Anthony Boquet, CLU, ChFC, CASL, CLF, FSCP, LUTCF, FIC

Anthony Boquet, CLU, ChFC, CASL, CLF, FSCP, LUTCF, FIC

Franklin, Tennessee, United States
7K followers 500+ connections


What is a Modern Solutionary?

King Solomon was supposedly the original and…

Articles by Anthony



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  • The American College of Financial Services Graphic
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    A fable set in Jerusalem, Israel 964 BC and Present day.

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    Bryn Mawr, PA

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    Franklin, TN

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    Brentwood, Tennessee, United States

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    Dayton, Ohio Area / Cincinnati, Ohio Area

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  • The American College of Financial Services Graphic

    The American College


    These courses enhanced my level of career success. As a novice producer, they gave me the confidence and knowledge needed to reach the highest levels of production. As an experienced producer and managing leader they gave me credibility and kept me on the cutting edge of industry changes.

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Licenses & Certifications

Volunteer Experience

  • Knights of Columbus Graphic

    4th Degree Knight

    Knights of Columbus

    - Present 12 years 4 months

    Human Rights

    Ambassador for the four principles of the Order; Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism

  • NAIFA Graphic

    Board Member; Industry Leadership Board


    - Present 1 year 9 months


    This Board is made up of leaders from various companies and organizations who believe in the Mission of NAIFA.

  • Executive Board Member

    We Want God Mission

    Human Rights

    Bringing the Good News of God to those most in need of His saving Grace. When many whispers come together, the message becomes a shout of one voice “We Want God! ™”.

  • District Leadership Trainer

    Gold Wing Road Rider Association

    - 3 years 1 month


    Monitored and organized Leadership training for the volunteer leadership corp. for the State of Tennessee.

  • Local Chairman

    United Way of America

    - 1 year 1 month

    Social Services


  • "A Story Meant to Change the World"

    Loyal Christian Benefit Association

    Stories can have a lasting impact on the lives of the people who read them. This article highlights one of the most powerful stories ever told.

    See publication
  • "God, Three Distinct Persons"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    The Bible tells us, "we are created in God's image", which one...there are three...wait, there's One. It can be a bit confusing. This article tries to illustrate the three persons of our loving God. Just like our three personas, our Personal, Professional, and Spiritual sides, I show there really is a difference.

    See publication
  • "The Name of God"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    Our name matters and so does God's. This article attempts to explain why God uses this name as His own.

    See publication
  • "The Story Meant to Change the World"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    Not many stories can say, "Its impact changed the entire world.", but this one can. We are each part of the bigger picture and when we are told the same positive story for centuries, we will begin to believe it.

    See publication
  • "What's Love Got To Do With It?"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    Research of seventy-two women planning to have an abortion; thirty-six did have the abortion and had no regrets, the other thirty-six changed their mind and did not have the abortion and had no regrets. The single common denominator was Love. Those who choose to have an abortion felt no love for the life growing inside them. The ones who chose not to have the abortion, sighted love for the child as the deciding factor.

    See publication
  • "A Selfless Mother"

    Loyal Christian Benefit Association

    The article examines the analogy between a Mother and a Selfless person. We explore the true nature of a loving Mother, comparing the example of Mother Mary.

    See publication
  • "Forgiveness is Not a Suggestion"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    Forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves. When we harbor ill-will toward anyone, the only one truly harmed is us. Learn about this special gift and how using it makes much more sense that not.

    See publication
  • "When Lying is Justified

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    Every leaders would agree, lying is the killer of trust yet, even the best among us has done it without retribution.
    This post examines, what could be argued, as the few exceptions to the rule.

    See publication
  • "Intentional Actions Lead to Unintentional Consequences"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    Understanding our intentions, is the start to controlling unintentional consequences. We all make mistakes, but when we go through life convincing ourselves that we have no other choice, they become intentional and our responsibility.

    See publication
  • "Out Body Doesn't Lie"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    As humans we all lie, but our body involuntarily responds when we do. It struggles because it naturally wants our mind and mouth to tell the truth. This article explains why this fact is so important to doing the right thing.
    Article 52

    See publication
  • “The Communion of Saints”

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    The phrase, Communion of Saints, was never mentioned in the Bible; instead Jesus lived it with his three apostolic leaders.

    See publication
  • "Everything Happens for a Reason"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    We make our own choices but God still has a say in the final outcomes. We should never lose sight of the bigger picture.

