From the course: Adobe Captivate 2019: Advanced Techniques

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Setting the tab order

Setting the tab order

- [Instructor] When your learners are using screen readers to access your course, they can use the tab key to navigate through the interactive objects. If you have multiple interactive objects on your slide, you will need to check the tab order for these objects and place the interactive objects in the desired order. Let's take a look at that workflow. For that, select slide five first. Then click the button next to the slide name and select Tab Order. This will open the Tab Order dialog for you. Here, you will see the exact tabbing order for the buttons on the slide. You can change the order by selecting the object and then using the move down or move up arrow to move these objects in the correct position. This will help you set the tab order for your interactive objects. Click OK to confirm the changes. Apart from these changes, if you have slide audio or video in your course, don't forget to add closed captions to give the best course experience to your learners. We learn how to do…
