From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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From rough drawings to cleanup

From rough drawings to cleanup

- [Instructor] So depending on what software you use to animate, or even if you're animating traditionally, there might be some people out there still drawing on paper. There's a fairly clean way of creating a final drawing. And of course, everyone has their own different approach, but this is one fairly idealized way of approaching a final drawing. So we have like a rough drawing on the left side, which is very loose, coming down extremely quickly. Blocks in the basic pose, the forms, the volumes, and then when the animation is approved in this form, then we proceed to the tie down where we begin to really go in much closer. But it's still not all the way there. And then the final pass would be the clean up. And that would be to allow the Xerox machine or the inker to hand draw or to Xerox a photocopy that artwork onto the transparent cell, which will be painted. That was the process in the traditional era. And of course, even before that rough version, you could even do a gesture…
