PPI Global

PPI Global

Professional Training and Coaching

Las Vegas, Nevada 277 followers

Helping organizations leverage 7 natural principles of human behavior to rapidly and sustainably improve performance

About us

We help organizations leverage the 7 natural principles of human performance to rapidly and sustainably improve Safety, Reliability, Efficiency, and Productivity. Over the past two decades, we’ve worked with more than 100,000 team members and their leaders across 5 continents, helping them integrate Principle-Based Performance Improvement™ (PPI) to achieve unparalleled successes such as: - A 57.5% reduction in employee turnover - A 74% reduction in human error rate in a tri-state capital project involving 23 different contract firms - Best safety record ever in a 25-year plant operating history - 72.4% reduction in nuclear power plant outage-to-outage human error rate - 80% reduction in bargaining unit grievances - 35% increase in profits Watch our Telly Award Winning Documentary here: https://bit.ly/ppi-documentary PPI provides a full spectrum of training, certification, insights, apps, and tools for improving performance your way- whether you want to do it yourself (DIY) or have us help as your performance improvement partner. The details, including many free apps and tools, are on the PPI website: https://ppiweb.com. Tim Autrey, Founder of PPI, is the author of the bestselling book, 6-Hour Safety Culture, and the New Pinnacle in Performance Improvement- 7 Natural Principles of Human Performance. He’s been seen on CBS, NBC, ABC, and FOX networks.

Professional Training and Coaching
Company size
11-50 employees
Las Vegas, Nevada
Privately Held
human performance, human error reduction, safety culture, just culture, culture transformation, culture profile, Principle-Based Performance Improvement, Principle-Based Leadership, Principle-Based Coaching & Mentoring, Frontline Supervisor Development, frontline training and development, and sustainable performance improvement


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    The problem with conferences… Conference Season is rapidly approaching! I have presented at, attended, and invested more money going to conferences than anyone else I know. When it comes to Safety, EHS, and Human and Organizational Performance (HPI/HOP), conferences can be extra-rewarding because you get to hang out with (and learn from) people who genuinely want to make things better and safer. So, what’s the problem? Conference presenters (including me) generally plan their presentations around a topic or theme they consider timely and essential and that will attract participants. A Conference session typically lasts 45 to 55 minutes, a reasonable time to present and explain a single topic. So why is this an issue? On the one hand…it’s not. As a participant, you have the opportunity to learn from someone who is [hopefully] knowledgeable about their topic. This can be great if you’re looking for a new tool or tactic to complement your existing set or want to keep up with current thought leaders. On the other hand- conference presentations offer isolated snippets of information, like pieces out of a jigsaw puzzle. If you’re new to the field, tasked with a new implementation, or looking for a systematic approach to performance improvement, it’s really tough, if not impossible, to piece the snippets together without having the complete picture. It’s really tough to know what to actually…do. If you’re seeking a coherent, systematic, sustainable plan for improving your leadership abilities, your team performance, and/or lowering safety incidents and human error, I urge you to check out the April PPI Certification SUMMIT: https://bit.ly/3VgYxZl This is not a “conference.” The PPI SUMMIT is 4 days of roll-up-your-sleeves learning & doing, where you will understand WHAT to do, HOW to do it, and most importantly, WHY it works (why it’s ‘sticky’ and sustainable). #PPIsummit #conference #performanceimprovement #leadership #safety #HPI #HOP

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    Who’s your “Final Boss”? Here’s a clue- it has nothing to do with your org chart. You might be aware that the term “Final Boss” originated among video gamers. It refers to the last and most challenging adversary a player must defeat to complete (win) the game. I’m not a gamer. To be honest- I suck at video games. I’ve never come close to confronting the Final Boss. However, when it comes to the ‘real’ world, I have identified the Final Boss. Who is it? It’s people (at all levels in all directions, including yourself). More specifically- the natural inclinations of people, collectively referred to as…human nature. To beat the Final Boss in a video game, you either need speed and skill or… discover how to hack the programming. In the real world, no amount of speed, skill, or charisma can sustainably win the game. Winning the game involves abandoning conventional old-school methods and hacking the system. How? During our upcoming SUMMIT in April, I will teach you precisely HOW to turn the potential powder keg of human nature into your grandest opportunity. Details HERE: https://bit.ly/3VgYxZl If you can’t make it to the SUMMIT, I highly encourage you to WATCH, LISTEN TO, or READ the entire explanation here: https://bit.ly/3uZ6lnP Or, at a bare minimum, watch the quick 3.5-minute Prologue Video below.

