From the course: Adobe Captivate 2019: Advanced Techniques

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Toggle button

Toggle button

- [Instructor] In this chapter, we will concentrate on building some custom interactions. Let's begin with learning how to create a toggle button to mute and unmute the slide audio. I have Complex Interactions Start.cptx project open. You can open it from the Exercise Files folder, Chapter 04 folder. On slide one, I have added a shape button and filled it with an on button image. I have also added an off state for this button. To test the functionality, I have added slide audio to this slide. Now let's convert this button into a toggle button to mute and unmute the audio. If you don't need to change the state of the button to an off state, you can select the button and then go to the Properties inspector. Then, under the Actions tab, open the On Success dropdown, scroll down, and select the Toggle action. Then from the Variable dropdown, select cpCmndMute. And like other interactions, we will keep the Continue Playing the Project option checked here. Now let's preview this project…
