From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Zipping off screen

Zipping off screen

- [Instructor] In the previous movie, I showed you how to use the classic wipe technique to cheat from one dramatic pose into another dramatic pose without having to conventionally animate them. So, there's another great application of this technique, which allows you to move characters off the stage as quickly as possible, you know, exit stage left or exit stage right, or to move them around. This method saved my life many years ago on a CD-ROM game that I directed back in the 1990s. We were able to save a huge number of drawings by simply zooming the characters from pose to pose with these wipes. And it saved the audience and the game players a great deal of boredom. So, let's have a look at this technique. Boom. So, he's going from one pose to the other and I've reused the smoke swirl to just add that venerable 1940s, '50s style to it. So let's take a look at how this is done. So, we have our classic boring, zero pose, nothing interesting happening. And, it's very important if…
