From the course: Advanced Facebook Advertising

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Attribution, incrementality, and marketing mix modeling

Attribution, incrementality, and marketing mix modeling - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Facebook Advertising

Attribution, incrementality, and marketing mix modeling

- [Instructor] What's driving performance? This is the question that every marketer has to learn how to answer. While you can get pretty far just relying on what Facebook is reporting, to achieve an advanced level requires some healthy skepticism. You need to be armed with the knowledge of how to check if what Facebook is telling you is true. Now, attribution is a big topic, so we're only going to have time to touch lightly on the main concepts. Treat this as an entry point into your own further research. So why might Facebook be wrong? Well, for example, if a user sees an ad on Facebook, then latest searches for your brand name on Google before buying, which channel deserves the credit? Actually both will claim it. If you can't measure and assign credit, then you can't calculate or optimize ROI. First, let's learn about multi-touch attribution, which is the default for most digital ads. Last click attribution is where…
