From the course: Advanced Microservices: Tactical Forking

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How to adopt tactical forking

How to adopt tactical forking

- [Instructor] Okay, so by now you know what tactical forking is and when it becomes a viable option for you. The next question is, how do you practically adopt this approach? And the first step is to evaluate what you would need to copy your clone: so that another team has a copy of the software architecture that they can independently grow and own. So what do they need? Do they need a copy of the backend API and backend database only or do they need a copy of the entire frontend application the backend API, and the database? In your average scenario, you will only need to clone the backend API and its database as they contain all the data and functionality, i.e., all the business logic and the main things we want to grow and enhance. And usually the frontend application is only a thin layer and therefore, in this example we will only focus on the backend API and the database. And before we physically clone anything,…