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    Are you STILL pushing on a rope? I’ve been pounding my fist on the table about this for [way too] many years: There’s a choice you and I, and anyone with any authority or influence, MUST make- Push…or pull? Only one of these approaches works anymore, let alone generates sustainable outcomes. The first choice, the status quo- conventional ‘old-school’ thinking and doing (more rules and tools)- has become as effective as pushing on a rope. Evidence? I’ll give you two (out of many available) data points: 1. Since 2020, despite continually burgeoning regulations and fortunes spent on workplace safety, workplace illness and injury rates in the US have shown no improvements, while workplace fatalities have risen by more than 15%! 2. Despite its critical role in job choice and retention, especially among younger generations, 65% of 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer respondents believe trust levels to be “the lowest they’ve ever seen.” Lowest levels of trust…EVER. (BTW- without trust, you can build…NOTHING.) Negative trends AND a “barometer” forecasting where things are headed… 🚨It’s time for you, me, and all leaders who honestly CARE about the future to STOP the insanity! HOW? 👉Watch the video: https://bit.ly/7NP-09A The FUTURE of Performance Improvement starts NOW. #Leadership #Trust #Safety #PerformanceImprovement #FutureOfWork #PPI

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    All progress begins by telling the truth. Any leader worth their salt INSISTS on it. It’s essential for a healthy environment and functional culture. We love to see it meted out in movies and on TV; however, when it comes to how we conduct ourselves at work and home, oftentimes…not so much. In fact, despite this being an outright cornerstone of authentic leadership, it’s frequently abused, bypassed, overlooked, or dismissed. Enter dysfunction, apathy, mistrust…anger. What the heck is it? JUSTICE. Aristotle observed, "At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice, he is the worst.” Without justice, sustainable performance with any level of success is impossible. Just as this is true in society, it’s true in your organization, team…, and at home with your family. Without trust (Principle 01), you can build nothing. Without justice, you can sustain...nothing. Our world is crying out for trustworthy, trustful, just leaders. Heed the call - watch the video below. Remember: All progress begins by telling the truth. The FUTURE of Performance Improvement starts NOW. #Leadership #Justice #Trust #Truth #HumanPerformance #PPI

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    🌟 From Refrigerator Art to KPIs: The Power of Appreciation 🌟 Remember when your child brought home their first piece of “art” from preschool or kindergarten? Even though it vaguely resembled a Jackson Pollock in Crayon, how did you respond? If you’re like me, you went on and on as if it was the greatest masterpiece you’d ever seen. And then…proudly displayed it front and center on your refrigerator door. And, if your home is anything like mine, your refrigerator was soon covered. Your budding artist became insanely prolific. Why? What gets appreciated gets repeated. As Stephen Covey put it, “Next to physical survival, the greatest need of a human being is psychological survival- to be understood, to be affirmed, to be validated, to be appreciated.” At home and on the job, showing genuine appreciation (Principle 06) is your most potent mechanism for inspiring others to do right things in right ways (even when no one’s watching). It's the secret sauce to performance improvement. 🚀 For Millennials and Gen Z, it's non-negotiable. Younger team members need to feel part of something where they’re valued- where appreciation isn't taken for granted- where it’s DEMONSTRATED. And for those who’ve “been around for a while?” No matter our age, at our core, we all yearn for that gold star, that nod of approval, that simple acknowledgment that says, "I see you. You matter." Being valued and feeling appreciated is a fundamental human need. Wanna know what type of appreciation goes furthest? Watch the video below… The FUTURE of Performance improvement starts NOW. #Leadership #HumanPerformance #Appreciation #7NaturalPrinciples #PPI

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    Blame fixes nothing… Have you ever stopped to wonder what [truly] drives progress? In a continuously revolving, evolving, and challenging world, what's the fuel behind every leap forward? It’s certainly NOT the boss barking orders from behind her desk! This is especially true in today’s macro environment, where Black Swans, those unforeseen, unanticipated, unexpected events that disrupt things in huge ways, seem to be breeding at unprecedented rates. And just meeting such challenges is FAR from okay. You MUST keep moving forward! Actual Progress rises and can only be sustained when you AND your team members combine your collective genius, resolve, and commitment. This is true for many reasons. Here’s a huge one: no one of us is as smart as all of us. While this concept is generally accepted and agreed upon (I always see heads nodding in agreement when I present this idea), I continue to see many of those in ‘authority’ exceptionally adept at shutting it down, especially during stressful times when things haven’t gone as planned. What to do? Watch the video below, where you’ll discover five specific insights for promoting & sustaining forward momentum, especially during tough times. To intrigue you to watch, here’s insight #2: Blame fixes nothing- you either WIN or you LEARN. In business and in life, we never know what the world’s gonna “throw” at us. Flexibility and Adaptability are more essential now than ever before. As Alvin Toffler (author of Future Shock) warned, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. The future of Performance Improvement starts NOW. #7NaturalPrinciples #HumanPerformance #TeamWork #Progress #PPI