    See publication
  • "Take Eat and Drink"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    The history of the Eucharist and the power of God's presence, thousands of years after the first Eucharist occurred.

    See publication
  • "Can You Be a Christian and Not Believe in Satan"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    This is an analysis of a recent Pew study on Christianity.

    See publication
  • The Need To Belong

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    The human experience is different for every person and yet the same for everyone in many ways. By understanding the similarities, we are able to thrive as a society.

    See publication
  • A Father's Journey; Together Life

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    How the Law of Symbiosis plays a role in a Father's life journey. It's a has to happen.

    See publication
  • "A Mother's Selfless Love"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    Details the selfless nature of mothers and the role model played by the Virgin Mary.

    See publication
  • "Lessons Learned Through Three Painful Inflictions"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    Scourging at the Pillar, The Crowning with Thorns, and The Crucifixion; the three inflictions to the living body of Christ during His passion.
    What lessons are taught to us today?

    See publication
  • "Forgive To the Seventieth Degree"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    Forgiveness is required not a suggestion.

    See publication
  • Whom Should We Believe

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    Bombs scatters debris, and so does untrustworthy sources.

    See publication
  • "Life’s True Purpose"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    We are each born with a destiny, a role to play, in this thing we call life.

    See publication
  • The Story Behind the Christmas Tree

    Loyal Christian Benefit Association Direction Magazine

    The original meanings associated with the Christmas Tree.

    See publication
  • The Heavens Rejoice!

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    We are beginning to prepare for the Season of Christmas. Many of you may already have your Christmas tree up in your home and businesses.
    There are so many misunderstood pieces about the actual events surrounding the first Christmas, I thought I would share some I have researched.

    See publication
  • The Day Truth Ceased to Exist

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    The truth is always right and a lie is always wrong; or is it? The national decline of trust is a byproduct of society spreading lies as truth, intentionally trying to confuse the public. We, The People, must stop this madness.

    See publication
  • Words Matter; So, Do Names

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    Lesson are taught in many ways. The ones that matter most and are remembered are those taught at teachable moments. By learning from the "awakenings" of others, we do not need to learn through the suffering.
    For millennia, people sought meaning through words and our name is one such word. By exploring our family history you might be surprised by what you find.

    See publication
  • Freedom Should Be Valued By All

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    Our freedoms should never be taken for granted.

    See publication
  • Temptation Isn't the Real Problem

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    To solve a problem one cannot try to solve a symptom. We can only treat symptoms, never solve them.

    See publication
  • Opinion or Truth?

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    The truth matters, no one owns it, and we all must learn it, profess it and live by it.

    See publication
  • "Holy Marriage is Worth Dying For"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    Valentine Day is all about that one special person in your life but do you know the where, why and when it started?

    See publication
  • Fairness, The Fuel of Dreams

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    Fairness allows us to dream, and these dreams are what drives us to be our very best.

    See publication
  • "How do I Know God is Good"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    In the aftermath of Hurricane Ida, in South Louisiana, people were working together to bring their community back from the brink of disaster. This article highlights the Faith they have in God and the gratitude for his kindness.

    See publication
  • "The When, What, and Why of Christmas"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    "History speaks to who we were; while our current lives transform the history for future generations. If we forget the lessons of the past, we stand to lose the truth that made our history so meaningful."
    Remembering the reasons why Christmas truly exists.

    See publication
  • "Pretzels the Perfect Lenten Snack"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    The story behind the pretzel reveals much about how society can be affected by the Catholic Church. Sometimes in ways that might surprise you.

    See publication
  • Forgiveness Elevates Gratitude

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    Forgiveness is free to give and returns to the giver unimaginable value. We should all teach the power of forgiveness and the importance of gratitude.

    See publication
  • Unifying The Nation

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    This article speaks to the three requirements for building and maintaining a relationship. It connects this natural law to the Framers of our republic and demonstrates the deterioration of our shared values and beliefs.

    See publication
  • Risk verses Reward

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    Life's successes can only be imaged, conquered and enjoyed by our openness to facing the risks of failure. We are surrounded by unknown perils but behind them lies great joys. We have to use our education, experience and our ethical / moral values to brave these risks. The alternative is a life of captivity; a slave to our fears. Freedom is promised to each of us as citizen of these United States; don't let the price paid by your ancestors go unrewarded.

    See publication
  • Constitutions Are Not All Created Equal

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    This article highlights the reasons our Constitution has sustained our Republic for so many years. It also compares our Constitution with that of Brazil's. How the three rights set forth in the document should be upheld by all who support it.

