From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Moving Hold

Moving Hold

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at a moving hold. So this is a scene, first, that doesn't have one. And in this scene, we have our figure coming to a full stop. And everything, arms, head, body, legs all stop on the same frame, so there's no moving hold here. It all feels very mechanical, boink, right into there, like a machine. So this was my original thumbnail for this scene, where we, you know, obviously, it's a much longer scene. All I've done is focused on these few frames here as he's moving into the stop, very common thing to have to do. And again, we're zooming in a bit. So the scene that you just saw, I think is about these last three or four images. So let's overlay my thumbnails. So I was going to do a scene, something like this. So we begin in a contact pose. We work into the second contact pose half a second later. And then our final pose, again, half a second later because we're on 24 frames a second here. And that's it. So how do we get 'em into this position? So we…
