’s about *what* you’re eating. Prioritize a combination of fats, fiber, carbs, and protein in every meal to stabilize your blood sugar, curb cravings, and support your weight loss 😁 3️⃣ Move More Throughout the Day: To lose weight, you need to burn more calories. An easy way to do this? Move more! Walk to places, take the stairs, and add daily activities that help burn extra calories ⚡️ 4️⃣ Incorporate Strength Training: Weight lifting is key to building muscle, boosting metabolism, and speeding up weight loss. In fact, it’s one of the most effective workouts for shedding pounds 💪 5️⃣ Stay Consistent: Results won’t happen overnight, but if you put in the effort day after day, you *will* see progress. Weight loss is a journey, and making it fun and sustainable is the secret to not only losing weight but also keeping it off long-term 🤩 It’s all about making small, sustainable changes to your lifestyle—not about crazy diets or supplements. Consistency is what drives real, lasting results 🔥 ➡️ If you’re struggling to lose weight, DM me the word STRONG to see results in just 12 weeks with my custom programming 🫶 #weightlosstipsforwomen #weightlosstips #weightlossadvice

  • 1 Simple Weight Loss Habit That Actually Works 🤯👇 If I could give anyone ONE recommendation to start seeing drastic results in less than a month, it would be to focus on ⬇️ 1️⃣ A Slight Calorie Deficit: You do not—and should not—eat only 1200 calories to lose weight. Eating too little can actually harm your metabolism and hormones. Instead, aim for a slight calorie deficit of 200-500 calories per day. You can achieve this in two ways: ➡️ Eating 200-500 calories fewer per day through your meals OR ➡️ Burning 200-500 calories a day with exercise like cardio You don’t have to give up your favorite foods! The most sustainable way to lose weight is by combining reduced calorie intake with exercise 💪 For example, doing 30 minutes of light cycling on a stationary bike each day can burn approximately 200-300 calories. Pair that with eating 100-200 calories less per day, and you’ll be on the right track! The key is consistency! Stick with it for a month, and I guarantee you’ll see progress 🤗 ➡️ If you’re struggling to lose weight DM me the word STRONG to learn about my custom plans to help you drop pounds and see results in 12 weeks or less🔥 #weightlosshacks #weightlosstips #weightloss

  • 5 Foods to Avoid When Trying to Lose Belly Fat 🤔👇 There isn’t one food that will automatically make you gain belly fat, and all foods can be enjoyed in moderation! However, here are 5 foods that might be making it harder for you to lose that unwanted fat ⬇️ 1️⃣ Sugary Drinks: Soda, sweetened tea, and fruit juices are high in added sugars and can lead to increased fat storage, especially in the abdominal area 🥤 ➡️ Opt for unsweetened drinks, low-calorie fruit juices, or water. 2️⃣ Refined Carbohydrates: White bread, pastries, and cakes are quickly broken down into sugar, leading to fat accumulation 🍞 ➡️ Opt for complex carbs like potatoes, lentils, or fruit. 3️⃣ Fried Foods: Fries and fried chicken are high in unhealthy fats and calories, promoting belly fat gain 🍟 ➡️ Opt for baked or grilled options that are not deep-fried. 4️⃣ Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption is linked to increased belly fat, often called “beer belly” 🍻 ➡️ Opt for mocktails without alcohol or lower-calorie drink options. 5️⃣ Processed Foods: Chips, fast food, and crackers contain refined sugars and unhealthy fats that contribute to weight gain around the abdomen 🍪 ➡️ Opt to cook at home using healthier ingredients. Reducing your intake of these foods and focusing on whole, nutrient-dense options can help prevent belly fat and tone up your stomach 😁 ➡️ If you’re struggling to drop those pounds and lose belly fat, dm me “STRONG” to learn how I can help you see results in just 12 weeks 🔥 #fatloss #fatlosstips #fatlossjourney

  • 4 Tips for Glute and Muscle Growth 🍑👇 I didn’t see progress at the gym for months because I was doing all the wrong things! Here are 4 things I wish I knew sooner ⬇️ 1️⃣ Progressive Overload: If you keep using the same weight week after week, you will never get stronger! Continuously increasing the weights you’re using (increase by around 5lbs weekly) is crucial for muscle growth 💪 2️⃣ Training Till Failure: Training to failure or 1-2 reps shy of failure is going to help you grow way faster! You need to challenge yourself and work hard for big results 👀 3️⃣ Quality > Quantity Workouts: I went to the gym daily and was training way too much, which led to slow gains! Your muscles need rest, and doing quality workouts + giving it your all during those workouts is way more effective than going daily 😅 4️⃣ Nutrition is Key: You can work out super hard and still see zero results if your nutrition isn’t dialed in! Eating 3 well-balanced meals a day and prioritizing protein intake (aim for 1g per pound of ideal body weight daily) is key to seeing results 🤩 When I started doing the right workouts and had the right nutrition, I finally saw muscle growth! It just takes consistency 😁 ➡️ Follow me for more tips to reach your fitness goals 🔥 #gluteworkout #glutegains #glutegrowth

