From the course: Adobe Captivate 2019: Advanced Techniques

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Guided and exploratory options

Guided and exploratory options

- [Instructor] Now let's talk about the guided and exploratory options available for VR projects in Captivate. You will find these options in the slide properties and by default, exploratory option is selected. And in exploratory VR slide, learners experience the content that know guidance about which hotspot should be clicked. Their free to choose which hotspots they click, and in what order they click them while exploring the 360 space. Let's preview the project to better understand the exploratory option. For that, go to the toolbar, click Preview, and select Project. Click the play icon in the browser window, and in this slide, click the hotspots in any order you like. - [Woman] Wash all fresh fruit and vegetables with cold water. - [Instructor] Just save the exit hotspot for the end. As that will take you to the next slide. - [Woman] Turn pot handles away from the front of the stove. - [Instructor] After previewing the project, close the browser and go back to the Captivate…
