From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Opposing action: Basic

Opposing action: Basic

- [Instructor] I want to introduce you to the idea of opposing action. Opposing action is a very simple principle to understand. If one part of the body moves in one direction, another part of the body will oppose that by moving in another direction. Here you can see an example. The head in this yellowy-orange color moves down, and the arms in green move up, and then vice versa. As we move back into the starting position, the arms move down and the head moves up. This is an example of an animation I did in a previous course, and it deals with the animation of a rubber hose style character from the 1920s. And even back then they understood this basic principle. Now, of course, we're not limited to up-down opposing actions. We can also oppose in different directions. So here we see a very simple graphical stick man. And throughout the scene, as he moves in one direction, there's often some little part of him, even if it's only an elbow on the other side, that moves in a different…