    See publication
  • High Moral Character and Diversity

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    This article discusses the importance of high moral character and how we should never allow other traits to distract us from the values that make us who we are. We should be color blind with a laser focus on character.

    See publication
  • Three Powerful Forces A Leader Must Learn To Regulate

    American Benefit Specialist Magazine

    We all lead but we never control. To be a true leader one must understand these three powerful forces and the limit of your authority over them.

    See publication
  • To Do No Harm

    America's Benefit Specialist Magazine

    Ethics is strictly a human construct but we are living in a technical world. How will ethics / morals be viewed in an artificial intelligence age?

    See publication
  • Why the Tree of Life?

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    Trees and people are living things which share the environment is very unique ways. Their survival depends on each other and both must use bad things to reach good places.

    See publication
  • The Trinities & The Sign of the Cross

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    The explanation behind the prayer we call "The Sign of the Cross".

    See publication
  • To Do No Harm

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    The Hippocratic Oath is a vow that can guide each of us but will it apply to the new world that technology is creating.

    See publication
  • Life's Universal Truths

    Health Insurance Underwriter Magazine / National Association of Health Underwriters

    "We are each called to teach life's truths. Sometimes we fail, other times we succeed but, sadly, most of the time we don't even try."

    See publication
  • Wisdom from a Cuddly Monster

    Nashville Christian Magazine

    Our children begin to learn wise decision making skills from those they love.

    See publication
  • "What about you?"

    Nashville Christian Family Magazine

    Views on the messages shared by Pope Francis on his recent visit to the United States and the leadership qualities he demonstrated.

    See publication
  • "A Lesson in Unselfish Love; A Life Insurance Story"

    Voluntary Benefit Magazine

    A story of how a young insurance agent's life was enriched by the friendship of a remarkable young client. Through the power of love and the amazing benefits available through the financial planning tool called Life Insurance, we are shown how love can become a lasting gift to others.

    See publication
  • Making Sense of This Crazy World

    Nashville Christian Family

    This article discusses the Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriages from a Christian view point.

    See publication
  • The Story Behind the Christmas Tree

    Christian Family Publishing

    A heart felt retracing of the traditions surrounding the beloved Christmas Tree.

  • Put Your Mask on First

    Healthcare Reform Magazine

    This has become the most popular article I have written. It describes the importance of professional credentials through the analogy of the need for oxygen masks on an airplane.

    See publication
  • Can Families learn from the Lesson of Adam and Eve?

    Nashville Christian Family Publication

    An inspirational explanation of the original sin of selfishness and the solution gave by Jesus for us to love God, our neighbor and ourselves.

    See publication
  • "Do we have as much wisdom as God gave a goose"

    Nashville Christian Family Publication

  • Military Vets; The Right Stuff

    GAMA International Journal

    “Because these men and women volunteer for military service, they believe in giving back to others — which gets at the very heart of what professionals in our business do.”

  • A Career of Significance

    Military Advanced Education

    This article is a collaborative work based on the many areas of consideration that our National Heroes and their families prepare for as they decide on a civilian career. Based on these facts, we position the Financial Service industry as a appealing option for them to consider.

    See publication
  • Our National Heroes: They Deserve the Best We Can Offer

    Health Insurance Underwriter / NAHU

    Highlights the reasons why our returning veterans would be a good match for positions in the insurance and financial service industries.

    See publication
  • The Baby Boomer Advisor

    Health Insurance Underwriter

    Speaks to the need for advisors to be knowledge hungry for advanced educational material. The internet can teach the basics but to be a trusted value added advisor, the clients demand much more.

    See publication
  • "The Awakening of The Modern Solutionary, The Bloodline of Wisdom"


    Join us soon on this mystical journey and find out if you too are a Modern Solutionary!

    A modern fable, written as an inspirational guide for people wishing to make wise decisions using the wisdom of the first Solutionary, King Solomon. You will be mentored by Wise King Solomon himself as you journey through time, to the days when Solomon and his scribe Arif created the Scrolls of Wisdom; lost through the passage of time only to be found centuries later by one of Solomon's great, great,…

    Join us soon on this mystical journey and find out if you too are a Modern Solutionary!

    A modern fable, written as an inspirational guide for people wishing to make wise decisions using the wisdom of the first Solutionary, King Solomon. You will be mentored by Wise King Solomon himself as you journey through time, to the days when Solomon and his scribe Arif created the Scrolls of Wisdom; lost through the passage of time only to be found centuries later by one of Solomon's great, great, great...grandchildren. Surrounded by mystery and unexplained events, the heirs of Solomon pick up where he left off, discovering lessons which must never be lost again.

