Save Our Mangroves Now!

Save Our Mangroves Now!

Conservation Programs

Global initiative led by WWF, IUCN and Wetlands International to protect our #RootsOfHope 🌱

About us

Survival artists, nature’s kindergarten, climate savers – mangroves are versatile superheroes. 🚀 Mangroves: 🐠 are habitat and nursery for over 3000 fish species, 🌴 can store 3 to 5 times more carbon per area than tropical upland forests 🌍 and provide livelihoods for over 120 million people. But this unique ecosystem is under threat: more than a third of all mangrove forests have disappeared since the mid-20th century due to agriculture, logging and urbanization. If present deforestation rates continue, all mangroves could be lost by the end of this century. Our vision is a world in which thriving mangrove habitats exist in harmony with the communities they support.  With a focus on the Western Indian Ocean, the Save Our Mangroves Now! initiative unites governments, conservation specialists and coastal communities through a shared goal to conserve and restore mangrove habitats.  We combine our vision with a mission to facilitate policies, programmes and investments that regenerate mangrove ecosystems, tackle climate change and sustain livelihoods. 🌱

Conservation Programs
Company size
11-50 employees


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