From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Realistic construction

Realistic construction

- [Instructor] This movie will cover some basic principles of construction and proportion. And once again, these are some images that I've created for a previous course on how to draw cartoon characters for animation, but they're very useful as slides, so I'm going to include them here. And as you can see, this is a naturalistic skeleton, and in four different positions, so you can see that we tend to measure the body in head heights, so we take the length-- it's not written in stone, it's a general rule of thumb that's fairly useful. So the body is usually about eight heads tall. The midpoint being the lower part of the groin is around at the halfway point of one, two, three, four heads. One, two, three, four heads here. The knee is roughly at the two head mark, and so forth, so you can see the elbows are about the three head mark. Do not go getting out a ruler, this is the kind of thing that you really need to eyeball on your drawing because you can be rotating the body in the…
