About us

Samauma exists to make the right thing. And, more than offsetting emissions, reset the market outlook co-developing projects with local communities and partners, in a symbiotic and more efficient way to convert carbon credits into realities transformation. We assume our social and environmental responsibility. In addition to responding to society, we are committed to having a positive impact on the world. We not only preserve the environment, but also communities, people, and their stories.

Environmental Services
Company size
11-50 employees
Privately Held

Employees at Samauma


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    Você sabe como são gerados os créditos de carbono? Confira nosso conteúdo e saiba mais! _______________   Carbon Credits Generation   What are the carbon credits? A carbon credit represents one ton of CO2 that has been either avoided or removed from the atmosphere. By purchasing a carbon credit, the emitter has the opportunity to offset their emissions.   How are carbon credits generated? Carbon credits are generated from carbon projects, which can be classified as: reduced, removed, or avoided emissions projects. Reduced emissions projects typically involve energy efficiency measures; removed emissions projects include carbon capture and reforestation; avoided emissions projects may include activities such as refraining from deforestation of tropical forests.   How does the carbon market work? 1. Regulated Market: In the regulated market, the government sets the standards and manages the ecosystem, establishing an emissions cap for emitting entities and determining rules for compensating excess emissions.   2. Voluntary Market: In the voluntary market, emitters offset their carbon emissions without government requirements, meaning they do so “voluntarily.” Due to the lack of government control, it is important for organizations that work to strengthen governance and ensure market integrity, such as SBTi and IC-VCM, to be involved. #Samauma #CreditoDeCarbono #Sustainability #SustainableFuture 

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    No final do mês de julho, recebemos o time do UNICEF Brasil em Tarauacá/AC município que participa das ações do Selo UNICEF. O intuito da visita foi conhecer melhor a realidade das pessoas que vivem em Tarauacá para apurar indicadores sociais relacionados a infância e adolescência no Acre, em especial aqueles ligados ao acesso à água, ao saneamento e à higiene, e também à preservação do meio ambiente. Seguimos trabalhando juntos para que, em breve, possamos colher frutos dessa parceria tão importante! _______________   At the end of July, we received the UNICEF Brasil team in Tarauacá/AC, a municipality that participates in the UNICEF Seal initiatives. The purpose of the visit was to learn more about the reality of the people who live in Tarauacá to ascertain social indicators related to childhood and adolescence in Acre, especially those related to access to water, sanitation and hygiene, and also to the preservation of the environment. We continue to work together so that we can soon reap the benefits of this important partnership!   #Samauma #UNICEF #ProjetoTauari #SustainableFuture #actionforclimate

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    Entenda as diferenças entres os mercados de carbono: Regulado e Voluntário. ______________ The Differences Between Regulated and Voluntary Carbon Markets What are the carbon markets? When it comes to trading carbon credits, there are two main markets to consider: 1. Regulated Market – to ensure compliance with local regulations and laws, polluters entities may acquire carbon credits to offset their emissions. 2. Voluntary Market – voluntarily, entities can purchase carbon credits according to their priorities to offset their emissions. Regulated Market The regulated carbon market is governed by laws that set specific limits on greenhouse gas emissions. If an entity exceeds these limits, it must acquire credits to remain compliant with regulations. It's important to note that there is no universal regulated carbon market. Each state, country, or economic bloc has the freedom to establish its own guidelines and management practices. Voluntary Market The voluntary carbon market allows private actors to voluntarily offset or reduce their carbon footprint - the total greenhouse gas emissions caused by a polluter. Without a legal obligation, this market enables individuals, companies, and organizations to invest in credits to contribute to climate change mitigation. This market plays a crucial role in the carbon ecosystem as a complementary tool for large-scale mobilization. #Samauma #CreditoDeCarbono #Sustainability #SustainableFuture #MercadoDeCarbono

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    Estamos felizes em compartilhar nossa nova participação na comunidade global da IETA! ______________ We are happy to share our new participation in the global IETA community!

