From the course: Adobe Captivate 2019: Advanced Techniques

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Drag and drop: Match

Drag and drop: Match

- [Instructor] Now let's create a drag and drop interaction. Drag and drop interactions provide an interesting and engaging way of assessing your user's knowledge. This interaction lets users answer questions by dragging and dropping objects in the designated areas or objects. In this video, let's learn how to create a matching type drag and drop interaction. For that, let's close this Preview panel and switch to slide six. On this slide, there are four images of balls and the names of the games for which they are used. We will convert the names to draggables and images as drop targets. To create the interaction, you need to go to the toolbar, click Interactions, and select Drag and Drop. In the first step of the creation of drag and drop interaction, you need to select the draggables. In this case, the names of these games are the draggables. To select them, simply click these names, and those will be selected as the draggables for this interaction. Now, click the Next button on the…
