From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Follow through

Follow through

- [Instructor] Let's find another way to loosen things up, and this time we're going to use some overlapping action and follow through, which is basically a glorified way of saying we're going to drag some parts of the body or move parts of the body at different speeds to get to the same place we're already going but get there at different times. It's much more natural. You're going to be amazed by how subtle some of these effects can be but also how powerful. So we have our chap here. We want him to get into a nice end pose, something a little more interesting than this. Hand on hip, that's a jaunty little angle, head's tilting a bit. But it's a very boring way of getting him there. He's just moving from one key into the next key. There is a very slight lift on the foot in between the two. But there's really nothing fundamentally exciting about this but we can break it up and make it much more high quality. So let's see how. The first thing to do is to drag one of the parts. Now the…