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    Confira nosso conteúdo sobre mercado e crédito de carbono e, entenda como a Samauma está atuando nesse cenário. ______________ Carbon Market And Carbon Credit - An Introduction What is the carbon market? In response to climate challenges and needs, the growing carbon market offers polluting entities a way to offset their emissions. This mechanism not only contributes to mitigating environmental crises but also generates new business opportunities. How did the market emerge? The Kyoto Protocol, established in 1997, and the Paris Agreement, signed in 2015, were international agreements that set global goals for reducing greenhouse gases. The original idea emerged in 1997 in Kyoto, and in 2015 the Paris Agreement was established with 195 signatory countries. However, currently, not all countries have regulated carbon credit market, as is the case with Brazil. Brazil's commitments According to a McKinsey study, Brazil's voluntary market has one of the largest potentials in the world for carbon credits, storing 15% of the natural solutions supply. Although this market is not yet regulated in Brazil, there are already voluntary projects where companies are engaged in offsetting their emissions. Additionally, a bill is under discussion that aims to create a regulates Brazilian carbon market. How does Samauma operate in this market? Currently, many solutions in the market involve the use of carbon credits. Samauma is an ecosystem for forest conservation that aims to make environmental services profitable, for example, through carbon credits. Furthermore, we seek to develop projects that, beyond carbon credits, promote sustainable development and transform realities for local communities. #Samauma #CreditoDeCarbono #Sustainability #SustainableFuture #MercadoDeCarbono

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    Confira nosso conteúdo sobre mercado e crédito de carbono e, entenda como a Samauma está atuando nesse cenário. ______________ Carbon Market And Carbon Credit - An Introduction What is the carbon market? In response to climate challenges and needs, the growing carbon market offers polluting entities a way to offset their emissions. This mechanism not only contributes to mitigating environmental crises but also generates new business opportunities. How did the market emerge? The Kyoto Protocol, established in 1997, and the Paris Agreement, signed in 2015, were international agreements that set global goals for reducing greenhouse gases. The original idea emerged in 1997 in Kyoto, and in 2015 the Paris Agreement was established with 195 signatory countries. However, currently, not all countries have regulated carbon credit market, as is the case with Brazil. Brazil's commitments According to a McKinsey study, Brazil's voluntary market has one of the largest potentials in the world for carbon credits, storing 15% of the natural solutions supply. Although this market is not yet regulated in Brazil, there are already voluntary projects where companies are engaged in offsetting their emissions. Additionally, a bill is under discussion that aims to create a regulates Brazilian carbon market. How does Samauma operate in this market? Currently, many solutions in the market involve the use of carbon credits. Samauma is an ecosystem for forest conservation that aims to make environmental services profitable, for example, through carbon credits. Furthermore, we seek to develop projects that, beyond carbon credits, promote sustainable development and transform realities for local communities. #Samauma #CreditoDeCarbono #Sustainability #SustainableFuture #MercadoDeCarbono

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    Dia Mundial de Proteção às Florestas🌳 A Samauma celebra, nesta quarta-feira 17 de julho, o Dia Mundial de Proteção às Florestas. A data promove a conscientização acerca da importância de proteger as florestas e sua biodiversidade. Em comemoração, aproveitamos para compartilhar que apenas no Projeto Tauari temos mais de 150.000 hectares de conservação da Floresta Amazônica (tamanho da cidade de São Paulo!) e que seguimos comprometidos com a preservação ambiental. Proteger as florestas oferece diversos benefícios para todo nosso ecossistema, sendo uma responsabilidade mundial. Porém, o Brasil tem o compromisso ainda maior de proteger a mais extensa floresta tropical do mundo. ______________ International Day of Forest Protection 🌳 Today, July 17th, Samauma celebrates the International Day of Forest Protection. This date promotes awareness about the importance of protecting forests and their biodiversity. In celebration, we take the opportunity to share that in the Tauari Project alone, we have over 150,000 hectares dedicated to the conservation of the Amazon Rainforest (an area the size of São Paulo city!) and we remain committed to environmental preservation. Protecting forests offers numerous benefits to our entire ecosystem and is a global responsibility. However, Brazil has an even greater commitment to protecting the world's largest tropical forest. #Sustainability #Samauma #ProtectOurEarth #sustainablefuture