    Are you or someone you know a Modern Solutionary?

    See publication


  • Planning for Philanthropic Impact in the Context of Family Wealth



  • Know Yourself, Grow Your Wealth

    Consumer-facing financial education program aimed at diverse student and public groups

    Other creators
    See project
  • Guest on Spot on Insurance Podcast


    Anthony joins us today to discuss why he needed to read 111 books to write Bloodline of Wisdom, An Awakening of a Modern Solutionary and the lessons he wants to impart to readers. He shares how he initially didn’t like the business of insurance and the pivotal moment that changed his mind. He explains how the pandemic has affected The American College and why they were always prepared for virtual learning. Anthony also discusses how the pandemic has forced every industry to adapt and why the…

    Anthony joins us today to discuss why he needed to read 111 books to write Bloodline of Wisdom, An Awakening of a Modern Solutionary and the lessons he wants to impart to readers. He shares how he initially didn’t like the business of insurance and the pivotal moment that changed his mind. He explains how the pandemic has affected The American College and why they were always prepared for virtual learning. Anthony also discusses how the pandemic has forced every industry to adapt and why the insurance profession remains resilient.

    Other creators
    See project
  • Presentation for "The Bloodline of Wisdom, The Awakening of a Modern Solutionary"


    This is the presentation we created for marketing the book for a motion picture deal. We are still in consideration and with books two and three being published soon, more opportunities are being considered.

    See project

Honors & Awards

  • Speaker - Solving Retirement Planning Concerns with Life Insurance

    Midland National

    Many families report that their number one financial concern today is preparing for retirement. This doesn’t have to mean that life insurance takes a back seat—in today’s environment, we need to be able to discuss how life insurance fits into the plan.

    In this presentation I discuss eight retirement planning concerns that can be addressed with life insurance.

  • Ethical and Moral Wisdom

    North Carolina Association of Health Underwriters

    A three hour CE accredited interactive workshop that ties Ethics, Morals and Wise Decision making together. This is not your normal CE ethics training. The program is entertaining, engaging, and thought-provoking. The participants are introduced to the supreme mentor of wisdom, King Solomon. Challenge yourself to learn the wisdom of Solomon and enjoy doing it.

  • Speaker - Selling & Systems / Social Media; Sales and Recruiting

    Baltimore Life

    Presented two high impact / interactive presentations over a two day event to the Management team of Baltimore Life.

  • Understanding Social Security Retirement


    I had the pleasure to presenting this presentations to a group of three local chapters of the New Jersey Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors. What a great group of people.

  • Shift Shapers Interview

    Shift Shapers

    David Saltzman interviews Tony about the shifts that are taking place in the industry and how he and The American College are proactively addressing these issues. You can hear the entire interview at

  • Social Security Income Strategies Presentation

    North Carolina Association of Health Underwriters

    This presentation speaks to the various options around when to file for your retirement income. It incorporates consideration of Income Tax, spousal benefits, and outside investment strategies.

  • Speaker

    The American College, Knowledge Summit

    Honored to lead a panel discussion of experts on the topic of Healthcare and the impact of the PPACA

  • Speaker

    African American Conference

    Healthcare Reform, Update and Opportunities

  • Speaker - Aflac Triple Crown meetings


    Updates and explanation of the PPACA.

  • Speaker

    Nashville / NAIFA

    "The Heart of what we do; Settlement of Proceeds"
    An indepth explanation of how to structure beneficary designations for the greatest understanding and benefit to the client.

  • Instructor

    Chartered Leadership Fellow Capstone Course

    "Planning to Win"
    Goal setting and Goal achieving is brought to a new level during this class. It is just not enough to set a goal, you have to achieve it. This two hour program will expand your mind and your level of success.

Test Scores

  • Myers / Briggs

    Score: Top 5% in Leadership

    Myers / Briggs Leadership evaluation tool ranks the potential of the individual in their abilities to:
    Achieve maximum potential of their team
    The use of Leadership Competitencies
    The understanding of the various styles of management and how to effectively apply them


  • French



  • The Society of Financial Service Professionals


    - Present

    An Association dedicated to advocating and improving the professional knowledge of the Financial Service industry.

  • Knights of Columbus

    4th Degree Sir Knight

    - Present

  • Inter-Company Marketing Group

    Associate Member

    Where Solutionaries meet one another to solve problems for one another.

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