From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Texture Basic

Texture Basic

- [Narrator] So now we'll talk about texture and texture is the principle of moving an object through the screen in a way that has texture to it. It slows in, it slows out. It doesn't move all the time at the same speed. Different parts of the body will have different ease ins and ease outs. They all have their own properties. So in this case, I've made a very cute little robot who flies in, but there's no texture here. The entire thing if you look at this in charts or in all the in betweens, they're perfectly evenly spaced. So now in the bottom half of the screen, we have the same animation, but I've added some ease ins and ease outs so you may or may not be able to notice it. This is one of the things that falls under the heading of subtle, but it is important. So we're zipping in very fast, slowing into the stand position and then that little dip he does at the end right there, also has a nice little slow in. So here he is side by side. So what I've done is I picked the antenna on…