  • Why you can never lose that stubborn belly fat 😫👇 Stomach fat can be the last to go, but many women make these 4 common mistakes that prevent them from reaching their goals ⬇️ 1️⃣ Under Eating: A lot of women tend to eat 1-2 meals a day, avoid carbs, or skip meals to lose weight. But when you undernourish yourself, this can actually damage your hormones and metabolism, leading to weight loss resistance 🤯 2️⃣ Chronic Stress: Too much stress can cause a hormonal imbalance and lead to unwanted fat storage. This can also impact hunger cues and appetite 🧐 3️⃣ Not Strength Training: While cardio and other workouts are great, relying solely on them can limit fat loss progress. Weight lifting builds muscle, which boosts metabolism and leads to fat loss 💪 4️⃣ Unbalanced Meals: Not including a healthy balance of carbs, protein, fats, and fiber at every meal can spike blood sugar, lead to cravings, and promote weight gain. It’s important to eat 3 well-balanced meals a day when losing weight 🥗 Making small but realistic tweaks to your lifestyle can have you losing belly fat in no time! ➡️ If you’re struggling that belly DM me STRONG for custom plans to help you see results in just 12 weeks 🔥 #bellyfatloss #bellyfat #bellyfatburner

  • Why You Get Bloat and How to Fix it 🤰👇 Getting bloated is the worst! If you notice you are getting bloated daily no matter what there definitely can be a deeper imbalance going on! Here are the 4 most common ones I see ⬇️ 1️⃣ Lifestyle Issue: sometimes all you need is a lifestyle tweak to see a huge difference in your bloating. A lot of bloating can come from under eating, over eating, stress, lack of sleep, or dehydration! If you feel bloated start paying attention to your lifestyle and make small, realistic changes 🔥 ➡️ Symptoms: occasional bloating, fatigue, minor constipation, and some skin issues 2️⃣ SIBO/Leaky Gut: these common conditions cause an imbalance in the gut microbiome which can lead to uncomfortable symptoms! To figure out if you are struggling definitely seek out a professional to get support 🤩 ➡️ Symptoms: gas, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and weight loss 3️⃣ Parasites: these tiny critters live everywhere and most people do tend to have at least one parasite going on in there system! Doing a parasite cleanse with the help of a practitioner can help you clear your system and rebalance your gut 😚 ➡️ Symptoms: skin issues, teeth grinding, chills, weakness, bloating, and weight gain 4️⃣ Mold/Metals: even if you don’t see it mold and metals are apart of our day to day lives and being exposed can cause stress on the body and a gut imbalance! Get proper testing done to see if this is what you’re struggling with 😎 ➡️ Symptoms: allergies, rashes, acne, fatigue, headaches, and inflammation To stop the bloating for good you need find your ROOT cause and get tailored support so you can heal your gut 🤗 ➡️ If you wake up everyday and look 9 months pregnant from bloating and are sick and tired of feeling inflamed DM me the word “STRONG” to learn about how I can help you find your root cause and heal naturally 🫶 #bloatingremedy #bloatingtips #bloatingrelief

  • The BEST Carb Sources For Weight Loss 👇 Ladies, don’t skip carbs when trying to lose weight! They fuel your body and cutting them can harm your metabolism and hormones. Instead, choose smarter carbs. Here are some better options ⬇️ 1️⃣ Oats: super high in fiber and is a complex carb which makes it more filling 🥣 2️⃣ Sweet Potatoes: nature’s powerhouse with fiber, vitamins, and minerals 🥔 3️⃣ Quinoa: this is a complete protein with all nine essential amino acids 🍚 4️⃣ Lentils: packed with protein and fiber which are important for blood sugar 🫛 5️⃣ Chickpeas: high in protein and fiber which can help with appetite control 🤩 6️⃣ Berries: super low in calories but high in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants 🍓 7️⃣ Butternut Squash: a low-calorie, nutrient-dense vegetable with lots of fiber 🍠 8️⃣ Apples: high in fiber, especially pectin, which can promote fullness 🍎 9️⃣ Popcorn: when popped without sugar and excess oil, popcorn is a low calorie and high fiber snack 🍿 🔟 Beans: super high in fiber and protein which keeps you full and supports digestive health 🫘 When you want to lose weight, consider what you can add to your diet instead of what you can take away 😋 ➡️ If you can’t drop those pounds no matter what DM me STRONG for custom nutrition, lifestyle, and workout plans🔥 #weightloss #weightlosstips #weightlosshelp

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