From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Animating a dress

Animating a dress

- [Instructor] This is a very quick sketch that I did for a previous course on how to draw cartoon characters for animation, and I thought it was a nice kind of suggestion of animation in this, of motion, of the secondary action of the dress. She's kind of one of those 1920s style flapper outfits maybe. So I wanted to take this at some point and just animate it and see what it would look like. So let's see what turned out. So I took that original two-thumbnail sketch and expanded it just very slightly. So I gave myself a start position, then the number seven, that was the original drawing, number 13, the kind of overshoot, and number 21, settle. So this is a very fast action. I wanted to keep my drawing count down. And I didn't do an anticipation or a body overshoot. I just wanted to focus on the dress and keep things simple, 'cause you can get pretty crazy (laughs) with a lot of keyframes. So it lets us focuses on just…