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    Na semana passada, a Samauma concluiu com sucesso a construção da nova escada do Porto do Rio Tauari, como parte do Projeto Tauari – nosso projeto de conservação ambiental em Tarauacá (AC). Em resposta à solicitação da Associação dos Agricultores do Médio Tauari, essa iniciativa visa melhorar o transporte de produtos agrícolas e o acesso seguro para os moradores locais, promovendo um impacto positivo na comunidade e fortalecendo a economia regional. Utilizando somente recursos de árvores caídas, a construção representa o compromisso do Projeto Tauari com o desenvolvimento sustentável e responsabilidade socioambiental, proporcionando mudanças significativas para Vila do Rio Tauari e de acesso ao porto. _______________ Last week, Samauma successfully completed the construction of the new stair at the Rio Tauari Port, as part of the Tauari Project – our environmental conservation initiative in Tarauacá (AC). Responding to a request from the Middle Tauari Farmers Association, this initiative aims to improve the transportation of agricultural products and ensure safe access for local residents, promoting a positive impact on the community and strengthening the regional economy. Using only resources from fallen trees, the construction demonstrates the Tauari Project's commitment to sustainable development and socio-environmental responsibility, bringing significant changes to Vila do Rio Tauari and access to the port. #ProjetoTauari #SustainableFuture #actionforclimate #Samauma

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    Nascendo forte como a raiz de uma Samauma! Agradecemos ao time da FutureBrand São Paulo pela paciência na construção da nossa marca, que já é tão especial 🫶🏼

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    Com muita alegria anunciamos que ganhamos nove prêmios no The Best Brand Awards 2024! O projeto da Samauma foi premiado com o The Americas Award of Excellence, na categoria de New Logo e recebeu a prata em Identity, com o The Americas Silver. SP Invisível conquistou o ouro em Redesign, com o The Americas Gold e também ganhou ouro em Identity, com o The Americas Gold. O redesign do Lobo de Rizzo Advogados foi reconhecido com o The Americas Award of Excellence. O redesign do Lance! também levou o The Americas Award of Excellence. Nescau foi premiado com o The Americas Award of Excellence, pelo redesign. A W1 Consultoria recebeu o The Americas Runner Up, na categoria de Redesign. Por fim, Patria Investimentos foi premiado com o The Americas Award of Excellence, em Identity. Que orgulho desse time, parabéns!

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    Semana do Meio Ambiente 2024 🌳 Na Samauma, estamos comprometidos em fazer a diferença todos os dias, mas a Semana do Meio Ambiente é uma oportunidade especial para reforçar nossa missão de proteger e preservar nosso planeta! Aproveitamos para compartilhar alguns números interessantes. Só no Projeto Tauari, temos mais de 480 espécies de árvores, 900 espécies de animais e 150 espécies de insetos! Proteger o meio ambiente é um dever de todos – mas no Brasil, temos um dever ainda maior: proteger a maior floresta tropical do mundo, lar para tantas espécies diferentes e tanta biodiversidade. --- At Samauma, we are committed to making a difference every day, but Environment Week is a special opportunity to reinforce our mission to protect and preserve our planet! We would like to share some interesting numbers. Regarding Tauari Project alone, we have over 480 species of trees, 900 species of animals, and 150 species of insects! Protecting the environment is everyone's duty – but in Brazil, we have an even greater duty: to protect the largest rainforest in the world, home to a lot of different species and such vast biodiversity. #EnvironmentalWeek #Sustainability #ClimateAction #ProtectOurEarth #ActionforClimate #NetZeroWorld

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