From the course: Adobe Captivate 2019: Advanced Techniques

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Drag and drop: Categorize

Drag and drop: Categorize

- [Instructor] You can also use a drag and drop interaction, for categorizing objects, that you allow more than one objects to be linked to the drop targets. Let's create a many-to-one interaction for categorizing objects. Let's close this preview, and go to slide seven. On this slide, there are images of people sitting, standing, and running in different postures. We will be treating the different postures as draggables, and the green and red section on the right as drop targets for categorizing the good and bad postures. To create the drag and drop interaction, let's go to toolbar, and click Interactions. And then select Drag and Drop. In the drag and drop interaction wizard, select the first good posture, and than press and hold the shift key and select the rest of the good postures. Then, click the plus sign next to Add To Type. Rename this as good, and click okay. Now click anywhere in the scrap area to deselect the objects. Then, select the first bad posture, press and hold the…
