From the course: Advanced Cisco Routing: OSPF

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ABR vs. ASBR routers

ABR vs. ASBR routers

- [Instructor] From our example, you may notice that there are routers which seat between two areas, such as routers RA01 and RA02. These are what we refer to as Area Border Routers or ABRs. Typically these routers would have more processing power than the internal routers since they will have the routing table for multiple areas. Think of it as routers, which would have two different maps instead of just one. It is also possible to connect an ospf network to other networks that are running on other routing protocols, such as Rip or EIGRP perhaps. For those cases we'll have a router with one port connected to an ospf network. While another port is connected to another autonomous system. In our example, that is the RA2E router. Such routers are what we refer to as Autonomous System Boundary Router, all routing information about destination ip addresses that are not learned from ospf are then advertised by the ASBR.…
