From the course: Advanced iOS App Development: Core Motion

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Set up the project

Set up the project

- [Narrator] With some basic concepts behind you, you're ready to work with Core Motion. Our strategy for learning Core Motion is to start with a high level API and work down to the lower levels closer to the sensors. I'll start with a very useful class in core motion, the pedometer. From fitness apps to games, the pedometer counts steps and calculates related data, such as pace and distance. It uses elements from both Core Motion and Core Location, which you never have to touch Core Location to use those elements. I'll create a simple pedometer that will measure your steps, distance and pace. Go to Xcode. Create a new Xcode project. Select IOS, single view application. Hit next. Make the name Core Motion Pedometer. Select the correct team, organization name, and organization identifier. For the language, use Swift. For the devices, use an iPhone. Make sure that Core Data and the Unit Tests and the UI Tests are selected off. Hit next. And save it somewhere. When the application loads,…
