From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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- [Narrator] Let's look at a really, really simple action and how we can improve that action or plus that action, as some people like to say. So in this example we have a little dough-boy who is going to pick up a ball on the table. So he reaches and he grabs it, and that's the mission accomplished. We're not going to pick it up. We're really focusing here on the act of reaching. It could be a door handle, it could be any object. So it's definitely doing it, but obviously I think we can improve it somewhat, so let's see how. So in the second version we do a simple anticipation. We pull the arm back before we reach the ball. This is pretty obvious. I mean, any time we do anything in animation, we're told and drilled again and again, always anticipate the action, don't just do it, unless there's a specific reason to not have an anticipation, it's always a good idea to have an anticipation. It just telegraphs to the audience, "Hey, watch, we're going to pick up this object." So here's a…