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    …all the unimportant bullsh*t was gone… 🚀 Ever wonder why some teams click while others clunk? It’s not luck. It's not magic. Teams and organizations ‘click’ when their members feel part of a bigger picture…that they belong to something beyond themselves. I’ll never forget how workforce members of one of our early clients talked so fondly of the most significant challenge their generating station had ever faced- a snow & ice storm with several days of sub-freezing temperatures. Victor, a Union Steward, reminisced, "I remember it well. All the unimportant bullsh*t was gone. We came together as a family to save the plant." How vital is this need to belong? Abraham Maslow, the psychologist who profoundly influenced my understanding of human motivation, wrote, "A sense of belonging is a human need, just like the need for food and shelter." Feeling like you belong is as essential as...food and shelter! When people feel they belong, they do [way] more than just ‘show up.’ They stand up. They step up. They level up. Far from fluff or kumbaya, belonging is the bedrock of high-performing teams. It turns a group of individuals into a powerful, united force functioning as One Team with One Goal having One Conversation. So, how can you amp up a sense of belonging in your organization? 👉 Watch the video below. Let’s not just create teams. Let’s create legacies. THIS is how we win. The FUTURE of Leadership, Safety, Reliability, Efficiency, and Productivity requires a sense of BELONGING. And it STARTS NOW... #Leadership #HumanPerformance #TeamBuilding #Belonging #7NaturalPrinciples #Safety #Reliability #Efficiency #Productivity #PPI

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    The Power Paradox... Plato said, “The measure of a man is what he does with power.” Have you ever pondered the source of real power? If you’ve considered it at all or have been around long enough to have climbed a rung or two of the company ladder, you should be aware that [true] power has nothing to do with your title or where your name resides on the company org chart. Any real power you have is granted to you by others based on your relationships…with them. This doesn’t mean you must be “best buds”; however, there must be trust and appropriate respect (Principles 01 and 02 of the 7 Natural Principles of Human Performance). Relative to those relationships… Whether you’re talking about colleagues, those you report to, those who report to you, or even your loved ones at home, know this: no one cares how much you know until they know how much you care (about them). Are you piecing this together? Here’s a question relative to POWER and your role as a leader or influencer: Which is more important- high levels of control or self-control? Watch the video below for the answer. Finally, here’s another truth from one of the best leaders in history, Abraham Lincoln- “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” The FUTURE of Performance Improvement starts NOW. #Leadership #Power #HumanPerformance #Trust #Respect #Selfcontrol #PPI

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    Shopping Carts and a Dead Pig… When you want results that require others to ‘play along’ (i.e., engage and align), you have two choices: you can push…or you can pull. To truly move the needle and, more importantly, to achieve sustainable outcomes, only one of ‘em works. The other is about as effective as pushing on a rope. Enter Principle 02 of the 7 Natural Principles of Human Performance. For Millennials and Gen Z, this principle is a decisive factor in accepting a job or choosing to stay. Yet, according to the 2023 Edelman Trust Survey, 65% believe its presence in organizations is at an all-time low. What is it? And…what does it have to do with shopping carts and a dead pig? Watch the video to find out… The FUTURE of Safety, Reliability, Efficiency, and Productivity starts NOW. #HumanPerformance #7NaturalPrinciples #Leadership #FutureOfWork #Safety #Reliability #Efficiency #Productivity #PPI

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    Beyond Servant Leadership… Servant Leadership is great. In fact, any leader worth their salt lives by its precepts. World craziness, however, now demands additional leveling up. And I imagine you’re thinking. “Great! Yet another thing to do!” Fortunately, this ‘leveling up’ is NOT anything new. It simply involves understanding, integrating, and leveraging a handful of principles (7 of them to be precise)- principles that’ve underpinned every sustainable victory and performance improvement throughout history. The 7 Natural Principles of Human Performance foster simplicity, accountability, and responsibility. No mystery. No complexity. No overwhelm. The first of these principles is the cornerstone for the rest. Without this one, you have nothing. Here’s a quick quiz for you: How should “trust”, “trustworthy”, and “trustful” fit into your equation for being a transformative leader? Watch the video and find out: And please help us spread the word- smash the ‘like’ button <Alex-insert the YouTube thumbs up ‘like’ icon here> after you’ve watched the video. As H.L. Mencken put it, “It is mutual trust, even more than mutual interest, that holds human associations together.” The future of performance improvement starts NOW. #Leadership #HumanPerformance #Trust #ServantLeadership #TransformationalLeadership #7NaturalPrinciples #PPI

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