From the course: Advanced Content Marketing

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Evaluating content marketing impact

Evaluating content marketing impact

From the course: Advanced Content Marketing

Evaluating content marketing impact

- Businesses measure what matters. If you want your content marketing to matter to your employer or client, you need to measure its impact. Regularly evaluate how your content marketing makes a difference. To help you start, I'll share the four S's of assessing advanced content marketing. The first S is subscribers. Are your customer subscriber lists growing? A rising number of subscribers is a strong indicator that customers like your content and return to it regularly. This list becomes an audience you can always reach no matter what happens to algorithms on search engines and social media sites. The second is sentiment. Are your customer's perceptions of your company positive or negative? Positive sentiment is a strong indicator that your content is boosting your brand reputation and customer satisfaction. Tools like Hootsuite and Brandwatch measure sentiment on social media and other channels. Tools such as…
