From the course: Adobe Captivate 2019: Advanced Techniques

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Click-to-replace interaction

Click-to-replace interaction

- [Instructor] Now let's create a click to replace interaction. Without clicking any of the buttons on the screen, related information shows up in the content area. For that, let's close the preview and switch to slide four. On this slide, we have seven buttons related to different yoga poses. On the right side of the screen, we have a common content area where we will be displaying the information related to each of these buttons. This common area has been named as Yoga Poses. Select the Yoga Poses object. We will need to add different states to this content area and then we will trigger a state change action on click of the button so that the deleted information is displayed in this area. To add states to this object, go to the properties inspector and click state view. In the object states panel to the left, click new state. Name the new state as pose one, and click okay. You will see a duplicate of the normal state added as the new state. Now, go to the properties inspector and…
